Great job with this! I’m definitely interested to see where this goes next!
This is more of a one-and-done story, I don’t think I’ll make another one anytime soon and even if I did I have no clue what it would be about. Sorry to disappoint, but I don’t want people hoping for a part two that will never arrive nor do I want to make a story only meant to appease people’s desire for a sequel even if it’s a trashy and souless remake of a story. I could possibly do on of Khaan struggling to readjust back into the city life leading to her returning to + bonding with the monster, but I don’t know what I want to do and again, I don’t want to get people hoping for something that’ll probably never happen.
PS: Thanks for the compliment!
I just wanted to say that your stories are wonderful, it’s always a joy to get to read new stories, weather they’re directly weight gain related or more world based, so all I can say thank you!
Well well well guess who’s back at it again? I figured it needed a part two even if I initially meant for it to be a one and done, things change you know. However I wanted to make sure that this was a logical sequel to the first, continuing the narrative without deviating too much from the main story. I wanted to again focus on the wholesome and characterization aspects of it rather than blind indulgence. This time I wanted to have more dialogue than before along with taking more time to write it over a longer period of time along with more thought being put into it. I wrote the first one over the course of around 5 stressed hours non-stop, whereas with this one it was drawn out over several days in between the actual writing, plotting, idea creation, etc. Also, there’s a bit of fat play, inflation, and clothing bursting in this one if you’re into that sort of stuff. I hope this extra time spent shows in the writing and as usual, I hope you enjoy it!
Khaan’s weary eyes dragged open to the light not from the gentle glow of the creature’s bioluminescent flesh, but of the shimmering sunlight leaking through the opened windows. Incoherent thoughts and ideas started to blend with one another as her consciousness started to fully wake up. She clasped her forehead before peering around the decorated room in confusion. The wide arrangement of plushies, the expertly woven rug, the well-maintained sewing machine, there was no doubt in her mind that this was her bedroom.
She whispered to herself “Was it all a dream?”
She peered down at the fluffy apple-red blanket to notice them resting far higher on what felt like a somewhat heavier body. Perplexed by this, she tossed the sheets aside to reveal her pudgy body. Though it was a far cry from the mountainous body she had before, the amount of squishy fat on her body was still far more than what she had yesterday. Despite the soft fat collecting only mildly in other areas, her belly was substantially larger than before. She gently poked the bulbous mass expecting it to be inflated outwards by some fluid or gas. Instead of being stopped by a tense layer of skin, it sank into the mushy blubber, sinking deeper and deeper until her entire finger was enveloped in the squishy flesh.
She tossed the fluffy blankets off of herself and heaved her chubby body out of the velvety bed. Using the wooden headrest, he pushed against the sturdy bed frame until she found herself able to stand upright.
She stood awestruck, continuing to poke her doughy belly repeatedly. With both her hands she clasped her flabby abdomen and hoisted it uptight before releasing her firm grip, letting her distended belly bounce up and down numerous times. Her plump cheeks warmed up as she pressed her hand into her mushy abdomen, her entire hand being almost entirely engulfed in tepid lard.
“It’s,” Khaan could barely form a sentence in her state of enjoyment “it’s wonderful.”
An unknown but fruity voice spoke from behind her “Sorry about that, the fat reduction spells I had only worked so well, and I struggled not to pass out from how hard I was exerting myself.”
Khaan, briefly startled by the unknown voice, lept in panic, causing her bulging belly to jiggle once more. She turned to see the unknown person, their body covered head to toe in mismatched clothing. They wore an antique-looking plague doctor mask and wide brim hat though its materials and relatively good shape indicated that it had been made not too long ago. A sealskin pilot jacket and loose latex shirt covered their chest while a pair of snug sweatpants concealed their legs. On their back they covered a massive scroll that seemed big enough to hold a dictionary’s worth of curses and spells.
Khaan wiggled her blubbery gut yet again “I think it’s wonderful.”
“O-oh, glad to, hear it?” The stranger turned away from and rubbed the back of their obscured head in an embarrassed manner.
“What’s wrong?” Khaan tilted her head in confusion “Is it a bad thing?”
“No no it’s just that, well I’m just, erm, h-how do I put it? Unacclimatized to people being sart…sah…satisfied, yeah that’s the word! Uh, satisfied about the residual fat.”
Khaan’s eyes widened in curiosity “People? As in I’m not the first person you’ve used this fat reduction spell on?”
“Well the thing is that, I, got hir…no not like that,” The stranger tapped their chin as they tried to regain their train of thought “The-the creature that fattened you up. So it and I managed to get to an…agreement? Ok ok, long story short me and this thing wanted people who were feeling down, sad, that sorta stuff, into feeling better.”
“By turning them into a moribly obese mass of lard? I can understand why some people would enjoy it, there’s a feeder/feedie couple two floors above me that would kill for something like that, but not many people enjoy being that fat. Not to mention the whole ‘getting dragged into the abyss by some tentacle monster’ is probably enough to make anyone terrified of getting next to a watering hole ever again.” Khaan plopped herself back down on the cushiony bed, her legs starting to ache from standing upright and supporting so much extra weight.
The stranger repeatedly pointed to themself “E-exactly, which is where I, arrive, no come in. See once all that ‘being a fat teddy bear’ and ‘helping comfort some gigantic monster to sleep’ stuff is out of the way, it, well, dum, s-summons me to slim them back down and bring them back to their dwelling like nothing ever happened. Gar-gra, granted, there we go, granted the whole slimming part of it isn’t always, well perfect, and there tends to be a fair bit of residual fat left over. T-that and the whole experience tend to leave most people so weirded out that they don’t really know how to respond to or describe it all. For, erm, most people they just think it’s their brain telling them to get fit, others ad…a…adore, sorry my mind is still a bit scattered, adore the experience, and a fat, no, few people just shrug it off as some grotesque dream spawned by obscure desires.”
“Not the best plan,” Khaan nudged her hefty bell and mildly grinned “but I guess it kinda helps either way right? I mean you either make a person live a healthier lifestyle that’ll probably make them feel better or help someone discover who they are.”
“I…I never really, put it, like, h-hang on for a sec.” The stranger chanted a quick spell before a dense cloud of soot black smoke obscured him from Khaan’s sight. The opaque cloud lingered in place for a few seconds before dissipating into nothingness.
“That was odd.” She gazed down at her portly belly before peering at her pile of unorganized clothing strewn about the cold concrete floor. She grabbed a wrinkled navy-blue hoodie off the floor before sliding it down her plump body. For the most part the shirt fit fine, besides the fairly snug sleeves and the tighter fit around the neck it was fine, except for the swollen abdomen that was too big for even an XL shirt to completely cover. She grasped the bottom of her shirt and yanked it down, the stretched fabric hardly covering any of her rounded belly.
She let out an exhausted sigh before pulling it off and tossing it aside “Guess that won’t work.”
Her eye then noticed her pair of comfy sweatpants that she wore yesterday hung up to dry from one of the carved shelves. “But,” she tugged the pants off the shelf before stretching the waist section to about how wide her chubby thighs were “what about this?”
