Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

I’m new to this page but not the game. I’m excitedly and eagerly awaiting the new and ending update. I have a couple if questions I’d love to have answered about Esse and some other things if I may. Esse is my fave and i just want to know all I can about her.

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Before you ask away, perhaps consider checking out the Holiday Special game. Since that happens to be a questionary that attempts to answer many questions, it’s likely some questions you have may have been answered there.

I have watched the entirety of all there is to watch so far. I’ve enjoyed pretty much every minute of it too. I even got a friend of mine hooked on it. Her favorite character is Pro though. I just want to make sure i know as much as I can about Esse before I go about writing out some lil ficlets that I’ve been in the process of figuring out.

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Welcome to the forum @HaleyYanis16! (and @PsychicClown, welcome also!)

Truth be told? Esse is one of my favourites too. A sympathetic villain-cum-antihero, one that is able to still exude both power and also a burgeoning sense of empathy, is difficult to pull off at the best of times but Nerds has managed to pull it off here, handily. The depth and humanising that Esse has undergone, showcased at its peak in the Bad Borken segment, is what made her so compelling for me, and I gather for yourself too.

Whatever questions you have about Esse et al, ask away! Even if you don’t get a direct response from Nerds about it, it’ll give us something fun to mull over and discuss at least.


Ok here we go then:

  1. What do you feel Esse’s voice would sound like if their was voice acting?
  2. I was told by Clinko that Esse’s life memory with the Villa and all was her second Human life of sorts it got me to wondering what her other ones were like before Emmie and now Pris of course. Sorry if im spoiling anything!
  3. I feel that Esse is Bi Sexual but definitely nods her head to toward being lesbian. Clinko told me that Esse and Pris were a power couple and I love that idea so much.
  4. I can’t be the only one that would love and adore to see Esse in her full demon form kick some majot tail. And with how well Esse and Emmie work together I can see them fighting together in an awesome way.
  5. They mentioned a man that Esse may have liked in the Christmas ask special. I have to wonder what he was lile for Esse to take a liking to him.
  6. I know Esse expressed she didn’t want to have children and all but I feel with the right person that she would have been a good mother.
  7. How does the Demon Hierarchy work? We know its power but there is more. I was thinking on thr colors of their skin. Hygee is purple skinned and alot weaker then Esse and Esse had Red skin in her demon form. There is probably more too it but just thinking that may have been one.
  8. What was life like for her before she was able to get into the human realm?
  9. I love that Esse has a whole town and Cult devoted to her. I’d love to see that place look nicer at some point.
  10. Can you imagine how different things would be if Esse latched onto Ellie instead of Emmie?

If I think of more I ask more. Sorry for the flood lol.


Whoa there. Save it for the possible post game Q&A.

@Nerds just because I am curious about the possibility of such a thing.


Will there be a kind of post-game? So we’re able to do the rest of the side content if we missed anything?

I’m going to guess not, as a lot of the side quests are dependent on Emmie and Esse being together. Nerds would have to go back and rewrite practically every scene for that to be possible which I don’t really see happening. The mountain was called the point of no return for a reason!

I don’t know if Nerds has his own headcanon but to me she’ll always be Grey DeLisle.

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I went and refreshed memory on who she voiced and with Azula’s voice from The Last Airbender i can kinda see it.

Indeed, our first references to Esse was as the “Evil Tummy Voice” - emphasis on the “evil” - so she would need to sound suitably malevolent.

Also some thoughts on Esse and her reluctance on becoming a mother as shown in the Holiday Q&A. On the face of it, it seems at odds with her ascribed ambitions to see her human subjects grow and prosper under her rule so that there is a steady increase in global hunger. Growing her own family would just be an extension of that increase in hunger, surely? I think her reticence comes down to the demon she actually is - the Great Demon of Hunger.

Being a demon that only desires to consume, her natural inclination is to take. Even lending out some of her power to Emmie came at a high cost with Emmie wracked with crippling hunger to consume calories. In all cases Esse sees to take. This whole being runs anathema to what it means for being a mother - to nurture, to give. It took an entire human’s life for Esse to only start learning about empathy and learning to not just take and consume, but these are fundamental, innate tenets of her being. Could she put that aside and learn to give and nurture another under her care, unilaterally?

Maybe her stint with Emmie has taught her that such a notion could be possible, but a small part of me thinks that it could simply be impossible for a demon, specifically one like Esse, to willingly relinquish her energy in such a way. Such a way of life is incompatible with her very being - and part of me think that she herself knows this.

Your thoughts?


I think she’d be voiced by Jack Black


That would be awesome lol :laughing: :rofl: :joy: ( He’s legit my favorite actor. )

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If you heard of Witch and the Hundred Knight the main character Metalia’s voice I in my opinion feel works great for Esse.

does anyone have a recent save I can download my saves got wiped

I know it’s definitely headcannon but i’ve always read Esse with Dr. Girlfriends voice. Relatedly I also read EL as The Monarch.

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And this is her true form!


I think she definitely has traits that can make a good parent, she’s very knowledgeable about almost everything so she’ll have enough knowledge to know how to physically look after a child and help them grow into an intelligent person. She’s already been in charge of what was the entire world at one point and while not exactly the same I would still say it could count as a type of parental role. Long before Emmie even existed she was already providing a large share of food towards her four handmaidens so giving a small portion to a child shouldn’t be too much of a problem. The last thing she’d need is some motherly love and considering she’s already loved someone at one point it is definitely not out of the range of possibility for her to feel some caring love for this hypothetical child.

Another thing to consider is that Esse wouldn’t be alone in this endeavour as there would be the father to help out, assuming they don’t decide to walk out on her. Honestly the only major issue I can think of is the pregnancy, since having nutrients stolen from her by the infant in her womb would probably piss her off at times.


uh, I don’t want to imagine unborn-baby-stuffing plz

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Appreciate you taking the time to respond!

We can both agree that it’s not a question of whether she can handle the pressures of parenthood. She is highly capable as a ruler and in managing her empire, but what is the purpose in every institution she has a hand in? From the empire down to her handmaidens - they all exist to serve her.

A child is different.

Now Esse can no doubt clinically assess the needs of a child, what it needs to grow and survive. An younger, more imperial Esse could possibly treat her progeny as no different to her human cattle - scions to be dumped off to surrogate wet nurses and caregivers to fill in what she fails to provide. Only existing to serve her as an extension of her will…

… So what’s different now? I suspect it’s the same human quality of empathy that she has learned on her journey with Emmie that has changed her. Thoughts of genuine motherhood, and plying those newly-found traits of empathy, love and compassion, still run counter to her core being. Something that may well be immutable. These new thoughts conflict with her old ways and she knows it’s a struggle that she might not be able to overturn. Given her sharp insight, she might have concluded that it is simply better to forgo and sacrifice this prospect of motherhood altogether, rather than punish her offspring by being incapable of loving them.

Essentially capturing my point. It’s one thing knowing what a child is capable of and putting it into practise. It’s easy to fall into the trap of humanising Esse but, as a demon, she does not (and perhaps simply cannot) perceive things the same way as we do.

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