Starbound Mod: Starpounds Big Fatties

For anyone who seriously wants to unpack the mod.
Right click inside the starbound folder and start up command prompt.
If you’re on windows 10, open powershell window and type in “start cmd” to get the command prompt

As stated by Pumpmeup, type in win32\asset_unpacker.exe mods\BigFatties.pak (destination_folder)
If it simplifies it, you can just put in Bigfatties for the destination.

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hey thanks for the help i find this all to confusing and hard thank you

Was the stuffed status effect removed? I liked it when it costed energy to be able to jiggle around

Alrighty, I’ve made the changes i want to the files for the new update. However, I don’t know how the repack the folder into a .PAK file, does anyone who has experience with this tell me how?

You don’t really have to repack it, You just copy the folder in your mods folder and that’s it.

Although if you wanna pack it, you just gotta do the same as before, but with
“win32\asset_packer.exe” instead of \asset_unpacker.exe

You can find more info here

I just wanted to turn the folder into a .pak file because for me the game seems to start up faster if I have more pak files than straight up folders

for some reason, whenever i click on the enable button for the big fatties ui, nothing happens? Any help?

well… tried to unpack the mod, but its tells me “The specified path cannot be found”, I don’t know how to set the exact destination even simplifying, it doesn’t work, and I don’t understand anything about the video in the ChuckleFish Forums besides being started in coding…

I don’t understand the (destination_folder), is it that I have to put the address or something else?

if someone could help me, it will be good…

What exactly are you typing in? Are you going into the base Starbound folder, listing the folders “assets”, “doc”, “mods”, etc.? Are you shift+right clicking the empty white space of the folder?
(Desination_Folder) is in parentheses and the rest of the command line isn’t is because it’s not a clarified name. Just replace that entire part with whatever you want the folder you want the unpacked goods to be put in named as. So, just as an example, Big Fatties.

how do you do it with powershell

Im typing this…

win32\asset_unpacker.exe mods\BigFatties.pak (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\mods)

I dunno if this is right…

You don’t do it in powershell, you need to start the command prompt using powershell, ONLY IF you are on windows 10, and shift + right clicking shows the option for powershell instead of cmd. If you are only given the option for powershell, open it, and type start cmd and it will open the command prompt, where you can launch the unpacker.

You don’t put parentheses around the destination folder. If you need to put spaces in the filename for some reason, use quotes " ", not parentheses. Dispatch probably just wrote it like that to indicate that it’s one variable.

If you’re just looking to unpack it and you don’t want to set your own filename, type this into the command prompt from common\Starbound:

win32\asset_unpacker mods\bigfatties.pak mods\bigfattiesfolder

Exactly as written, this will place a folder called bigfattiesfolder into the mods directory with the content of the .pak. You can delete the .pak afterwards.

If you want to be 100% absolutely sure it’s correct, you can copy+paste this line into cmd using right-click, since ctrl+v doesn’t work in cmd.

It’s looking okay, except for the destination folder. You don’t need to make it a long string like that at all. You also don’t need the parentheses; just type a name for the folder you want the assets to dump in to. The command will create the folder in your set directory if it doesn’t exist. I recommend NOT putting it into your base mods folder.

…Oh, Caliber beat me to both while I was researching Powershell. I’m curious, why can’t it be done in Powershell?

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it can be done in powershell if you open in the win 32 folder the command is " .\ asset_unpacker mods\bigfatties.pak mods\bigfatties folder" you need .\ for it to work

Technically you can, but it’s more complicated than cmd. Powershell commands that mirror cmd commands are just aliases, like cd and dir. They don’t actually exist as commands in powershell, they just run powershell scripts that do the equivalent of those commands in cmd. cd is just an alias for the function set-location.

If you try to just run an executable in powershell the same way as in cmd, it’ll say it’s not a valid function / script / program, since it doesn’t know where it is, despite supposedly being in the same directory. you’d need to use .\ before the executable name for it to recognize it as such. I don’t personally ever use powershell but based on the documentation I can find and directory conventions, I’m assuming it runs its own little environment inside the directory you launch it from, and you need to show it the way out of that before it can run anything.

The convention I’m used to goes like this:

\ = Root directory
﹒ = This location
﹒﹒ = Up a directory
﹒\ = Current directory
﹒﹒\ = Parent of current directory
﹒﹒\﹒﹒\ = Two directories backwards


Beat to the punch, but here’s a further explanation.

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… Of all the replies I got… none one of them work… I don’t know why it does that to me…
with the same Error messages…

same you are not alone

I’m gonna try to direct this to private messages, so we’re not flooding this thread any further.

Slightly more on topic:
Is there any sort of program available to better preview Starbound’s sprites and animations? I’m wanting to try my hand at doing some Avali clothes/armours, but since most of them occupy the leg slot to encompass the body, I’m having to patch the upper bodies onto the lower legs and using quick screenshots of the in-game sprites as reference. It’s painstaking, but feasible. I just wanna know if there’s an easier way.

Hey just wanted to ask something about the new update, are you working on a new race or something?

There seems to be a empty but active slot that crashes the game.

I’ve tested it without fattie-addons and my steam mods but its still there.

Are you working on a remastered Novablobs, something completely new or is my game just bug.

A bug, it’s a remnant of that failure.
A failure that is not worth pursuing.