That adds the new enemies (e.g. the mootants and ghosts), gives most Erchius stuff its fattening effect, and some NPCs get fattening guns.
This appears to be a newer version of the BF WIP/Threats files from what I last downloaded back in Octoberish of last year shortly after the WIP version was released, yet I’ve seen no updated posts here in the thread.
Any idea what’s new//different from the version from last year?
I was gonna announce it with another update to the wip sometime in the month, but I guess since people are talking about it here. It was mostly put up for the discord. Base sprites from thick to fatty are done for the races. Still need to finish up the variations and blob sizes. Includes the bee girls as well. And adjusts the ui to incorporate Futara’s Fullbright Shader mod to make novakids finally function normally.
heya dudes and dudettes… quick question…
I’m running the game on linux with quite a lot of mods both from workshop and gamedir.
buuuut, Big fatties seems to be unresponsive to weight changes now after an update of a bunch of plugins. i can change my base slider and checkboxes, and it will not apply changes.
Previously applied plump cosmetics are removeable and able to be placed in my inventory bags.
somehow the md has… uhh… entirely broken down… UI still there but… ehh…
any troubleshooting tips? i’ll send my latest log file upon request. be warned, this is an absolutely absurd amount of mods i’m using. lotsa fun content. Plus Frackin’ universe.
oh, also, if you have a better place for me to post, direct me there.
Update: removing the expanding clothes GUI allowed it to properly load, but i encountered an adorable lil’ [17:35:36.245] [Error] Application: exception thrown, shutting down: (ItemException) Duplicate item name 'bustyavalichest' found ./starbound(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2EPKcNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x66) [0xa91c36] ./starbound(_ZN4Star13ItemExceptionC2ENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x52) [0xca23e2] ./starbound(_ZN4Star12ItemDatabase10addItemSetENS_8ItemTypeERKNS_6StringE+0xd33) [0xc9a4b3] ./starbound(_ZN4Star12ItemDatabase9scanItemsEv+0x67e) [0xc9ad7e] ./starbound(_ZN4Star12ItemDatabaseC1Ev+0xb2) [0xca0c82] ./starbound(_ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFSt10shared_ptrIN4Star12ItemDatabaseEEvEZNS1_4Root10loadMemberIS2_JEEES0_IT_ERS8_RNS1_5MutexEPKcDpOT0_EUlvE_E9_M_invokeERKSt9_Any_data+0x43) [0xf47fd3] ./starbound(_ZN4Star4Root12itemDatabaseEv+0xd1) [0xf3d841] ./starbound(_ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFvvEN4Star13SwallowReturnISt5_BindIFSt7_Mem_fnIMNS1_4RootEFSt10shared_ptrIKNS1_12ItemDatabaseEEvEEPS5_EEEEE9_M_invokeERKSt9_Any_data+0x24) [0xf4bab4] ./starbound() [0xa8dff9] ./starbound(_ZN4Star10WorkerPool12WorkerThread3runEv+0x5f) [0xa8eddf] ./starbound(_ZN4Star10ThreadImpl9runThreadEPv+0x15) [0xa9b845] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0c0976a609] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0c0952f293] [17:35:36.245] [Info] Application: shutdown... [17:35:36.291] [Info] Root: Shutting down Root [17:35:36.772] [Error] OpenGL errors during shutdown: GL_INVALID_VALUE [17:35:36.773] [Info] Application: Destroying SDL Window [17:35:36.778] [Info] Application: stopped gracefully
in my log. oof…
UPDATE 2: i fixed it, but now it still won’t apply my size effects or cosmetics…
i… i uhh… oh goddamnit…
