Howdy all! I’m back with the first part of a devlog! This devlog will actually be split into two parts, with the second releasing a few weeks from now.
The topic of this Dev Log is the newly reworked main village for the first region! I haven’t implemented the NPCs yet, as it will take a lot of writing to make unique NPCs with varying reactions to being inflated!
As such Dev Log #6 part b will be going over these NPCs and what all you can do to them, as well as showing a few characters important to the regional story!
Below is an overhead view of the town, and each building:
Those who have read the previous logs will probably note that this village is much bigger than the previous iteration, as I had not fully accounted for what all buildings it would need yet! This was primarily due to my vision for the game not being as well developed as it is now.
And now for a runthrough of what each of these buildings do! * First up is the juicery! This is where you will go to get your blueberry status treated if you happen to get afflicted with the contagious debuff! And don’t worry if you can’t afford it, they will put it on your tab! (To a limit, you might want to pay it off unless you want to paint their walls blue!) You can find it by the blueberry sign above the door!
- Next is the general store! This is where you’ll buy more basic equipment to kickstart your journey into each region, as well as items to help you on your adventures for those too lazy to craft their own supplies! If you’d rather burst hordes of enemies for coin instead of gathering materials this is the place for you!
- Following that is the town hall! If you decide to do the regional (main) questline for the first region you’ll be visiting here quite often for quests! They also generously have a table out for you to practice your enchanting! If you break the law and get caught by the town’s guards you’ll end up in the dungeon below the town hall!
- Next up is the smithy! Here’s where you’ll forge most of your gear, or buy it for a steep price! Crafted and looted gear will often be superior to the gear you find for sale here. You can practice both your accessory crafting and alchemy here! They also sell vital ingredients for crafting such as bottles for potions in bulk!
- To the east of that is the inn! This has been shown off in a previous log, but it’s worth covering again since a lot more people seem to have discovered the game since then. Here you can order drinks with various effects (both for combat buffs and different methods of inflation!), and find side quests available in bulk! It’s also a good place to pick up on rumors… or so I’ve heard.
- Below the inn are the market stalls! Here you’ll find vendors selling all sorts of things, with rotating inventories! Stop by often, as you never know what they might be selling! They will also sell items tied to seasonal events related to both real holidays and holidays tied to the in game calendar! You can find things such as new trinkets related to inflation (duh!), furniture for your home, holiday themed pets, and more!
- And finally past that is the pet store! Here you’ll be able to buy pets, as well as lootboxes that can contain random pets! If you’re sitting on a lot of money and not sure what to spend it on, this might be the place for you! Most pets are just for aesthetical appeal, but plenty of them will also have interactions with the player as well! Do watch out if youre feeling particularly bloated and your pet is staring down your tummy…
And that covers all the significant buildings in the first village! Each region will have at least one major town with all of these structures within, and many of the smaller settlements throughout the world will have varying mixes of them. There are also plenty of secrets and hidden areas scattered around the town, so keep your eyes peeled!
That’s all for now! As mentioned previously, the next Dev Log will feature the NPCs around town, and likely some other features coming in the first beta release as well! Thank you for reading!
Additionally, I am planning on releasing an update with lots of bug fixes and some extra additions for the original demo very soon! I stopped working on it for a bit to avoid burn out, and decided to work on new content instead for a while.