Souls like dating sim idea

ok so im just writing this so i can yap about this game idea i had, im not currently working on this and probably won’t be for a long time, atm it’s just a brain baby i’ve decided to share
so souls likes and dating sims are very different types of games but i think i have come up with an interesting way to combine them by making the bosses you fight be the girls you can date
at the end of every boss fight you get the option to spare or slay them

if you slay them you may get an item or two and or a bunch of xp

but if you spare them you only get a portion of the xp, but now you can get them as a companion to help you fight, and they will have there own side quests (aka dates) where you can build your relationship with them and get the items you missed out on by not killing them, and maybe a few extra items
for example let’s make the erdtree sentinel from elden ring a cute anime girl (i don’t have any specific bosses planned yet this is just an example) you beat her in a fight and slay her, you get her halberd, a bunch of xp and that’s it
but if you spare her you get half the xp and you begin her first side quest, like get her a golden seed or something
you bring it to her and as a reward she give you a copy of her halberd and you can bring her along with you as a companion, then she tasks you with fighting a minor erdtree avatar with her and for that she gives you a talismen, and so on and so forth until you reach her final quest and your reward for it is a set of sentinel armor and a passionate kiss
and every boss would have quests like this
early side bosses would probably only have 1 or 2 quests for you before reaching the end while story and more difficult bosses could have like 5 or 6 quests before reaching there end

and this is all just a rough summary for this game idea and i’d love to hear what ideas you would want to see in this game so far nothing is set in stone and this is just the very very very beginning of the concept


i def think thats a fun idea ig date souls would be a sorta decent title maybe make the girls and or boys characters from other soul games or you can just make anthro enemies from the games ik ring is the newest but would still be fun to see other soul game girls or boys anyway good concept here would like to see it expanded more

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yeah i want the bosses to sort of be on a spectrum between just humans to anthros
like getting to fight a big buff werewolf then there also be a more humanoid wolf girl
and another boss that’s just some guy with a big F you hammer XD
as for the name i definitely want something more original
date souls will make a good project/place holder name though

Makes me think of Culinary Combat too bad the full concept was cancelled. But the idea of boss fight waifus that you then can romance is interesting. And it could be done in different genres.

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