Starbound Mod: Starpounds Big Fatties

here ya go, it doesn’t have any movement animations. the only thing i altered was the space around the head so it doesn’t look too crappy.

also, here’s the coordinates i used for the hitbox incase you wanted to use that too.

“standingPoly”: [[-8.0, -3.9], [-7.4, -4.95], [6.4, -4.97], [8.0, -3.9], [7.0, -1.95], [5.2, -0.37],[3.25, 0.63], [1.13, 0.5], [0.75, 0.87], [0.35, 1.5], [-0.35, 1.5], [-0.75, 0.87], [-1.25, 0.63], [-2.75, 0.20], [-4.87, 0.0], [-7.87, -1.85]],
“crouchingPoly”: [[-8.0, -3.9], [-7.4, -4.95], [6.4, -4.97], [8.0, -3.9], [7.0, -1.95], [5.2, -0.37],[3.25, 0.63], [1.13, 0.5], [-1.25, 0.63], [-2.75, 0.20], [-4.87, 0.0], [-7.87, -1.85]],

unfortunately the hitbox doesn’t reverse so when you turn left it will be a little out if place. it doesn’t bother me too much so i’m probably gonna leave it like that.