She daintily set the rumpled sweatpants on the floor before lining her swollen legs up with the seemingly puny openings. She inhaled deeply reading herself for the grueling task ahead of her. With all her strength she heaved the pants upright expecting there to be a serious resistance to her efforts, but instead they gilded right up to her waist with no issue. She froze for a second then stared at the snug pants in disbelief. They should not reasonably fit her, let alone as comfortably as before, yet they slid on as if they were the perfect size. It could not be the pants alone, there had to be something else. Sure enough there was a faint violet glow being emitted from the pants, a surefire sign something was enchanting them.
“That, took a whole, lot more effort, than I was expecting.” The stranger’s voice returned though breathless and exhausted.
Khaan turned around to see the masked stranger gasping for air along their massive scroll unwound across the floor. “What kind of spell was that?”
“It was, a.” He held his index finger upright and took several more gasps of air “it was a permanent, size magnification spell. Comes in handy for, you know, making things, well larger.”
She peered back down at her snug sweatpants “Well it worked marvelously.”
“Y-yeah, of course.The big struggle was, eh, eye-balling it, and trying to figure out just the right size it needed to be.” The stranger rolled the lengthy scroll back up prior to sliding it back onto his special backpack.
“Huh.” She bent down and pulled the discarded hoodie off the floor “Could you do it for this one two?”
The stranger shook their head “Sorry, between the slimming and teleportation spells I hardly have enough strength to size that up to your, admirable abdomen. D-did I just make an unintentional rhyme? Whatever.”
Khaan tossed the hoodie onto her plump shoulder “Speaking of teleportation, where did you need to go in such a hurry?”
“Oh that? That was uh, ah c’mon remember…” The stranger tapped their forehead “Oh right! The creature was calling me, said it wanted me to invite you over to my house.”
Khaan leaned back in “Your house? But doesn’t it dwell at the bottom of that watering hole? Or is your house also down there as well?”
“No it’s not, though it’s right next to the watering hole.” The stranger collected themself before reciting the teleportation spell, slightly longer than the one he used before.
“How is it right next to it, there was no hou…” Before she could finish what she was saying an opaque black cloud surrounded her and her pudgy body started to tingle. A wave of numbness surged up her legs moving further up her body until she could not feel anything. As her vision started to black out, she started to hyperventilate. Part of her wanted to scream in panic, but her numb body refused to cooperate. Finally everything went blank, no light, no sound, no feeling, nothing, just a soot black void.
Her chubby body started to tingle again and her vision slowly returned to what it once was. She noticed her surroundings had changed, she was no longer in her plushie-filled bedroom but rather inside some concrete structure. Several radiant fluorescent lights illuminated the space as no sunlight could flow through the absent windows. She peered around the odd room, noticing a grand cauldron in one of the corners with a generic office table place nearby. One side of the table seemed to have drinks of all different sorts ranging from glowing potions to old chalices and even a violet colored soda can. On the other side there were plenty of different foods though the most moticable of these was a mammoth cake that seemed almost as big as her belly. She turned behind her to see an enormous wooden table with a much shorter scroll that seemed half-filled with spell readings. She walked up to the carved desk and leaned over the top to see the writing, only to find it was in some archaic language she had never heard of before. Defeated, she stepped away from the table before continuing to peer around the room.
“Why is he not here?” Mere moments after she uttered those words, a soot black cloud formed in the center of the room. The opaque gas swirled around in a tight vortex before vanishing to reveal the stranger.
“Apologies, I had to, teleport you first so I could, lock the apartment door,” He struggled to breath once again though “I-I also apologize for, not introducing myself earlier, my name’s Aiko” He outstretched his scrawny arm towards her.
She grasped his hand and gently shook it “Khaan. But if I might ask, what is this place?”
Aiko struggled to catch their breath “It’s, an old, biological, research bunker.”
“Test bunker?” She peered around to again notice no windows or signs of the building being above ground.
Aiko nodded and paused to catch his breath for a few moments “One of the beauties of spells is that you can do just about whatever you’d like, such as spawning a near limitless amount of food to satisfy a gigantic monster’s hunger, perhaps making the entrance to your dwelling seem like just another part of nature, or maybe disinfecting an old biological testing bunker. They’re almost impossible to learn unless you’ve had prior exposure, but they work wonders.”
“So I presume the whole ‘food to feed a terrifying monster’ thing is the reason why it did not try to eat me and made that extremely fattening syrup-like liquid?” She peered down at her bulbous belly causing memories of her fattening experience to flood her mind.
“Exactly, if anything I’m probably feeding it too much.” Aiko stared at Khaan’s fat abdomen with a faint look of allure in their body “Not that either of us are complaining, it likes the extra food and the fat syrup stuff, and I like seeing other people happy.”
“A little unrelated, but do you have something to drink? I’m thir…” Khaan noticed that Aiko had vanished, likely off doing something else with the watering hole monster. Her thirst nagged at her dried throat begging for Khaan to drink something, anything, to satisfy her body’s needs. She turned to the table next to the grand cauldron, here focus directed towards the assorted drinks.
She examined the selection of brews “Arlight, definitely don’t want to go for any of the bottles or chalices since those are definitely enchanted. Uh the water in that cup looks off so hard pass.”
“Wait a minute.” She snatched up the violet soda can before popping the lid on the aluminum covering. She held her eye next to the opening while trying to keep herself under the light, the only noticeable difference being the excessive fizziness of the drink.
“Guess that’ll do.” She lifted the can up to her eye level before gently pressing it against her lip. As the bubbling liquid flowed down her dried throat, she paused her thoughts to better appreciate the wonderful sensation. She let out a refreshed sigh as she gulped down the last of the fizzy drink. Satisfied, she set the can beside the fluffy reclining chair and plopped herself down on the soft cushions. She wiggled her enlarged belly around before pressing her ear against it to hear the sound of the soda sloshing around inside her expanded stomach. This was the first time she’d heard the sound of something sloshing around inside of her. She smiled and leaned back into the chair so she could take a quick nap.
Without warning her stomach began to violently gurgle and churn with the fluid inside hrt bubbling far more than normal. Her eyes shot open and she flung herself into a half-standing/half-sitting posture. She yoinked the empty soda can off the concrete floor, spinning it around to see if there were any labels or notes as to what it was doing to her. On the back of the lustrous can there was a soggy note with a note written on it “Bloat, Gain, and Loss. Enchantments applied; extreme fizziness booster, full body gas distribution, delayed gas to fat conversion spell, exhalation preventer, boosted metabolism”
Regret surged into her voice “Oh no.”
Her body started to ballon outwards at a painstaking pace, every part of starting to swell from the excess gas. She wanted to scream, but whenever she’d try to exhale the gas would simply refuse to exit. She began to panic as every terrified breath caused her body to expand ever so slightly more on top of the gradual inflation of the extraordinary fizzy soda. Her comfy sweatpants started to grow tighter as time passed while her belly gradually inflated outward. She noticed her normally modest breasts drastically swollen in size as well, though something felt off about the whole inflation. She should be getting lighter with all this gas inside of her, yet she found it more burdensome to move around than before. Perplexed, she pressed her bloated hand into her belly, the skin squishing for a little before stopping at her strained stomach.
