Starbound Mod: Starpounds Big Fatties

I think I know my problem some of the files in the mod turn into note files could anyone help me fix it?

Same thing. The Terramart clerk and the sign clerk are the default for me.

Hi! I’ve been messing around with this mod for a few hours now, and I think it’s fantastic! However, I have been having a few issues.

I don’t know if it’s because of mod conflicts or something, but the rate at which I gain weight is ridiculous and the rate at which I lose weight again is almost non-existent. I used a Gluttony Badge (Digestion) and ate a single can of rations (the ones the ship locker gives you at the start of the game) and was immediately bumped up to Immobile size (from None). Since then, I’ve been sat in front of the BigFatties store buying Digestion Tonic XLs - which do almost nothing, but significantly more than just sitting there. It took >10 tonics to move from Immobile to Blob, and another 15 to get down to Chubby.

Can anybody think what would be causing this? Or how I might fix the issue? I’ve got some programming knowledge, so I’m not afraid to dive into the Lua files if need be.

Would it be possible to add the effect to fatten up other players with the lardshake and chocolate guns?
I was going to mess around with some friends but it had no effect even if we all had the badges on.

The reason it might not be working for you guys might be because of a few things. Either you guys are on a ship while trying to use the gun on each other, cause when you are on a ship of some kind damage is nullified and therefore makes the milkshake gun unusable in that space, or you guys are in admin mode which essentially is the same thing but everywhere you go.

Hope that helps =)

On a clean install (just the mod) things seem to work fine for me. But on my heavily modded version, its the opposite. Eating non-bigfatties food causes the digestion badge to stop working, and weight gain is stopped. I have mods like Frackin Universe and more installed which may or may not play a part with the issues. (Even with the new updated mods to bigfatties)

Though I am not suffering your issues but it would seem like the latest update conflict with some mods in some form or fashion and its hard to find out without coding experience. Unfortunately that’s the risk with new updates.

There’s a few mods that might be causing it. I had a “hunger rebalancing” mod installed, but after I removed it, I was still losing weight really slowly. I also have Frackin’ Races and CN More Farming: Revitalization, but those are the only ones I can think of that’d be causing food or race changes.

Oh, I’ve just remembered, the beam weapon doesn’t seem to affect nonhostile NPCs.

Yeah going from skinny to immobile from one food item is way off. That food rebalancing mod likely messed with the values. It is important to note the higher you get with the weight gain system, the more it takes to be able to shed the pounds. So that part is normal. Reaching immobility is a good way to be stuck there for awhile. In your case it might be best to try and save up the pixels for the digestiongun. Which acts more as a badge reset.

Oh - can you hit yourself with the digestiongun? If I’d known, that would have saved me a lot of pixels :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t have a problem with being stuck huge for a while, the issue was that it happened in the middle of the Erchius facility and I couldn’t progress without taking my Gluttony Badge back off!

I have a problem I do not know how installing this mod can help?

If Big Fatties is installed, NOVAKID will come to the right of CharacterCreacion.
Since I am Japanese, I have inserted Japanese MOD but the same result was obtained even if I removed it.
How will NOVAKID disappear and Mod Fatties Races will sound to move?

I have a question, from a friend actually.

We love the Novakid race but the modded version is stuck at only one weight.

We wondered if something could be done for the glow, like a badge only for them with an in-built glow effect that grows larger with each weight stage, to replace the lost glow effect.

Alternatively if the modded Novakid could also come on a lighter weight, one of the more believable sizes like the 1st or 2nd weights from the mod.

I know it was said it was impossible to replicate, but would it not be possible to assign a luminosity factor to an item and give it Fullbright, like how the Xenon pack functions?

The fat novakid race is an abandoned, failed attempt to get around an issue that is unsolvable with the direction the mod is taking. It is literally impossible to add the unique glow novakids have to armor in anyway shape or form. Only real solution is to externally disable it for novakids but that just makes them lose a bit of charm. Anything about glow from light sources is not the same, and would not work properly with larger sizes.

Sorry to bother you with this, but maybe a light source that changes in shape and intensity with the character’s size would be enough to set them apart? I feel like it would have RP potential, such as a group fattening up their Novakid members for free lighting when exploring. It would also be in line with the blob size flavor text of becoming a fat sun.

As for keeping their unique features, maybe they could be badges exclusively craftable by Novakids?

How can I add other races with fat novakid present?

Adding a light source is not the same as the unique glow effect novakids have. It is flat out, not gonna be similar at all and won’t solve the problem.

Not a fan of female weight gain, would it be possible to have a version of the Big Fatties store with a male clerk or similar? Or just one androgynous enough to be unable to tell the gender of

I’m aware that it’s not the same, but it’s as close as possible to acting like novakids do, so I feel like the possibility should be explored.

I’ve tried tiers 2 and 3 of the light EPP augment and those completely illuminate the character at any size, as the original glow does, so I feel like giving them a bright glow that gets brighter the fatter they get is a viable alternative that still ends with them feeling more unique.

I understand you see the loss of the native glow as a problem, but there really aren’t any other options to keep novakids playable.

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