Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

there are a couple sidequests you have to complete in Nordenhaven before you get access to the vip ticket, or the cultist showing up. A Mafia-centric quest and a Goblin Brewery quest.

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Here are some questions I have concerning the last few updates:

Will the spa be updated with more interactions? Will the side quests open up new areas to explore/re-open previous areas in the story like the school? Will there be any new characters added to the party? Can we have more quests for Clara and Heidi? Anymore non-canon mini games/quests considered for the future? Will there be dragons, werewolves, other monsters added? More weapons and things that go boom and swish?

Spa is probably done for now.
New sidequests are coming with new areas.
Probably not going to add any new characters and change the dynamic in a significant way.
Yes new sidequests are coming with new areas.
As it comes up and if I have a good idea, Iā€™ll add them. But non canon vore is less important than the content that everyone will want to view.
Probably not? But Monsters are easy to pull in for references and allows me to change up the same soldier and thief enemies I overuse!
Lilacor will get his gem eventually. Maybe some new weapons for the girls too.


Is it this quest and the goblin mixer quest(Canā€™t find the research lab)? Iā€™ve went back to the boss multiple times and he just says thanks for the good news and more stuff in the next update.

This gameā€¦ when I found it 4 or 5 days agoā€¦ totally took me in. It was the only thing I could think about for this entire week. Everything about this game is speaking to me on so many levels. I honestly have trouble putting into words how much I appreciate this project. For the first time ever, I feel some level of validity in having such a goofy fetish that has been a huge chunk of my life.

I love this game. Can I please help do something for its production? I can write some leitmotifs for some of the characters or themes. I can help program some of the events. Anything lol

I can not tell you how much it would mean to me to help create something as awesome as this.


Hey, thanks for being a big fan! I do appreciate it, as people saying nice things about me is pretty much why Iā€™m still making this thing! I know you are interested in helping, but right now I think I have my production team all set. If I start having other people program events and do the musicā€¦ that means I wouldnā€™t even be working on the game myself!

I know you just found the game and sounds like you caught up, so I will have to ask you to wait a couple months until I can make the next update. Itā€™s a tough task, but we will get there together!


Okay, I thought I would at least offer. Thanks for the response and good luck with the development!

I have a question,what is the shiny thing in a barn in the dock district of Capital,and do I have the way to get it now?

Hey,I find another bug,when those three beat those tentacles,weā€™ll talk to the captain,and after the conversation captain wonā€™t move,please fix it.

Even without the fetish content, I honestly think this is one of the best RPGmaker games Iā€™ve played. I like the fact that I actually had a use for almost every move in the game at some point or other (probably one of the first times I have used Guard in a game like this)

I hope you continue to make the game you want to make, I have enjoyed it so far.

If you are open to suggestions, I think it would be funny to have a ritual that goes wrong and swaps their bodies around. Maybe have Pro deal with two voices in his head (ETV and Lilarcor) as Emmie or Clara have to bake something for Heidi as Pro or Emmie interrogating someone as Clara. The cursed image below came out of these musings.



Something fresh out of a nightmare sequence. Whose nightmare thoughā€¦? :3

That just opened up a floodgate of what-if scenarios. Ones that would put characters in the otherā€™s shoes. Outside of the blursed imagery, this sounds like an interesting idea. Although it would have to be made possible through a sort of trap.

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That is a very fun idea! Thank you for suggesting it and I am glad you have liked the game so far.


Clara? . . I think thereā€™s something wrong with Emmie. . .


Can someone explain to me what Claraā€™s energy drink does? Because I forgot and the in battle description of it doesnā€™t give me a clear idea either. Thanks

Increases an allyā€™s Crit rate and evasion rate significantly. Also reminds the player that doom was a good game.


I canā€™t even remember how we even acquired the ā€˜energy drinkā€™ ability, haha. She didnā€™t always have it, did she?

I was also wondering if you guys have formed up until this point a preferred ability or combo of abilities that prove to be really effective in battles. For example, I always use Pro 's taunt /insult with everclear so he can have massive defense stats that protect the whole squad from damage

When I have everything available to me, I generally start by having Pro Everclear himself before Taunting, but I have him Everclear the other two as well first if the enemy has a lot of AOE attacks or prioritizes Emmie, which is rare. Emmie and Clara then get Sugar Rushed as fast as possible, and then I try to have Emmie alternate between boosting the other twoā€™s energy and healing for the rest of the fight, eating/digesting/sugar rushing as necessary. Pro alternates between inflicting debuffs if available and helping the other two digest. He can deal supplementary damage if the opportunity arises, and thatā€™s all he could do before he got several of his more recent skills.

Clara is the lynchpin. I try to keep energy as high as possible so she can get into a loop of Focusing and Headshotting, which does so much damage it frankly trivializes any amount Pro and Emmie can do. Itā€™s because of this that Iā€™ve really enjoyed the recent chapters where enemies have had gimmicks and allies have been crippled in various ways. When sheā€™s low on energy, spamming accuse is a good way to both build it back up and provide some relief by debuffing enemies as necessary.


Echoing @StygianSkies here, but thank god for Claraā€™s Sugar Rush! When fighting without Emmie, Claraā€™s been super busy with first aid, accusing, focusing and headshots (partly why I hadnā€™t really tried out her energy drink - too many priority actions to take!)

Pro on the other hand, feels like the opposite to Clara, as once his Tauntā€™s up heā€™s normally scratching around trying to find ways to be useful especially when low on power as he often is (Iā€™m finding it harder to throw an Inner Strength on him like the early days as Emmie has her hands full with hitpoint management and power accumulation). Belly Rub and Low Kick are nice, but Iā€™m hoping once Lilacor is whole again Pro should get a well-deserved boost.