I didn’t think the weight gain would kick in this fast
She threw herself back onto the armchair as her enlarged body continued to swell outward, her panicked mind somehow figuring that standing up would be more burdensome and cause her to breath far more that sitting, causing her body to balloon even more and causing the cycle to repeat again. She watched helplessly as her swollen belly started to press against the floor. Her tumid legs started to ache as her sweatpants became suffocatingly tight against her flabby skin. The pressure mounted as her body bulged out even further. She felt the tense pants tearing at the seams while the mushy fat compressed even more. To the sound of an intense ‘rrrrip’, her beloved sweatpants split apart and the build up of crammed lard spilled out over the insulated armrests. Eventually the inflation ceased and the weight gain along with it, but that did little to cheer her up. She stared solemnly at the plentiful blubber that had piled up on her body and saw only failure; failure of her patience, failure not to mess with anything she did not know about, failure to double check, failure to respond in a better way. She started to weep and whimper at her mistakes to the point where she could not hear the fortified airlock opening up.
“Alright Khaan I’m back, I just had to talk to the creature again. Did you mess with an…” Aiko froze in place as they noticed a blubbery Khaan sitting on the reclining chair, her ample fat spilling over the padded armrests.
Khaan spoke as tears flowed down her portly cheeks “I’m sorry Aiko, I was so thirsty and I thought that the soda would be the only unenchanted thing you had.”
Aiko wiped the tears off her portly cheeks before delicately patting them “Shhhh, you’re fine. It’s my fault for not telling you that. I should have told you what everything did before I took off.”
He pressed his hand into her mushy abdomen, letting out a relieved sigh and closing his eyes in content. Khaan blushed as Aiko started to gently massage her distended belly, rubbing up and down the blubbery mass. His entranced eyes drifted up to her puffy bosom, his tiny fox tail wagging at a rapid pace.
“Your body will burn all this fat by morning, in the meantime,” He let out a satisfied sigh as he pressed his head into the cleavage between the doughy breasts “just, enjoy it.”
She looked down at Aiko whose head was now almost complete lodged between her corpulent breasts “This feels a little bit like with the giant monster, just nowhere near as fat.”
“It does, doesn’t it? Fattened beyond reasonable judgment, comforted by someone else, helping it, fall, asleep…” Aiko’s slender body gave out, causing it to settle onto her rotund belly. She heard a distinct snoring sound coming from Aiko along with the only motion in his body being the gentle rise and fall of his chest. She tapped the tip of the carefully constructed bird mask that delicately laid on her meaty shoulder, a slight giggle coming from her being humored by the miniscule deed. Her focus then shifted to the rest of Aiko that was resting on her paunch belly. She daintily put her hand on his back before petting him as if he were a sleeping cat or dog. Time began to pass with minutes soon becoming hours and Khaan growing exceedingly more tired. As her mind drifted nearer into unconsciousness, she placed her pudgy arms around his neck and gave him a delicate hug prior to her thoughts fading into nothingness.
I know this seems odd to say after just making one, but don’t expect another sequel for a while. I’m trying to keep my schedule open and I would rather this not be how I spend my entire day. Don’t get me wrong it’s fun here and there, I just don’t want to overindulge in all of this or obsess about it to a point where I cannot think of anything else. Apologies if you were expecting a sequel 2-4 days after I make this (would probably be closer to 2-4 weeks unfortunately), but I don’t want to get too bogged down by all of this and I feel like I need to take a break to clear my mind. I have a life outside this site and I don’t want to spend nearly every hour of my days working on or thinking about this story. I hope you understand and I hope you enjoy reading these, especially with the multiple additional aspects like the inflation and fat play. I wanted to experiment with stuff that was not just weight gain and I think it turned out great along with the dialogue as well. Hope this keeps all of you satisfied until the next part, and yes I have decided this will be an ongoing series rather than the one-and-done I intended it to be. With all that being said, take care!
Any feedback on the story would be nice so that I know what works, what doesn’t, what you want to see more of, stuff like that. As much as I appreciate the likes, it just feels a bit distant as I don’t know why you liked my post. I tend to struggle with grasping vague concept so more solid or defined examples like “Your description of [thing] was good because [reason(s)]” ,“I really enjoyed Khaan and Aiko’s dialogue at [section] due to [reason(s)]” , "I think your use of [word or sentence structure] could be improved by doing [thing(s)] , stuff like that to improve my writing. Thanks to anyone who submits in advance!
I am not used to writing feedback, but I will try and provide. One thing I do love about your stories is the backgrounds, seeing the tentacle hiding in the water was a great touch, and then when it got tied in with the next picture, or the mention of the feedee/feeder couple above, and yup, there’s the feeding tube. You’ve already posted a few more world based stories so its no surprise that your world building is amazing! I also really enjoy the slower pace, it’s a nice change of pace, not to say that blind indulgence isn’t fun either. Last thing to note here is to just take your time, the story is great thus far but don’t stress yourself out over it like the first time. And again, thank you for the story, any story here is treat to get to read!
The slower pace is more of a result of the build up the characters and build up more anticipation to the actual fattening rather than just immediately going into it. I want it to be more like an actual story since it has more investment and payoff than having the characters be there only to get fat. I do agree the smaller details and worldbuilding do really help flesh out the story and do add a nice bit of foreshadowing in some cases (the tentacle for example). I also appreciate the feedback and the compliments!
I personally like the slower pace, since such things let you get a feel for the characters themselves. The designs for the screenshots are also pretty great too, showing attention for detail and making space for further immersion. The descriptive writing on its own is pretty great, but the visuals only add to this.
In any case, its great to see more stories on here!
Yeah that’s one of the big reasons for the slower pace; getting to know the characters as people rather than just props. I’ve been playing Starbound for a long time and have tons of mods (80+ not including most of the BF mods and add-ons) so my build ideas and skills tend to be very plentiful, though I do sometimes look at others for ideas. Along with that I’ve been writing stories and OCs for quite a while (5 or so years) so I do have a fair share of experience.
Also I’m just trying to give back what I can, I noticed that no one else seemed to be writing stories and I can’t really code or pixel art, so I guess this is my way of giving back to the BF ‘community’
Starbound’s been glitching out, causing all the progress I made on Chiyo’s ship to vanish. I was quite unmotivated after that, but I think I’ll post something about one more character.
She’s a character on Hardcore Mode, so I don’t know how long I’m going to have her. But I think I’ll share a little about her anyway…after a quick prologue.
The destruction of Earth caused by the mysterious entity known as The Ruin was an event which shook the hearts of countless humans across the known universe. Many scattered to the endless stars, seeking refuge on other planets and building their own colonies, if not on their own.
The chosen hero who rose above their species and fought The Ruin helped many humans feel solace in the fact that their home’s destroyer is no more…or so they thought. In truth, The Ruin was only defeated, not destroyed.
The Protectorate had learned through their scientists that The Ruin was not just one single organism acting as its own planet, but a virus which spread to other celestial objects. Slowly but surely, the virus would feed on other planets like parasites, before terraforming these living worlds into larger fragments of The Ruin…
Agnes and her group of scientists are hard at work, not only searching for a cure, but scanning entire planets for fragments of The Ruin…but such work can be taxing, both on the body and mind. As such, Agnes decided to build a small lab on an ocean planet. Everyone can use a vacation every once in a while…
Her new base was situated on a desert island, neighboring a few Hylotl living on the surface, enjoying the frequent showers of rain the planet provided. Agnes didn’t mind the mild-to-heavy bouts of precipitation; she found the sound of rain to be quite relaxing.
Coincidentally, another human was living here, just a few islands away from Agnes’ base. Her name was Chelle.
