Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

Yup, now check around the place, you may find something to interact with.

I just did it now. I guess to make something burn

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Mhmm, bingo. Go for it. Burn!

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Love the new update and the mini games that were added. Seriously nice job!! I am excited to see what the next update brings in the next couple of months.


And I want to see the scene of esseā€™s belly get huge after she ate all of mushroom for protecting clara and Taggart,please let princess draw this scene,please.:grinning:

And I have another question,when can those three come back to esseā€™s summer house ruins?Maybe there is something important.

I could see that being epilogue material. ETV dedicates herself to restoring her summer home so she can find some solace in this human-led world.

I donā€™t blame her for wanting to relive her glory days. Without a grand goal for global supremacy, sheā€™s essentially a fish out of water in this new world.


Maybe gonna has one side quest about that place,and unlock a cg of emmieā€™s big belly.

I got the vore event finallyā€¦ā€œCake Voreā€(Where someone hides in a cake and gets eaten WITH the cake), GOD I love that scenario! Top fucking notch!


If you didnā€™t note it down when Chuck was mentioning it, you should find a reference to it in one of the curios found in the bazaar at Azh-Rabot.

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By FAR the best update yet dude! Great atmosphere and it was awesome to see that side of Esse. Plus Claraā€™s eating scene at the start of the update was brilliant, and itā€™s clear a lot of time and care went into it.


Man you hit this part out of the park, now Iā€™m wondering if Chuck and Charlotte are family? Another thing being will Lilarcor look different when itā€™s complete or not?

Given the similar characteristics and that Chuck refers to Charlotte as his older sister, I would suspect that they are blood-related. Perhaps they are twins?

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Now then will we find out in a flashback why Pro doesnā€™t like pink haired people or will stay a mystery, like was it a romantic rivalry, something traumatic in his past or just a gut feeling? Now imagining EL to have pink hair and thatā€™s the reason why.

Shit I watched the skiing IASIP episode like 2 hours before getting to the gameā€™s version lol

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Yes they are siblings! She is his older sister. Seems to be a some what intense rivalry?

He just doesnā€™t like them. I mean, he looks like a guy that doesnā€™t like pink hair!

There are rumors going around of a very rare wine being stored in the wine cellar in the palace. Sources say the mafia in the Capital are interested in acquiring itā€¦ in two months in the next update.


If this game need more sound effects, I have an archive of them here.


This game is amazing. Iā€™m going to petition to add Emmie to Super Smash Bros.

  1. Where to get vip ticket?
  2. I donā€™t see any clubs in nordenhaven or a cultistā€¦

Itā€™s the general inn. You have to put Emmie in front of the formation for him to give you the prompt