Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

Re: the Ultra VIP event. If you save at the club entrance before going down the stairs, you can save some time if you get one of the three other events since it doesn’t set the event until you use the stairs so you can simply reload back to that point.

At only a 25% chance to see the new event, it took me a few tries too.

Good to know how it works! Thx. That should save some time. So now there’s a total of 4 events(provided you use the vore code)(Meaning all I’ve yet to see is one, THE VORE ONE! Hehehehehe). I’m excited to see what it is, but I’ve already started the main story thinking I’ve found Chuck in all the places currently(The initial town, then the ski place, then the capital), I assume he’ll show up in a later place I haven’t gotten to yet. He kept asking about the code, which I wonder if us having gotten the VIP ticket(thus knowing the code), will change something.

Playing through the new plot stuff. Stellar work so far, Nerds! Your characterization of Esse is impeccable!

I’m loving it as well! Just got past the crossroads.

I’m enjoying the update so far, but I have one MAYOR complaint.

When you get separated by the soul sucker spirit, you are forced to lose the equipment you had on Emmie. And after you get Emmie’s soul back, if you have said equipment on her will be lost for good!

The game has no warning towards this, and it forced me to backtrack quite a bit to avoid this!

Thanks for the tip, found one online, and was super easy! One thing to note is that the first battle needs to normally playout for the heal ability to be acquired. Are there any other battle-specific abilities?

DEMON EXPLOSION! Fucking Metal! That has to be one of my favorite moments!


I don’t know what happened to you, I still have everything equipped on Emmie.

I think I realized the problem. You were not supposed to remove the items from Emmie in the first place. Silly me, made things more complicated for me.

All caught up(I believe)! Nice! VERY nice!

Okay, I have finished the update in its entirety [or at least as far as I’m aware], and I have to say, you really have done well.

  • The characters were as always really fun and enjoyable to watch. And I love the character development tied to them. Seeing Pro and Esse come to an understanding of each other during this arc was really enjoyable to see. I also like the new additions to the list of memorable cast members. Chuck was a joy to watch He makes me think of Tyrian from RWBY with how he acted.

  • The new location certainly was a pleasant change of pace, I love the variety of each area so far and I’m looking forward to more. I also liked the darker tone of this arc, and it made the stakes higher.

  • It’s a joy seeing our favorite gluttons eat and expand their limits. And I love the inclusion of the minigames during the new feeding scenes, certainly was a pleasant treat.

  • I have to say, I loved the non-canon vore scenes you implemented. Even if you said these are separate, I can see this could easily fit into the plot and fits in character. Also that Ghost girl was a pleasant antagonist, and I like how you implemented vore elements into the main story without having it outstay its welcome. I loved the segment where she eats Clara in the middle of the battle~

  • I know many have said this a lot at this point, but it bears repeating. The writing and humor of this game are top-notch. I often found myself laughing out loud because of these funny moments, the banter between the characters alone makes me giggle or just laugh some more.

  • I still have my one gripe with the whole losing the equipment thing. Probably an isolated incident on my part, I’ll admit. But the fact that you can lose your equipment if you have some equipped on Esse after she got separated from Emmie and then claim her soul back, it’s a bit of a flaw in my book. Hopefully, no one else has to go through what I did, but the fact that I got no warning prior to this made me feel icky when it happened.

Anyways, I have come to adore this game. And I hope to see more come out of this. Have a good day everyone.

So I’m only a bit into it so far, loving it, but I have to comment on some of the new music!

I’ve loved your music choices throughout, but this time twice I’ve been blown away. Over the Garden Wall! Diablo!!! Two pieces of media that are super important to me. I swear sometimes it feels like you’re making this game only for me, lol. They were used so incredibly well too, you have a great ear for fitting music to a mood you want to convey. Can’t wait to finish playing through the new content.

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I found a bug,when Taggart get into the library to get the map of ghost,then go to the forest,they will pass through the crossroad,if you go down,it will trigger the scene of detsu trade with the ghost second time.Please fix it.

Thank you, I have fixed this. Surprised you are the first to mention it to me, but it is a good thing to block off so people don’t get screwed there.

I honestly didn’t expect anybody to unequip Emmie or to equip Esse with anything. She was designed to not need any gear and I will remove her ability to have things added. Sorry that you ran into it that.

You need to lose to Emmie possessed in Nordenhaven, outside of that, I don’t think there are any battle requirements? Yeah, I know how you feel though about the battles. It is a big pain for me, and I don’t like making them, but many people do like the battles and they break up all the constant cutscenes I force people to watch.


A couple of typos no one should lose sleep over, but a couple of egregious ones that stood out to me:

“renegading” should be “reneging” (comes up in one of the exchanges between Essie and Pro)

The repeated use of “sunday” instead of “sundae” the ice cream dessert.

Thank you, I’ve gone out and fixed those for the next release.

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Woohoo, new update hype! I’d like to congratulate @Nerds and @clinko_clinko on the big anniversary, and I’m looking forward to seeing the new sprites by @thuasluhuall . Thank you for that general outline of what’s left for future updates, it’s very much appreciated.

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I am at a area I have to go through forest camp part, what do I do here?

Check inside, you’ll find what you need.

I did 2 demon ones fight first?