Starbound Big Fatties: Character and stories sharing

So for the VR weight gain thing, I was inspired by this video where a guy recreated his room in virtual reality. So with that idea and a little bit of ideas from Ready Player One, I created this…

A miserable post-apocalyptic world where hardly anything survives. Ira, like most folks, is not a fan of the constant scorching heat and dust storms. So like many others he turns to Virtual Reality along with Haptic Feedback Suits so that he can live out the life how they want, who they want, and where they want.

Besides just recreating his room in VR, Ira also uses the Haptic Feedback Suits to give himself the sensation of eating and gaining weight, something nearly impossible in the real world due to the scarcity of food. This is not some “gain in the game, gain in real life” situation, but rather as a way to escape the mundane and scorched world for a more customizable and homely environment.

The full story is still a work in progress (trying to think of a weight gain minigame, if I just want it to be Ira snacking in his VR room and his avatar gaining weight, or something else) but I though this would perhaps inspire someone else to write some VR related stories. Ideas or suggestions for this story would be nice.