[18:36:05.001] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[chubsteraviancommonershirt, 1, {"colorIndex":1058665100}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'chubsteraviancommonershirt' [18:36:05.002] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[chubsteraviancommonerlegs, 1, {"colorIndex":1155189824}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'chubsteraviancommonerlegs' [18:36:05.002] [Error] Could not instantiate item '[fattyaviancommonerlegs, 1, {"colorIndex":1155189824}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'fattyaviancommonerlegs' [18:36:40.821] [Error] Exception while invoking lua function 'reset'. (LuaException) Error code 2, [string "/interface/scripted/bigfatties/bigfattiesgui...."]:164: attempt to index a nil value (global 'preferences') stack traceback: [C]: in metamethod '__index' [string "/interface/scripted/bigfatties/bigfattiesgui...."]:164: in function <[string "/interface/scripted/bigfatties/bigfattiesgui...."]:157> ./starbound(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2EPKcNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x66) [0xa91c36] ./starbound(_ZN4Star12LuaExceptionC2ENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x52) [0xa4b3b2] ./starbound(_ZN4Star9LuaEngine11handleErrorEP9lua_Statei+0x392) [0xa41f42] ./starbound(_ZN4Star9LuaEngine12callFunctionIJNS_6StringENS_4JsonEEEENS_7VariantINS4_INS_5EmptyEJbxdNS_9LuaStringENS_8LuaTableENS_11LuaFunctionENS_9LuaThreadENS_11LuaUserDataEEEEJNS_11LuaVariadicISB_EEEEEiDpRKT_+0xff) [0xfb9e4f] ./starbound(_ZN4Star16LuaBaseComponent6invokeINS_7VariantINS_5EmptyEJbxdNS_9LuaStringENS_8LuaTableENS_11LuaFunctionENS_9LuaThreadENS_11LuaUserDataEEEEJRKNS_6StringERKNS_4JsonEEEENS_5MaybeIT_EESC_DpOT0_+0xd7) [0xfba377] ./starbound() [0x15489f2] ./starbound(_ZN4Star12ButtonWidget10setPressedEb+0xa9) [0x13e0f69] ./starbound(_ZN4Star12ButtonWidget9sendEventERKNS_7VariantINS_12KeyDownEventEJNS_10KeyUpEventENS_14TextInputEventENS_14MouseMoveEventENS_20MouseButtonDownEventENS_18MouseButtonUpEventENS_15MouseWheelEventENS_19ControllerAxisEventENS_25ControllerButtonDownEventENS_23ControllerButtonUpEventEEEE+0x52) [0x13e2812] ./starbound(_ZN4Star4Pane9sendEventERKNS_7VariantINS_12KeyDownEventEJNS_10KeyUpEventENS_14TextInputEventENS_14MouseMoveEventENS_20MouseButtonDownEventENS_18MouseButtonUpEventENS_15MouseWheelEventENS_19ControllerAxisEventENS_25ControllerButtonDownEventENS_23ControllerButtonUpEventEEEE+0x70d) [0x140efbd] ./starbound(_ZN4Star10ScriptPane9sendEventERKNS_7VariantINS_12KeyDownEventEJNS_10KeyUpEventENS_14TextInputEventENS_14MouseMoveEventENS_20MouseButtonDownEventENS_18MouseButtonUpEventENS_15MouseWheelEventENS_19ControllerAxisEventENS_25ControllerButtonDownEventENS_23ControllerButtonUpEventEEEE+0x94) [0x15459e4] ./starbound(_ZN4Star11PaneManager14sendInputEventERKNS_7VariantINS_12KeyDownEventEJNS_10KeyUpEventENS_14TextInputEventENS_14MouseMoveEventENS_20MouseButtonDownEventENS_18MouseButtonUpEventENS_15MouseWheelEventENS_19ControllerAxisEventENS_25ControllerButtonDownEventENS_23ControllerButtonUpEventEEEE+0x132) [0x1414022] ./starbound(_ZN4Star13MainInterface16handleInputEventERKNS_7VariantINS_12KeyDownEventEJNS_10KeyUpEventENS_14TextInputEventENS_14MouseMoveEventENS_20MouseButtonDownEventENS_18MouseButtonUpEventENS_15MouseWheelEventENS_19ControllerAxisEventENS_25ControllerButtonDownEventENS_23ControllerButtonUpEventEEEE+0x5f) [0x14e36cf] ./starbound(_ZN4Star17ClientApplication12processInputERKNS_7VariantINS_12KeyDownEventEJNS_10KeyUpEventENS_14TextInputEventENS_14MouseMoveEventENS_20MouseButtonDownEventENS_18MouseButtonUpEventENS_15MouseWheelEventENS_19ControllerAxisEventENS_25ControllerButtonDownEventENS_23ControllerButtonUpEventEEEE+0x2d3) [0x976be3] ./starbound(_ZN4Star11SdlPlatform3runEv+0x7f0) [0x1384ac0] ./starbound(_ZN4Star18runMainApplicationESt10unique_ptrINS_11ApplicationESt14default_deleteIS1_EENS_10StringListE+0xf6) [0x13807d6] ./starbound(main+0x453) [0x965af3] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f0bc02450b3] ./starbound(_start+0x2a) [0x9739ea]
Remove all your mods and work up to a functioning state until you find an issue. This should go without saying but don’t just install a bunch of mods all at once.
