The Curse of Something: A RPG Game About Large Furry Men


Alright. But this is the last time! (Mostly because I am running out of comparisons).
So far, I’ve been looking at diameter, but I’m gonna need to pull in circumference too for this one. C&B should still be the same since they are both measured in either length or width, per the game.

Special Units:
Observable Universe Diameter (OUD): 9.3 x 10^10 light-years
Observable Universe Circumference (OUC): 2.92 x 10^11 light-years
Solar Mass (SM): 1.989 x 10^30 kg (the mass of our Sun)
Milky Way Galaxy: 1.5 x 10^12 SMs
Estimated Mass of Universe (EMU): 1.45×10^53 kg

  • The was kind of hard to pin down, as new discoveries are changing the estimation, and I am not an astrophysicist. However, Wikipedia seems good enough for porn


  • 2.95 x 10^119 ft, OR
  • 9.50 x 10^102 light-years, OR
  • 3.25 x 10^91 OUCs


  • 2.29 x 10^306 lbs, OR
  • 1.15 x 10^303 tons (1.04 x 10^303 tonne), OR
  • 5.22 x 10^275 times heavier than the sun, OR
  • 3.48 x 10^263 times heavier than the Milky Way Galaxy, OR
  • 7.17 x 10^252 EMUs


  • 1.23 x 10^120 ft, OR
  • 3.96 x 10^103 light-years, OR
  • 1.36 x 10^92 OUCs


  • 6.17 x 10^306 lbs
  • 3.09 x 10^303 (2.80 x 10^303 tonne), OR
  • 1.41 x 10^276 times heavier than the sun, OR
  • 9.40 x 10^263 times heaver than the Milky Way Galaxy, OR
  • 1.93 x 10^253 EMUs


  • 6.33 x 10^119 ft, OR
  • 2.04 x 10^103 light-years, OR
  • 6.99 x 10^91 OUCs


  • 7.5 x 10^98 ft, OR
  • 2.41635552 × 10^82 light-years, OR
  • 2.598 * 10^71 OUDs

Balls (each):

  • 7.5 x 10^98 ft, OR
  • 2.41635552 × 10^82 light-years, OR
  • 2.598 * 10^71 OUDs

Tail: (orders of magnitude difference means we can ignore the 1.20 x 10^52 inches)

  • 6.84 x 10^66 ft, OR
  • 2.20 x 10^50 light-years, OR
  • 2.37 x 10^39 OUDs

What does that actually mean, numbers man?

The smallest unit of measure we have before quantum gravity starts messing with our ability to measure is Planck length, which is 1.6 x 10^-35 meters (or 5.25 x 10^-35 ft). An electron is 10 trillion times bigger than Planck length

If we shrunk the observable universe down to Planck length and you proportionally, your waistline would still be 30 orders of magnitude bigger than the (non-shrunk) observable universe. That’s a 1 followed by 29 zeros.

How does is feel to have eaten your way into godhood?

Extra Bits I Found While Researching:
That klein bottle @Glass was talking about? It’s part of a series of compact topological surfaces, which include (and I am not making this up): Boy’s surface, Roman surface, and Dyck’s surface