Spacethumper (1.4 MB)
It is done! Enjoy the Pilot’s adventures in increasingly difficult mobility with the added benefit of having things look slightly better.

If you want to use these spritesheets as a base to upload your own texture packs, PLEASE credit me and link back to this post. I left a watermark on all the end screens (it isn’t visible ingame since the information panel covers it up), you can modify it to add your name but don’t remove mine. Thank you!

Changes (spoilers ahead!):
-Added shading to ALL player sprites, 5en sprites, and end screens
-Tweaked 5en’s face to be pixel-perfect in all dialog and end screens, and added scanlines to 5en’s screen to mirror the dialog sprites
-Added colorful Pokemon Mystery Dungeon-inspired backgrounds to all dialog sprites
-Pilot now wears her gloves while on the planet, instead of just on the end screens

-Added panting idle animations for stages 4 and up
-Changed facial expressions while running on stages 6 and up
-Added sweat drops while running at stages 7 and up, and while idling at stages 8 and up
-Pilot now visibly breaks the ground at stage 13
-5en is now slightly more helpful in the S.O.S. ending


1- Type %localappdata% into the search bar on your computer
2- Locate the “Spacethumper” folder (there should be some .ini files inside)
3- Copy the contents of the “HD Shading Pack” folder into the “Spacethumper” folder
4- Launch the game, and the new sprites should appear!