Chelle had learned to survive on this ocean planet, her current residence not being very different from the beaches of Earth…aside from the monstrous, nocturnal creatures with paralyzing breath, of course.
She was well-equipped to deal with such threats however; a laser hunting bow and an Enviro-Protection Pack were two blessings stored away on her now-defunct ship. Utilizing the former was tricky, but a necessity to hunt- and in turn, survive.
For a human survivor on a desert island, Chelle didn’t seem to look the part. Sure, she had a few scars and some worn clothing, but one distinct feature was absent from image one may have when the word “castaway” comes to mind…and it was a thin, hunger-plagued body.
In other words, Chelle was…very well-rounded. Her makeshift strapless bra housed a pair of bouncing breasts, right above a squishy, soft muffin top of a tummy. Her thighs, which were thick like sausages and just as meaty, visibly quaked beneath her somewhat tattered jeans with every step. For a castaway, she seemed to be well-taken care of.
Chelle was fortunate enough to know a Hylotl who could repair these clothes before she could burst out of them, but what about her figure? Sure, the Hylotl she knew was eating sufficiently…but not well enough to become as large as she was.
Perhaps her body was not very accustomed to the foreign meats of this world. Filling meals were few and far between, but the ones that did seemed to bloat her body up over a span of six years. Chelle certainly remembered being thinner those six years ago…
By this point, hunting and running from the native creatures held many close calls; a slow, plump snack like herself would eventually be caught by these beasts, not unlike her slimmer Hylotl friend who did not quite make it. His house provided decent shelter from the constant storms, but with the way things were going, Chelle’s days were numbered.
Chelle didn’t know about the research base Agnes had established on a distant island, complete with its own personal teleporter. It was practically an island resort at this point. If Chelle didn’t spot Agnes’ Falcon-class ship momentarily hovering from orbit, there wouldn’t have been any reason to investigate that island far on the horizon.
It took more than a day to reach her destination- but when she found the base, Chelle was absolutely astonished. A part of her felt like she had finally perished and gone to heaven. There was a mech crafting table, a Pixel Printer, an Atomic Furnace, and many other pieces of high-tech equipment, just sitting there. Chelle was so relieved to see just a hint of civilization, she didn’t even ask why the front door was open…until she hesitated to open the fridge.
“Wouldn’t this be stealing?”, she thought, her conscience speaking up for just a split second… before opening the fridge anyway. It was packed- and nothing inside was remotely healthy. Litres of soda, boxes of frozen and half-eaten pizzas, and various otherworldly delights that, while alien, was still very much edible…but still not favorable for anyone on a diet. But if you’ve been stranded on an island for six years and see this much food, would you really care…?
Chelle immediately ripped into four boxes of Beakseed Tarts, snatched more than a few handfuls of carrot cake on a platter, shoved two pepperoni pizzas down her gullet, and desperately downed it all with one whole 2 litre bottle of grape soda. But upon letting out one bassy “BWUUUURRRP!”, Chelle felt her guilt return with a vengeance. “Maybe I should write a note or something…”, she pondered with a frown.
Chelle looked around for a piece of paper, wondering what she should write. She did feel guilty for breaking into this establishment, but hints of sweetness on her tongue and a nagging hunger in her belly pushed her to indulge just a little more. Perhaps she’d make a few other meals go missing after she wrote her apology, and search for the fastest way off this ocean planet…
What is this “obsede” the sentence is talking about?
Ah that an error on my part, I meant obscene
I’m thinking about making parts of Chelle’s story a “pick your path” sort of deal. May or may not change that in the future, but if you’re all interested, feel free to vote!
What does Chelle do after finding the island base?
-Stay a little longer and get caught
-Takes what she needs and escapes the planet
- Stay a little longer and get caught
So after the long wait, I have returned! Sorry for being gone for a while, I’ve just been trying to reorganize myself, make bios for all the characters, and finish up other things before I got to work on this along with taking more time to plan out the story as a whole. Along with that, I wasn’t entirely sure where I wanted to take the story; I didn’t want every chapter to be ‘Khaan gets turned into a blob of lard yet again’ as that would likely get repetitive over a while. Instead I wanted to reveal/focus more on Aiko rather than going into fetish territory. So if all this experimenting with other content like inflation, vore, etc. and decreased focus on weight gain/fat bothers you I apologize, I just don’t want the story getting repetitive with weight gain/fat content only. I’m also thinking about having this story be 7-8 parts long so that it’s long enough to show character development and feel decently long without having to write an actual novel-length story about Khaan, Aiko, the watering-hole monster, and whatever other characters I decide to introduce. Anyways, on with the story!
The sound of frustrated mumbling filled Khaan’s ears as she regained consciousness. Her sleepy eyes dragged open to reveal Aiko frenziedly scribbling on the smaller scroll draped over the scribe table. She peered down at herself, not a single ounce or gram of the ample blubber from yesterday on her. It almost felt wrong, no bulbous belly, no plump cheeks, no meaty thighs, nothing. She patted her slender body in disbelief, thinking it was some sort of delusion, dream, or some other form of unreality. Her lightweight body felt almost alien to her as she had swiftly grown accustomed to her flabby body. First it was being turned into an immobile ball of lard, then it was being slightly chubby with a distended belly, and finally it was being marginally bigger than the padded armchair she was sitting on. To go back to having a body devoid of even the mildest amount of fat felt oddly out of place even though she’d never been fat until two days ago.
“I kind of miss it.” She dishearteningly poked her toned abdomen.
“Hm?” Aiko turned around to see her “Ah, I didn’t know you were awake. Yeah like I said before going to sleep, the fat would be entirely gone.”
Khaan looked away from her skinny body up towards Aiko “Yeah, it feels kind of wrong.”
“What, not having any bit of fat on yourself?” Aiko shuffled the silky scroll up before continuing to jot down some unknown spell onto the lengthy paper.
“Yeah, and not having any clo…” Her empty stomach growled emphatically, briefly startling both of them “Well, I guess the clothes can wait until after breakfast.”
“Alright, let me finish this up and I’ll get you hooked up with both.” Aiko scribbled the last few letters of the spell before setting the tip of his saturated quill into a glass bottle filled with soot-black ink.
Aiko walked towards Khaan who was now standing in the unfinished center of the concrete room. He peered at the cauldron and potions behind Khaan, making sure nothing had happened to any of them since yesterday. He reached for the lengthy scroll on his back and started to unroll the elongated page. After a few seconds of letting the scroll unravel he clenched the trimmed edges of the page.
Aiko shifted the scroll out of the way so that he could see Khaan “So any preference as to what clothes you want to wear?”
“Whatever works, doesn’t matter to me how it looks.” Khaan stood completely still, anticipating him to summon the clothes on her and wanting to make it as easy as she could.
Aiko eased himself down onto the cobalt-blue armchair before noticing Khaan’s motionless stand “I can’t summon the armor around you, I have to warp it in here and then let you put it on.”
“Alright sou…” Khan briefly paused before speaking again “Wait, did you say armor?”
Aiko nodded whilst he chanted the words needed to cast the spell. A canary-yellow pentacle started to glow on the bunker floor accompanied by a mystical humming from the portal. Out of it appeared a polished steel chestplate meant to cover one’s body from the neck to the waist. Along with it, a shamrock green scarf and fortified leggings also appeared alongside the chestplate as well.
