got to thinking recently, since we’re able to reskin the playable characters and vanity sets for terraria, why hasn’t someone taken it upon themselves to make a fatter version of them?
would be a lot less time consuming than an actual weight gain mod as well! i find it quite unfortunate that i haven’t been able to find even one example of such a thing yet!
(If anyone knows of anything though please do let me know, I’d be very interested. Also if this is the incorrect category do let me know about that as well.)
In the interest of scientific inquiry, I quickly sketched a concept for how this idea would actually look, using the Mechanic as a base. I tried to stay faithful to the Terraria artstyle, as crusty and kitchen-sinky as it is.
Honestly I wonder if it’s possible to beef up the base sprite scale of the game at all- not just for more detailed kink stuff but also to just
Make more detailed sprites possible
I think you can actually up the resolution of the sprites in this game without actually making the sprites bigger (unlike stardew valley for example), so if anyone were to make new ones they wouldn’t need to limit themselves.
I’ve actually been throwing together a resource pack that makes the NPCs and their shimmered variants fat (with three variable sizes you can pick from in the files) for a couple weeks now. It’s nothing too extraordinary (and it uses the normal Terraria sprites as a base, I don’t want to break up the game’s aesthetic with double resolution shenanigans) and I really wish I had the tools to make an actual mod instead but you take what you can get I guess.
I want to at least get four NPCs ready (two male and two female) before I put it out for the world to see but I figured I’d just let everyone know since I’ve been handed the opportunity.
Yes, I’m not sure how to go about it though. I think just posting it here could be enough, but maybe opening up a different topic would be a better idea.
EDIT: I’ve finished the two male NPCs I said I would before uploading the resource pack. Making a new topic soon.