Starbound Big Fatties: Character and stories sharing

Hey all. Its been a hot minute since I’ve even been on here, but life’s been pretty crazy these past months!

No story here, but I’ve just been wanting to get into Starbound. Don’t know if this really counts as story-sharing, but I kinda wanna share the play styles I use for each of my characters.

There’s a certain list of rules I use for each character file to make the game more fun, and gets me more into the zone when playing the character. Its kind of like how there’s Nuzlockes in Pokemon- if you wanna try these out or make up your own, I say go for it.

Agnes Play Style: Vehicle and Concoctions-only Run

Weapons Allowed: Throwable concoctions, any vehicle
Explanation: The idea is that Agnes is a scientist who relies on technology and whatever chemicals she’s made. She’s got no battle experience otherwise. She’d rather jump in a mech than throw hands.

Futoi’s Play Style: Fist-only Run

Weapons Allowed: Invisible Fist, Invisible Sword, Rocket Punch Tech
Explanation: These mods make it look as if Futoi is only using her bare fists/palms. She’s a sumo wrestler, so her battle style is very fighting-game based, I think. Since she fights up-close, she has to tank a lot of damage using the fat she’s gained, but the only trade off is the limited reach that comes with that.


Varni’s Play Style: Jump Tech-less, Mech-less Matter Manipulator-less Run

Weapons Allowed: Burning trail when running (mod), everything else
Explanation: Varni’s run is a raw survival game with little use of technology. Since she’s not a member of The Protectorate, she doesn’t have a Matter Manipulator. I still have to use the MM for certain things, but I can only use the mining tools to break blocks.

She must also use the grappling hook/rope to scale planets, and must use the same to get down safely. Varni’s exclusive skills are a constant Glow effect status and a blazing dash which does a lot of damage, and keeps foes far away.

Siegeflower’s Play Style: Pacifist, No Healing Item Run

Weapons Allowed: None
Explanation: Siegeflower’s play style works like an RPG; her crew members each have a certain skill, and fight in her stead as her bodyguards. As the tanky healer, Siegeflower can only heal herself and her allies. She does this with the help of two tech mods, which halves her defense, and depletes her energy in use, respectively.

In addition, she can’t inflict any damage, so no weapons. Even her mech arms are just a couple of shields. She’s by far the hardest to play, I think.

Her crewmembers are composed of:
The Long Range Attacker- Bow only. Drops food- kind of like rewards for defeating an enemy.
The Heavy Hitter- Hammer only. Very slow, but has immense payback.
The Thief- Dagger only. Quick, consecutive blows. Relatively weak, but stuns the foe to emulate status ailments.
The Knight- Double-handed sword only. Balanced attacker. Also, every RPG has a knight!
The Holy Knight: Single Sword only. Medic-type crew member. Mixed healer and attacker.

Ludmina: Pet-only, Tech-less Run

Weapons Allowed: Pets only
Explanation: An Apex scientist who sends her lab rejects out to fight for her. The only pets she can use are the randomly generated ones that have a suspicious resemblance to Florans and Hylotl.

Also, she can only get around using a jetpack which slowly depletes energy, and she can’t use weapons. Its more like Pokemon in this regard.

If you plan to try something like this out, have fun!
Granted, some of these play styles are only capable through specific mods, but I hope this inspires new ways to play Starbound. Or something.