Aiko coiled his scroll back up “It’s an old set of armor I used to wear, I modified it so that opening it up is breeze and I added a bit of padding on the inside for comfort too.”
Khaan slid her svelte legs into the reinforced leggings, the imagined feeling of her exposed feet being greeted with icy metal being shattered immediately when she felt the spongy lining. She jerked her bare foot back in disbelief, before letting it contact the warm padding again. It felt almost like the fat she had started to adore; mushy and warm, though it also reminded her of what she did not have. She slid the shiny chestpiece down her torso as if it were a t-shirt then fastened the antique leather straps that connected the leggings with the chestplate.
Aiko leaned forward in the cushioned chair “I think it looks wonderful on you.”
“I don’t really care about the looks, but it feels amazing! It’s like a layer of tepid fat constantly massaging my body no matter what I do.” Khaan paced back and forth in the comfy armor “I love it!”
“Glad to hear you like it.” Aiko pushed himself out of the armchair into a standing position.
“What is that spell you were writing down anyways?” Khaan’s unfilled stomach let out another emphatic growl.
“Uh first let me give that angry stomach of yours a little something to eat.” Aiko recited a spell similar to the one that summoned the armor, this time dropping a newly-baked cinnamon roll onto Khaan’s awaiting hands “Now, a while back I lived in a different place before moving here…”
12 years earlier….
“Alright, I’ve definitely got to start using the poison spells more, and maybe potion making as well.” Aiko stared at the gaping hole in the stone brick floor, shattered rocks littering the room. A minuscule plume of smoke fizzed from the fresh crater along with his sizzling hand. ‘Explosive Fire’ spells, great for incinerating or destroying whatever you aim at, if you actually hit what you are aiming at. He clenched his smoking fist and muttered angrily to himself.
Now I have to waste my money on someone else to fix this, cause it’s apparently the one thing I can’t do myself
He shoved the old fashioned door out of the way before forcibly slamming it shut. The lingering frustration he carried faded slightly when he admired the cleanly interior of the modernized wizard tower. He had paid top dollar to get everything exactly the way he wanted; no recommendations, no advice, no compromises or going off the books, everything was his way. He smiled as he ascended up the tower, going past the surprisingly empty rooms meant only to remind him of his truly meager earnings. Dust had begun to accumulate on his armchair but Aiko did not care, he would just get someone else to do it for him, he could not be bothered to waste time on such petty things. He continued up the remodeled tower until he reached the spacious brick attic. Common building techniques for wizard homes meant that the steeply sloped roofs provided ample space inside, more than enough for what he needed. He turned himself around to admire the twin mannequins adorned with clothes only he seemed to like.
They just don’t know good fashion, unlike me
On the copper plated floor above him stood a meticulously carved table and fancy spell books that were almost entirely blank aside from the first few pages. His spotless scroll on his back was the same way, meant only to exaggerate how talented he was.
His irritated eyes browsed his selection of the spell books until he found the one he was looking for. He grabbed the azure spine of the book before plopping it down onto the uncleaned table surface. Without any regard for its well being he slammed the covers onto the table surface and sloppily flipped to the page he wanted.
“Alright so let’s see here, we’ve got ‘Digestive Pause’ , ‘Acid to Hot Spring Water’ , those are kinda useless, um what else stomach related? Oh right, ‘Stomach Enlargement’ for getting my money’s worth at those all-you-can-eat buffets. And a…” Aiko’s self-talk was interrupted by the sound of shattering glass.
He slammed the book shut before kicking the antique chair he was sitting on out of his way. He stormed down the ladder, past the unused cauldron and armchairs to the ground floor. Someone was down there making a racket and obviously looking for something. The copper ladder squeaked while he let his body slide down the rusting side rails. His boots let out a loud clack as they hit the stone floor, more than enough noise to alert whoever else was inside. Sure enough there was a startled cherry red lucario whose frantic looting was put on hold as he was detected.
Aiko clenched his fists “What are you doing?!”
“L-listen man, I need this cash, I’ve got four sibl…” The thief’s pleading was interrupted by an enraged Aiko
“Like I care about them, you’ve broken into my house and tried to steal my stuff! You’ve forfeited your innocence and your safety! Now get out!” He opened his hand to allow a noticeable fire spark from the palm of his youthful hand “Or else!”
The thief backed away and held his arms out in front of him “Wait wait wait wait! Can’t we talk this out?”
“You try taking what’s mine for any reason, you’re dead.” He gestured for the thief to throw their filled sack to him “ Now, give my things back, or else your siblings will have to suffice for a much toastier brother in return!”
The thief continued to backpedal toward the main door “Listen, I’m all they’ve got and no one else wants to help. No one wants to give me cash, no one wants to pay me, no one wants to help what’s left of my family.”
Aiko rolled his furious eyes “Oh quit trying to guilt trip me!”
“It’s true! You have to listen to m…” The thief’s words were interrupted by a cataclysmic explosion that shook the formally unmovable ground. Pieces of charred debris soared into the air while fracture pieces of Aiko’s house crashed with deafening thuds. Above it all was a towering mushroom cloud and the sounds of two badly wounded persons writhing in agony.
Aiko let out a regretful sigh “I only managed to get a few things out of the fire and rubble. Other than that, everything else was burnt to a crisp.”
Khaan swallowed down the remains of the delicious cinnamon roll “I can hardly believe you’d act like that. Even if the thief was lying that’s still a little extreme don’t you think?”
“I think so too, I dunno what was wrong with me back then. I just didn’t care for anyone but myself and if anyone tried to do anything I didn’t like I’d treat them like filth regardless of the circumstances. I only saw myself as the good guy and everyone else as the villain even if in reality it was the other way around. After that I started to second-guess myself and sure enough, I finally realized I was the problem.” Aiko peered up to look at one of the burnt books stashed underneath his scribe table.
Khaan put her hand on his slumped shoulder “Well at least you manage to change for the better by yourself, not many people can do that.”
“Yeah,” Aiko started to walk towards the scribe table “ If it isn’t too off topic I wanted to do a little something for you.”
Khaan excitedly clasped her hands together “Oh really?”
Aiko nodded his head “Yeah I thought you still had some stress in your system from yesterday and from all the time spent in the city. So I wanted to make a nice little spa for you to relax in. The problem is that the only water transfiguration spell I have right now is the ‘Acid to Spring Water’ one, and I’ve only got one source of acid as well.”
“Let me guess.” She gazed at his latex covered belly with concern “Your stomach?”
Aiko nodded his head again though much slower and with a look of sadness on his face “Unfortunately yeah, as much as I like vore, I don’t want to do it if you won’t enjoy it.”
“Well I did kind of enjoy the time in that weird monster sac, will it be anything like that?” Khaan’s eyes filled with anticipation
“Not exactly, there’s way less room, you won’t be fat at all, not as much light, and there’s no tentacle inside to massage you.” Aiko reached the table and started unraveling his smaller scroll “On the plus side, you’ve got a refreshing pool of water down there and it’s fairly cozy as well.”
Khaan let out a sigh of relief as the sense of familiarity washed over her “I’d like to give it a try, especially since I know what to expect.”
Aiko pointed at her glossy chestplate “Well first I’ve got to cast the spell first, then you’ll need to take off the armor. I don’t want my stomach getting bruised from the or something bad happening because of the metal.”
