Starbound Mod: Starpounds Big Fatties

You’re absolutely sure this is a conflict from my mod? Because that’s an issue with that mod that more than a few people can experience.

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no blame being placed here. just having a conflict between the two. I have over 150 mods running, all of which have worked fine together up until the big fatties mod. I spent a few hours removing and replacing mods. Until I found that the only one that causes the issue with Big Fatties is the “Keep your Day Job!” mod. And yes, I understand some things may be out of your control, so don’t stress over fixing it if it’s a major problem on Snorps end. I realize I could ask them to fix it, but trying to convince content providers to work on making their mods compatible with fetish mods is like asking them to stand in a leper colony, and shake everyones hands.


Fayane has posted some interesting videos about what I think are mod ideas, can they be used?

Should I tell them? :sweat_smile:


i give up on saying any of my ideas…
they are all bad
i cant think for sh*t…
this is just a vent ignore this, im just depressed…

I’m working on a mod with (hopefully) fattening foods. After digging through the Big Fatties .consumables, I found an “effect” called “buffethuge”. Is this what causes the weight gain?


It’s one of the effects that causes it.


Niiice. Its working well. Thanks!


having an issue again regarding the GUI this time…

[18:54:50.884] [Error] Exception while invoking lua function 'doEnable'. (LuaException) Error code 2, [string "/interface/scripted/bigfatties/bigfattiesgui...."]:266: attempt to index a nil value (global 'preferences')
stack traceback:
	[C]: in metamethod '__index'
	[string "/interface/scripted/bigfatties/bigfattiesgui...."]:266: in global 'loadPreferences'
	[string "/interface/scripted/bigfatties/bigfattiesgui...."]:139: in function <[string "/interface/scripted/bigfatties/bigfattiesgui...."]:135>
./starbound(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2EPKcNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x66) [0xa91c36]
./starbound(_ZN4Star12LuaExceptionC2ENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x52) [0xa4b3b2]
./starbound(_ZN4Star9LuaEngine11handleErrorEP9lua_Statei+0x392) [0xa41f42]
./starbound(_ZN4Star9LuaEngine12callFunctionIJNS_6StringENS_4JsonEEEENS_7VariantINS4_INS_5EmptyEJbxdNS_9LuaStringENS_8LuaTableENS_11LuaFunctionENS_9LuaThreadENS_11LuaUserDataEEEEJNS_11LuaVariadicISB_EEEEEiDpRKT_+0xff) [0xfb9e4f]
./starbound(_ZN4Star16LuaBaseComponent6invokeINS_7VariantINS_5EmptyEJbxdNS_9LuaStringENS_8LuaTableENS_11LuaFunctionENS_9LuaThreadENS_11LuaUserDataEEEEJRKNS_6StringERKNS_4JsonEEEENS_5MaybeIT_EESC_DpOT0_+0xd7) [0xfba377]
./starbound() [0x15489f2]
./starbound(_ZN4Star12ButtonWidget10setPressedEb+0xa9) [0x13e0f69]
./starbound(_ZN4Star12ButtonWidget9sendEventERKNS_7VariantINS_12KeyDownEventEJNS_10KeyUpEventENS_14TextInputEventENS_14MouseMoveEventENS_20MouseButtonDownEventENS_18MouseButtonUpEventENS_15MouseWheelEventENS_19ControllerAxisEventENS_25ControllerButtonDownEventENS_23ControllerButtonUpEventEEEE+0x52) [0x13e2812]
./starbound(_ZN4Star4Pane9sendEventERKNS_7VariantINS_12KeyDownEventEJNS_10KeyUpEventENS_14TextInputEventENS_14MouseMoveEventENS_20MouseButtonDownEventENS_18MouseButtonUpEventENS_15MouseWheelEventENS_19ControllerAxisEventENS_25ControllerButtonDownEventENS_23ControllerButtonUpEventEEEE+0x70d) [0x140efbd]
./starbound(_ZN4Star10ScriptPane9sendEventERKNS_7VariantINS_12KeyDownEventEJNS_10KeyUpEventENS_14TextInputEventENS_14MouseMoveEventENS_20MouseButtonDownEventENS_18MouseButtonUpEventENS_15MouseWheelEventENS_19ControllerAxisEventENS_25ControllerButtonDownEventENS_23ControllerButtonUpEventEEEE+0x94) [0x15459e4]
./starbound(_ZN4Star11PaneManager14sendInputEventERKNS_7VariantINS_12KeyDownEventEJNS_10KeyUpEventENS_14TextInputEventENS_14MouseMoveEventENS_20MouseButtonDownEventENS_18MouseButtonUpEventENS_15MouseWheelEventENS_19ControllerAxisEventENS_25ControllerButtonDownEventENS_23ControllerButtonUpEventEEEE+0x132) [0x1414022]
./starbound(_ZN4Star13MainInterface16handleInputEventERKNS_7VariantINS_12KeyDownEventEJNS_10KeyUpEventENS_14TextInputEventENS_14MouseMoveEventENS_20MouseButtonDownEventENS_18MouseButtonUpEventENS_15MouseWheelEventENS_19ControllerAxisEventENS_25ControllerButtonDownEventENS_23ControllerButtonUpEventEEEE+0x5f) [0x14e36cf]
./starbound(_ZN4Star17ClientApplication12processInputERKNS_7VariantINS_12KeyDownEventEJNS_10KeyUpEventENS_14TextInputEventENS_14MouseMoveEventENS_20MouseButtonDownEventENS_18MouseButtonUpEventENS_15MouseWheelEventENS_19ControllerAxisEventENS_25ControllerButtonDownEventENS_23ControllerButtonUpEventEEEE+0x2d3) [0x976be3]
./starbound(_ZN4Star11SdlPlatform3runEv+0x7f0) [0x1384ac0]
./starbound(_ZN4Star18runMainApplicationESt10unique_ptrINS_11ApplicationESt14default_deleteIS1_EENS_10StringListE+0xf6) [0x13807d6]
./starbound(main+0x453) [0x965af3]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f3e7e3400b3]
./starbound(_start+0x2a) [0x9739ea]

here’s a log file. (33.3 KB)

it sucks that you can’t upload text files raw to the platform.

Addendum 1> seems like something at line 265 of the GUI script is just completely perishing since nil value. it’s part of the block cycling through all features and setting checkboxes to whatever is saved. at this point i’m thinking there IS no data to read so it’s unable to function. but it also seems to be unable to create necessary data either.

i’m not sure how to fix this… at all…

When and where can we get the latest version of the mod?


I can’t join the server. I think the link doesn’t work.

You mean this mod link is not going to be updated?? What about the people who don’t use discord?? :face_with_monocle:


Only if you want a work in progress build. When the update is in a state that I feel is acceptable, it will be released to the public as normal.


More testing stuff

Falling does damage to blocks and stuff based on your weight/how much HP you lose.
(Fall damage also scales based on the health boost fat gives you; if chubster gives you 50% more health, you take 50% more fall damage so it’s the same proportion of your HP)


I suppose fatty and blob sizes still cancel out fall damage due to their bouncy properties?

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Potentially going to include it as an augment-style upgrade (and an even bigger ground damage effect as a counterpart). Means you can choose between reducing damage to yourself or using fall damage as a weapon.


pulled a Michael Jackson


Work in progress for a hub for the stores, making them no longer a craftable source.


Oh thats awesome! will it have the fat items store from the fat items mod?

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