Starbound Mod: Starpounds Big Fatties

I know I’m bad with mods but I download the update it lagging I have even remove the old files but it still lagging bad I could use some help Please.

i cant seem to figure out how the clothing works
maybe im just dumb lol

This was reported several times and I think dispatch is trying to fix it

The lag has been fixed.

I’m that case you should redownload the file and reinstall it

I have an idea for something that could be (somewhat) relatively easy to add: calorie/fat counter! Essentially just let’s the player see see many kilos/pounds their character will put on after eating/drinking/fattened/etc. I’m tired of not knowing how much more weight my character will put on and having go on the treadmill for an indefinite amount of time just because I don’t know how much food my character needs it digest. I think quite a few people feel the same way.

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how about a liposuction machine that makes you smaller and gives you lard

Can already kinda do that; if you go into /admin, and then /debug, you can get an idea of how much food you still have to digest.

it look like it just one of my character and not the others that weird.

So, I’m having the issue of any character I had before the hotfix is no longer affected by the config module. I still have the “buff” under my health bar, and the module reads my current weight, but I cant gain or loose weight. It also doesn’t affect my speed and I’m able take the forced fatty cosmetics off. It works fine for new characters but I just wanted to bring attention to this, and ask if anyone else is having this issue.

Is there a way to unpack the .PAK files and repack them? I want to make some changes to the files in the .PAK but just don’t know how to unpack it.

The game comes with command line utilities for packing and unpacking assets. If you’re on windows, they’ll be in Starbound/win32, listed as asset_packer and unpacker respectively. You’ll need to use the command prompt to do anything with the program, since there isn’t any GUI. I recommend dragging whatever .pak you need to unpack into the same directory as the executable so you don’t need to type some ungodly long file path. Assuming you are on windows and know how to either open command prompt inside a specific directory or how to navigate using the prompt itself, just use the syntax asset_unpacker.exe file_to_be_unpacked destination_folder and it’ll create a folder in that directory with the given name and populate it with everything that was inside the .pak file. If you don’t know how to use the command prompt at all, google / bing / duckduckgo is your friend.

Shift+Right Click in a folder gives the option to open a command prompt, underneath Paste, set with that folder as the root. Assuming it’s in the Starbound source folder…

win32\asset_unpacker.exe mods\BigFatties.pak (destination_folder)

Basically what you said, but without having to move .paks around.

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Alright thanks for the info

I’d have mentioned that but shift+rmb gives the option for powershell rather than cmd in windows 10, and most people are on 10 nowadays, so that’d just lead to confusion. Good tip for other versions, though.

I actually didn’t know that, thing is I don’t know where to look.

Also I just figured it would be far more convenient if it was an actual feature like an tab on the big fatties menu that showed him much more weight you’ll gain

what do you mean by the destination folder do i make one or not

Just whatever you want to call it. If it doesn’t exist, then the unpacker will make it. It’s just for where the files within the .pak end up.

when i try and click on it it closed out

can someone just post the unpacked folder here