“Aw, but this armor is sooooo comfy! I don’t want to take it off.” She pressed the lustrous chestplate against herself to feel more of the spongy padding “Maybe some other time?”
“Sure, I understand you love it, tomorrow sound good?” Aiko started to roll his compact scroll back up before sliding it underneath the angled tabletop.
Khaan eagerly nodded “Absolutely, but I’ve got to head back to work tomorrow, I’ve already missed two days of work including today, so they’ll probably start getting suspicious if I miss any more. Besides I probably won’t get enough sleep if I don’t go now since it takes me a while to fall asleep normally.”
“I can teleport you back to your apartment and give you a sleep enhancing spell, lets you get 8 hours worth of sleep in 2.” Aiko stood on his tiptoes to grab one of the luminous vials on top of his crude bookcase.
Khaan hopped around in joy “Oh I’d love that, thank you so much!”
Aiko shrugged “Hey, I’m just trying my best to look after you. Now just give me a second to go through my spells so I can warp both this and you back to the apartment.”
“Muramasa to Watchtower, radio check over.”
“Watchtower to Muramasa, we hear you loud and clear over.”
“I’m detecting movement underneath the pond surface, guess the watering-hole monster is still looking for someone to fatten up.”
“Copy that, get a sample of that fattening fluid, Cameron’s new device will need the stuff to function properly.”
“Got it, oh also, does this count as paid leave? After I get sent back I’ll probably be hauling around several dozen extra kilos of fat with me and I don’t think I’ll be very fit for combat.”
“Affirmative, I guess you just want the time off so you can indulge in your freshly thickened thighs.”
“I do, sorry sir.”
“No you’re fine, you could actually use a break after all you’ve done for us.”
“I appreciate it, Muramasa out.”
So if this chapter felt weird to you, again I apologize. I do not want this story getting repetitive and I wanted to flesh out the characters, particularly Aiko, out a bit more this time. Don’t worry I’ll get back to the fat stuff soon, I just wanted to add a little reprieve chapter so that the story isn’t just “character turned into ultra-fatty” every single chapter. Along with that, I wanted to add more to the world along gradually introducing new characters. Next one will have quite a bit of fat to make up for this chapter but again I just wanted the wildcard chapter to mix things up. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it!
To be perfectly honest, sometimes I hesitate to flesh the characters out because I feel like no one would really be interested. There are certain characters I have in particular that I’d love to dive into a bit more without getting too deep into the “fat” content too much.
Some characters I have (a few, anyway) would most likely try to lose weight instead of packing on more. Perhaps I should be less restrictive in that regard, because it could be fun anyway.
That said, I don’t mind the shift one bit, since you get to learn a lot more about the characters themselves. I think that’s pretty cool, actually.
After being stranded on a beach with only strange alien meat to ingest, finding this island base still felt like a dream for a castaway like Chelle. Upon finding a fridge for the first time in six years, Chelle couldn’t help but snatch a few tasty treats. Most of these flavors were new, while some gave her a flash of nostalgia for a simpler life back on Earth.
Upon devouring yet another slice of pizza, Chelle wondered if she finally had enough. Surely the owner of this establishment would return at any moment, and surely they wouldn’t feel very pleased to see an uninvited guest scrounging around like a common pest.
Still…everything was just so delicious. Chelle had quickly grown addicted to the luxuries of this base, even if she was only there for less than half an hour. Aside from the aforementioned fridge, multiple vending machines filled to the brim with snacks and drinks tickled Chelle’s interest. Perhaps she could stash away a few energy bars for the long trip ahead, she thought.
…Right after downing a few more corn dogs, that is.
More than an hour had passed, and Chelle’s greed, fueled by her primal urges, had manifested in a round, swollen, sloshing midsection which felt heavy to hold, and somewhat painful to stand with. But even with a mild case of indigestion, Chelle felt a strange feeling…or perhaps multiple. Was it pride? Elation? Satisfaction? Perhaps the feeling of true fullness she had pined for manifested itself as a rush of dopamine…or maybe it was just a sugar rush.
With a distended belly filled with many delights, Chelle believed that she had spent enough time here. After all, everything she couldn’t finish was tucked away in the pockets of her Enviro-Protection Pack. Perhaps she could finally depart in one piece…
Just as Chelle was about to leave however, the owners of the facility had returned through the only door that wasn’t sealed shut- namely, Agnes, and her companion Bonni.
“I TOLD you.”, Bonni huffed, having nagged Agnes about the state of the facility for the past hour. “Maybe you should’ve put the cameras and proximity scanners in first before moving everything in here.”
“I was just in a rush, all I wanted to do was rela-” Agnes paused mid-sentence as she quickly absorbed her surroundings. Strewn pizza boxes and empty cans littered the metallic floor as one thought immediately came to mind: someone was definitely here.
“Oh. My. God.”
Bonni stammered a bit, her mind racing as Agnes ran her fingers through her hair in a stressed manner. “Y-you don’t think…you don’t think anyone’s been tampering with our designs, d-do you?”
“Nono, everything else is locked down…”, Agnes replied as she scurried towards the nearest desk, checking to see if her un-digitized data was safe.
While the duo searched around to ensure that everything was intact, Chelle was cowering behind a vending machine. Her heart was palpitating, sweat was running down her forehead, and the back of her throat was stinging from the gastric acids which refused to stay down. Her eyes darted around for any way out she hadn’t noticed before. An open window? A trap door cleverly disguised as a metal tile? No, it was no use…all paths led towards her getting caught…so what else was there to do but own up to her mistakes?
“It was me!”, Chelle cried out as she emerged from her hiding place, arms spread wide. “Please understand! I was stranded here for so long, and all I wanted was something to eat!”
“Who are you!?” Bonni lifted up her giant wrench, feeling inclined to slam the intruder with a hunk of heavy metal and ask questions later.
“Bon, Bon!” Ages quickly tugged Bonni’s coat before she could rush in. “Wait.” Agnes looked back to the bloated burglar, and composed herself with one deep breath before asking a question in an attentive, yet understandably strict tone. “Is that all you came in here for? Food?”
“Yes!” Chelle furiously nodded. “C’mon, you gotta believe me! I haven’t gone off-planet in six years, and I’ve barely eaten a thing! Check my pack; you won’t find anything else-”
“I believe you.”, Agnes cut in.
“What!?”, Bonni stuck her head out in shock.
“Bonni, look at her! She’s a human like us, fighting to survive out here!”, Agnes frowned with pity. “Look- maybe we can just ask her a few questions, maybe not bash her with a wrench while we’re at it.”
“Yeah- see? I can do that!”, Chelle bargained.
“Shh-”, Bonni glared. “You’re not in the clear yet. Tell us everything.”
“In the meantime…” Agnes looked around one more time, bearing witness to the mess of empty boxes, bottles, and cans carelessly thrown on the floor. “…Maybe you can help us clean up…”
You decide: what does Agnes do with Chelle?