but uhh… why exactly does this happen anyway!? The items are there, but why won’t they instantiate!?
i’ve managed to fix some issues after a reinstall and such, and purged mods i don’t use.
but i’ve got a new issue now…
`[11:58:48.055] [Error] WorldServerThread exception caught: (SpawnTypeDatabaseException) No such spawnType 'mootant'
./starbound(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2EPKcNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x66) [0xa91c36]
./starbound(_ZNK4Star17SpawnTypeDatabase9spawnTypeERKNS_6StringE+0x4c6) [0xf93a76]
./starbound(_ZN4Star7Spawner11spawnInCellERKNS_6VectorIiLm2EEE+0x27d) [0xf8d94d]
./starbound(_ZN4Star7Spawner14activateRegionENS_3BoxIfLm2EEE+0xe1) [0xf8fcc1]
./starbound(_ZN4Star7Spawner6updateEv+0xd1) [0xf8fe01]
./starbound(_ZN4Star11WorldServer6updateEv+0x3c2) [0x11b1562]
./starbound(_ZN4Star17WorldServerThread6updateENS_19WorldServerFidelityE+0x4be) [0x11d021e]
./starbound(_ZN4Star17WorldServerThread3runEv+0xdb0) [0x11d1380]
./starbound(_ZN4Star10ThreadImpl9runThreadEPv+0x15) [0xa9b845]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f51a53c1609]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f51a5186293]
[11:58:48.153] [Error] UniverseServer: World CelestialWorld:-955392388:-73960743:-241665525:3 has stopped due to an error
[11:58:48.153] [Info] UniverseServer: World CelestialWorld:-955392388:-73960743:-241665525:3 shutdown, kicking 1 players to their own ships
[11:58:48.254] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:74aa6ff6ce1254732bee0e5a26c4725c
[11:58:48.389] [Info] Protected dungeonIds for world set to (65524)
[11:58:48.603] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to ClientShipWorld:74aa6ff6ce1254732bee0e5a26c4725c
something screwed up world spawns…
I’m assuming you just don’t remember where you got anything, and got a bunch of various mods that needed different versions. Mootants are from the current wip, it is not available in the stable version.
as far as i know, an older BF ver and a reinstall of the game fresh have fixed the mootant, and also BF not working in general
and i see now.
i had this issue, the cause is modfatties
hey i have a question, how does the drink liquid option work?
and also where do i make the treadmill? i swear i saw it somewhere but i cant find it again
Ok so, I’m not sure how the drink liquid works, I think it’s for like lard and other liquids that fatten you up. Now, I do know that the treadmill is in the big fatties store, I think near the bottom.
Basically, if your character’s head is beneath certain liquids (chocolate, soda, slime), your character will gain weight and consume one tile of the fluid.
nice, thanks! @THE_DIALOUGE
Hey uh, just wanted to point out, the archived older version link isn’t working (maybe just for me, I don’t know.) I was also wondering if you have the version before you updated it and mod fatties became incompatible with it, and if so, could you put it on the main post?
Really sorry if this comes off as rude!
The link on the main post is the official version of the mod which hasn’t been updated in over a year. It’s not “archived” it has always been there. I have never replaced it with the WIP link as that’d be incredibly careless. Also the file is absolutely still downloadable, you should make sure you actually checked everything on the page you were on before saying that it’s not working.
Ah, well I was told by someone else that they needed the older version, and couldn’t seem to get it, sorry about that.
…However, as far as the “archived” thing goes, I was talking about this:
(the second link at the bottom, the one that says “archived older version”)
I do realize it was likely not you who made this, and so I am not blaming you for that, just clarifying what I meant by the archived thing.
That was someone’s attempt at uploading the mod back when the weightgaming forums changed and a lot of posts that weren’t old enough got lost in the transition. The original Bigfatties post was one of them.
I saw a few mentions of some badge system, are those the things you can check in big fatties menu?