-Gives her what she needs to survive and kicks her out
-Lets her stay at the base for a while
I have once more arrived to deliver fat-based stories to you! Again I apologize if the last “chapter” was a bit weird. I just wanted to take a bit of a break from all the weight gain/fat stuff and focus on further detailing the characters and the world. Along with that I thought of a new concept to further add to the story and give a fun little breath of fresh air. This chapter basically temporarily switches the protagonists around (since Khaan is back at her apartment and gone back to working for the day) for a new character along with introducing a new group to the story as well. Along with that, fat content has once again returned! However I am still holding off on the weight gain stuff at the moment to prevent monotony within the story itself (don’t worry there’s quite a bit next chapter). Plotting out this new storyline and writing the bios for the new characters has caused my progress to be slowed quite significantly. Also one of the other reasons for the long delay was the builds, good lord there was a lot of building that needed to be done. Overall I’ve been fairly busy with all this stuff so if there’s significant delays in between “chapter” uploads you know what is going on behind the scenes. So with all of that out of the way, let us begin!
While the aluminum nettle of the sewing machine needle stitched the fuzzy fabric together, Khaan found herself reflecting on her unusual past three days.
“First a gigantic monster turns me into a corpulent living teddy bear, then I met Aiko and got myself turned into a lardy mess again, and then I get a suit of armor that is somehow more comfortable than anything I’ve ever worn.” Khaan starred at the shuffling nettle, leaning towards the fabric to ensure the two halves were now woven together.
She flipped the power switch on the machine and lifted the fuzzy fabric up to her eye level. She meticulously analyzed the sown area, seeing if any fibers were misaligned or missing altogether. No visible flaws were present in the cloth along with the weave being almost completely unnoticeable. On the rounded end of the fabric was a tiny patch of fiber colored and shaped to resemble a bear paw. She opened the back of the fabric to show a nearly cylindrical interior supposed to be filled with a soft padding. She shoved her slender hand into an iron bucket filled to the brim with processed cotton and clenched her hand. A wad of fluffy cotton remained trapped within her firm grasp only until it was crammed into what would soon be the teddy bear’s arm. She patted the overflowing cotton into the miniature arm until the exit was flush with the cotton stuffings. Now done with one of her numerous tasks, she briefly let herself get lost in her thoughts.
Khann peered out the opened apartment window “Speaking of Aiko, I wonder how he’s doing all by himself again.”
Aiko stared in disbelief at the enormous cherry red lucario. How had he managed not only to survive the blast, but also recover without any scars and get themselves caught by the watering-whole monster? He should have been dead for years yet here he was alive, well, and with a body swollen by several metric tons of lard. Normally he would have had his entire body sink fully into the colossally fat abdomen by now, yet the sheer shock of seeing the thief again shattered his mind. Part of him did not want to utter a word, he wanted nothing to do with the thief. However he eventually forced himself to talk to the massive figure.
“After all these years, the thief once again shows himself” Aiko clenched his fists
Muramasa’s puffy cheeks bobbed around as they spoke “L-listen, I’m not sure who you are but I’m sorry, I used to steal from a lot of people.”
“Used to?” Aiko’s grip loosened.
Maramasa nodded “Yeah, I stopped doing that after this one kitsune nearly blew themselves and me along with demolishing their house.”
“Kitsune? Demolishing their house? Sounds eerily familiar.” Aiko briefly thought through the numerous questions he could ask “Uh did they cast the explosive spell before you finished saying something?”
Muramasa nodded yet again “I was about to say ‘You have to listen to me sir.’ but I got cut off before I could say s…wait, were you that kitsune?”
“Yes,” Aiko let out an exhausted sigh “and though I am still bitter about losing the house and getting burnt, you did help me realize just how selfish I really was.”
“I-I’m sorry about all that stuff especially the burns.” Muramasa hauled their blubbery hands onto his colossal belly “Are you going to yell at me now?”
Aiko shook his head “No, given that you regret your actions I feel like you’ve changed as well. Also judging by your helmet, are you in some line of work now?”
“Yeah, as much I want to tell you I’m afraid it’s classified, sorry.” Muramasa
Aiko raised an eyebrow “Classified? Well if there’s anything you are allowed to, what can you tell me?”
Muramasa attempted to shrug only for his hefty shoulders not to budge “I basically work for a group of secretive mercenaries but with more lard and digestion involved.”
“So fattening and voring fighters?” Aiko’s mind conjured up what such a thing would look like.
Muramasa chuckled “Well I guess that’s one way you can put it.”
Aiko placed his finger on his chin “Hmm, I can’t say I’ve ever heard of those before.”
Muramasa reassuringly nodded “Well then that means they’re doing their job right.”
Aiko pointed his index finger at him “Do you need me to do anything for you?”
Muramasa peered down at his swollen legs “Well, as much as I adore these massive, squishy, and super fat thighs, I like being able to move around more. Also what good are thighs when you can’t sink your hands into them?”
“I feel the same way about bellies as well.” Under the mask Aiko felt himself blush a tiny bit.
Muramasa let out a brief laugh “Guess fat is just irresistible to both of us isn’t it?”
Aiko nodded “Yeah, I’ll need to slim your body down to a reasonable level though.”
Aiko unrolled his lengthy scroll and recited a weight loss spell to cast onto Muramasa. Immediately Muramasa’s gigantic lardy body started to churn. An intense storm of growls and rumbles flooded the creature’s sac while his body gradually began to shrink. Muramasa let out a deafening burp that reverberated off the tense flesh walls. His enormous stomach nearly the size of a midsize car shrunk until it was about the size of a ripe watermelon. His flabby legs were reduced down to twice the size of Muramasa’s bare legs as opposed to seven times. Muramasa let out one more boisterous belch before the casted spell had finished. He stared at himself in awe, a once mountainous body that was several magnitudes more lard than person was now almost about double his normal size. His robust muscles could once again move his body around with almost total ease.
Aiko collapsed to the muscle floor in exhaustion “So, now that, that’s done, is there, any address I can, warp you to?”
Muramasa squatted down next to Aiko “Sorry you had to burn up so much magic on me.”
“It’s, fine, really, it’s fine.” Aiko let himself catch his breath for several moments before speaking again “But again, is there any place, I can get you to?”
Muramasa gritted his teeth “Eh there is one, kinda out in the desert but it’s nowhere near anywhere important.”
Aiko lifted himself off the monster sac floor “Alright, I’ll send you there.”
“Oh and one more thing before I go, I’m still sorry about all this especially hearing you got badly hurt, I didn’t mean for any of that to happen.” Muramasa stared sorrowfully at the floor
Aiko nodded “I understand, it’s my fault for casting the spell I did. Also what’s your name?”
Muramasa “I’m sorry, that’s classified too.”
Aiko read off the teleportation spell prior to saying “Well whatever your name is, take care.”
Before Muramasa could reply back he was enveloped in a soot black cloud. His chubby body started to go numb along with his sight gradually fading. He kept his breathing orderly and calm, he knew what being teleported was like even if it looked light different for each method. He let out an imaginary sigh of relief as his body’s senses faded away until only a black void remained.
Muramasa’s pudgy body tingled while his vision progressively returned. The lingering cloud soon faded, revealing that he was in the middle of a sprawling desert. The oppressive sun bore down on him with his chubby fat only magnifying his hatred of the desert heat. He peered around to the familiar sight of a crude wooden outhouse, a bland picnic table, and a broken down camper all situated within a small fenced off area. A seemingly remote campground that was several hours from civilization, when in reality it was less than half an hour away.
Muramasa pressed his pudgy finger against the earpiece “This is Muramasa to Watchtower, fattening sap has been secured and I am at the fake residence, over.”
An unknown caller replied back “Affirmative, sending out a lorry to pick you up, should arrive in twenty minutes, over.”
“Could you try to make that faster?” Muramasa threw off his stretched hood “I’m burning up out here.”
“We can probably cut that down to eighteen minutes at best.” The caller barked at the lorry drivers to hurry up
Muramasa let out a deep sigh “Any improvement is better than none, thank you.”
The caller nodded “Understood, Watchtower out.”
Muramasa’s body temperature continued to rise even with his body starting to become soaked in sweat. He put his pudgy hand onto the camper van only to be greeted with the searing pain of superheated metal. He stumbled back and clenched his hand in agony, the burning pain drowning out the fact that he was no longer sweating like he should. His covered head throbbed and his breathing became more rapid and shallow. Weakness filled his body along with his sense of balance becoming as disoriented as he was. He collapsed onto the scorching sand with any traces of energy he had left rapidly fading from his body. Darkness started to envelop his eyesight while his consciousness rapidly faded into nothing.
As he regained his consciousness, he felt himself lying in a mildly uncomfortable bed and in some relatively cool interior. His exhausted eyes dragged open to reveal himself lying in the base’s medical ward with a lime-green haired neko standing beside his medical bed. Their pristine doctor’s uniform was slightly stretched by their bloated gut along with their swollen thighs. They pulled back the paper thin sheets to reveal Muramasa’s slightly thinner body covered in a blue medical gown.
The doctor wrote something in a slender notebook they had been carrying “No signs of any lasting physical or neurological damage, 100ccs of slimming formula administered, patient seems to have mostly recovered.”
“Where, what.” Muramasa lifted himself upright “Wait, is this the medical room?”
The doctor nodded “Your heatstroke gave a few of us a scare, it’s fine though there’s no lasting damage.”
Muramasa stared at his plump right hand wrapped in water-soaked bandages “What about the hand?”
“Give it a few days and the burn should go away, if not we’ll administer STEM cell treatment. In the meantime just rest, you need it.” The chubby doctor slipped out of the door “Also, Cameron will be here shortly.”
He stood himself out of the uncomfortable bed and stared down at his pudgy body, the slim layer of warm fat on his body concealing the muscular body underneath. It was standard practice for operative and soldiers to be muscular to be able to cope with the hundreds of pounds of fat they were likely to put on during a mission and Muramasa was no different. Even underneath the large medical gown he could tell his fat was nearly non-existent. He pressed his pudgy hands against his thighs, disappointed they did not squish like desired.
The sliding door opened to reveal a gooey figure dressed in a tinkerer uniform. The pristine high-visibility vest and metallic pants helped conceal the majority of their unusual oil-black body. He instantly recognized her as his friend Cameron, one of the dead giveaways being the pair of garnet red goggles half sunken into their gelatinous head.
“Sorry about all tha…” Muramasa stopped when he noticed Cameron’s collar began to glow bright yellow, indicating she was wanting to talk.
Cameron’s collar switched to a dark green while the speaker crackled to life “What is it with you and always apologizing? You did nothing wrong, we just underestimated how much fat you were going to haul around after that and overestimated how much time we had for a safe extraction.”
Muramasa ashamedly looked down “Well I drained medical supplies cause I got a heat stroke, caused a ruckus by my vital signs nearly flatlining, and the heat probably ruined the sample we got.”
Cameron adjusted the bulky straps on her humongous backpack“No, no, and no. You hardly took up any medical supplies, your vitals at worst were just an elevated heart rate, and remember that the canister you had is extremely insulated. The sample barely even rose a single degree in there. You honestly think everything is your fault?”
Muramasa chuckled while he shook his head “If that was the case I would have known by now.”
“Alright well at least you’re sensible enough to realize that.” Cameron sat herself on Muramasa’s bed.
Muramasa sat himself down on the unpainted concrete floor “Yeah, how was the sample by the way?”
Cameron rummaged through her disorganized backpack and grabbed the canister Muramasa had “It was phenomenal, though I will admit it was a little hard to work with.”
“Did you accidentally pack on a few more pounds of goo?” Muramasa stood himself back up.
Cameron turned her slimy head away from Muramasa “Maybe.”
“Hey if you want to give me a little slime stuffing I wouldn’t mind.” Muramasa peered down at his legs “Preferably fatten up the thighs if you can, maybe make it cinnamon flavored too.”
“I don’t know about that, still not entirely used to directly fattening others or converting my slime flavor.” Cameron stared at her slightly swollen body.
Muramasa put his burnt hand on her shoulder, making sure not to press down too hard “Still haunted by that one time you nearly pumped your entire slime body into someone?”
“Even though I decided to do it so that I didn’t have to be a soldier, it was still terrifying. I was that close to being nothing but fat on someone’s body.” Cameron’s body heaved as if to sigh but no sound came from her “I have gotten better at controlling how fast I can direct my slime and being able to control where any excess slime on my body goes, but I still don’t want a repeat of that incident again or something worse.”
Muramasa’s voice filled with guilt while he sat beside Cameron “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring that memory up.”
“Well I’ve got to get over it at some point, don’t want my every action being decided by fear.” Cameron grabbed a vanilla donut out of her backpack and gently pressed it against her neck. The large donut slowly became engulfed in goo and briefly floated around in her semi-transparent body. It rapidly began to be turned into more of the oil-black slime, causing a noticeable bulge in the middle of her neck. The excess slime quickly descended down her neck along with her slender legs ever so slightly expanding outwards.
Muramasa whistled in amazement “That’s a lot better than last time you tried it.”
“I decided to practice a bit in my free time, as much as I love tinkering with stuff it gets a little boring after a long while.” Cameron zipped her backpack shut
“Well we all need a little bre…” Muramasa’s words were interrupted by a blaring siren filling the expansive base interior.
A panicked voice spoke on the intercom “All units, Code 23 Breach at facility Echo-Yuma 9, I repeat, Code 5 Breach at facility Echo-Yuma 9. All combat units report to the teleporter for deployment.”
Code 23? What behemoth creature got a hold of warping spells this time? Muramasa turned to Cameron “Hopefully it isn’t one of those colossal slimes again”
Cameron shook her head in agreement “No kidding, clean up was an absolute disaster last time, between all the sludge and lard.”
Muramasa pushed himself off the uncomfortable bed mattress “Let’s just hope nobody has any cauldrons or portals nearby or else they’re not going to be moving anytime soon.”
A cliffhanger? In my writing? Yeah apologies for that, the chapter was a little long and I didn’t want it to get dragged out for too long. As for the whole thing behind the Fat-Force (The group Muramasa and Cameron are a part of), I wanted to add some more worldbuilding to the story along with finding an interesting way to introduce new characters. I wanted to include some fat content to get the story back on its original track while still saving the weight gain for later as I didn’t want to burn people out on it. Descriptive as I can be, describing the same thing happening over and over again can get dull for the writer and readers alike. I’ll go more into depth about the group (perhaps have Khaan and Aiko join it?) and shift the focus back on Khaan and Aiko. The base build was under Muramasa’s character and since I don’t have universe sharing, I have to use him rather than Khaan. As per usual, I hope you enjoyed this unusual chapter as well and sticking through all the changes!
"…what good are thighs when you can’t sink your hands into them?”
100% agree-
But seriously though, not a bad read. Large bodies are great and all, but being like that in the middle of desert heat has gotta suck.