The FULL College Experience - Text Adventure (Demo Version 0.2.0)

I appreciate the suggestion. My only question on that is if I set all these properties to an object, can those properties change the name of the Object? Or would it be best to create a string that includes all the attributes of the clothing item and set that to the Object’s name? I don’t know if someone here is knowledgeable on that but I’ll keep looking to see what I can do. Currently focused on transferring the code to sugarcube still though so won’t go back to the clothing problem for a bit. Almost done with the updated bedroom!

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how often would you be able to adjust your meal plan?

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Meal plans would be adjustable during the day in the afternoon free time block. There will be a free roam type section where you can go to locations and do things (up to two activities per day). The Dining Hall Office will be one of those locations.


On the topic of that exploit(fairly certain this is okay to ask, but I will remove this in a heartbeat if needed):

How do we guarantee we get $UnfinishedFood to 0.25?


Another progress update for you guys. I can happily report that the sugarcube version has had all the content from the Harlowe versions successfully moved over in some form or another. That means all the content you could experience in the currently released 0.1.1 version as well as most of the things that I started to work on prior to the move over. This means that this week will be focused on bug squashing and new content. I’m thinking of putting out an unstable version on Wednesday, and based on feedback/timing of feedback try to get a stabler version out soon after. Hope the radio silence the past few days hasn’t discouraged anyone on progress being made. I’ve been able to put in at least a little time into this project each day. I know burnout has been discussed a couple times here and I’m hyper-aware of it. Community feedback and interactions have been a big motivator for me.

Alright changes, ideas, and thoughts for the actual game.


Content Changes/Additions:

  • Ordering food now happens from something new in the bedroom called the tablet!
    • This will also be a place for miscellaneous features coming down the pipeline that I haven’t fully concepted out yet.
    • Grades will also be checked here when I get that system coded out.
    • As a result the kitchen has become completely useless until i get more content for other aspects completed. Don’t need to go there for now.
  • Dining Hall is now completely streamlined with the first version of the “Decision System” put in place. Where you will eat what’s in front of you when you first arrive, you won’t necessarily be offered seconds immediately, your character will run through some checks to see if they really want that extra meal. This will tie into a stats system in later versions once I get around to coding it out.
    • For now it takes into account how full you are, your characters willpower, and whether or not your goal weight is lower than or higher than your current known weight.
  • I dumbed down the flavor and code behind classes. Was just a lot of work for very little payoff for the player for right now. You’ll see instead random topics and homework assignments it will be described as biology homework/topic, or history homework/topic.
    • Let me know if this is something that’s bothersome. I do want to ramp up the flavor as things develop in the game but this is a fairly low priority thing on my list for now. Depending on your guys’ reaction to it though I can bump it up the list.
  • I have a few basic walking to class events in place.
    • These so far are the only thing affecting mood at the moment but that will change, and are random in how they appear.

Ideas/Things to be reworked:

  • Wardrobe is slowly making progress, i have all clothing sets in place to be written out and a sketch of a system of how to build the descriptions taking into account things like body size, clothing size, clothing type, how full you are etc.
    • Still just going to take time on getting that implemented and likely not going to be there for the unstable version coming soon.
  • Still nothing to do for weekends
    • Currently I have designed a few areas to free roam.
      • Gym - to workout, meet people, grab a few food/drink items
      • Dining Hall Office - Change meal plan, as well as possibly lead to a job down the line
      • Health office - Meet some important characters as well as get health advice, and check ups.
      • Coffee Shop - Nearly done with this one so it might be there for the next version, but meet a new friend/get coffee
    • There will eventually be a town to go to for other things but that is coming way down the line.
  • Grading system needs to be done at some point I’m realizing. Thinking of just setting a point total that you can earn if you complete and study for everything and you work towards that point total. But we shall see. Not a difficult thing to implement, just have to dedicate some time to it.

Alright those are the thoughts I have to share with you all. As always feel free to ask questions, offer suggestions, and let me know any thoughts. Appreciate those who take the time to read these, and have a good one!


very very cool thanks


Keep track. Every time the stomach expands, capacity grows by 0.25.

Initially, capacity is either 6 or 7 (IIRC).

I find the easiest way to make sure is to use the sweets - the big one is size 3, the smaller one size 2.

So grow stomach capacity to 7.75 (say) - and then find something that is of size 8 (I think one of the breakfasts might be? I’d have to recheck) - and all of a sudden that breakfast counts for 4x usual, so something that has 800 calories counts for 3200, opening a rapid window to wait gain for our protagonist. :wink:

Every hour that no feeding happens, fullness goes down by 4. So this can be done multiple times per day by keeping track.


Didn’t have time to reply this morning, but thanks for the info. This saves me all kinds of time.

Reading through the content and update list, there’s a lot of exciting stuff in the pipeline.


VERSION UPDATE 0.2.0 unstable

Alright folks here it is. Version 0.2.0 of The Full College Experience. This is the first iteration to use the sugarcube format which comes with many changes, additions, and the introduction of new bugs, exploits, and broken stuff all for your enjoyment. I’ll go into major details on all of the nitty gritty in a bit. But first I want to acknowledge the awesome support this project has received. Really want to thank all those who’ve tried the game, provided feedback, or even read through this thread. It means a lot and helps motivate me to continue development as I’ve said multiple times. With that I want to bring up a point made at the beginning about the patreon thing. I feel like I’m getting closer to putting out a product that’s worth some sort of monetary support (not yet though, still have a ton of content I want to add before then). I just want to be fully transparent on that and I’m open to thoughts and feelings being shared here about that. My overall goal is to have a feature completeish first quarter demo prior to moving over to the paid update model. I get it is a text adventure game so don’t expect anything outrageous for it, but we shall see how this progresses.

Alright on to the meat of the update:

Content Additions

  • Sugarcube redesign: This version of the game has been completely remade in the sugarcube format, thus the UI background and text will look a bit different (arguably a little more bland but I’ll fix that sometime soon). Overall though the engine itself seems to be a little more feature heavy and will allow for lots of cool things to occur in future updates.
    • UI now shows character name, time, date, weight, fullness, mood, and something called special status (a teaser for other things to come). This is all located on the left side of your screen and will update as your playthrough continues.
  • Character Creation Update: This version of the game has a new character creation screen. All of the traits of your character besides name and style will be decided in a new single page format with dropboxes.
  • Wardrobe Update: You will now be able to design your opening wardrobe with many options to choose from that will affect scenes down the line. Currently it is in progress and thus only t shirts and jeans have flavor text built into this version. There is no way to upsize clothing so once you reach the highest tightness text the only thing that will update is adjectives for body parts.
    • More to come on this in the future as I add more clothes, along with clothing sizes to be adjusted and changed.
  • New Meal Plans: Now you will select a meal plan from one of three options during the intro section of the game. Light, Medium and Heavy. With this you’ll eat a base amount of calories at each meals with a chance at a second round if your character isn’t too full, or greedy. This will streamline the days a little more.
  • Walking, Transition, and some class events have been implemented in this version, if they appear, they have some sort of effect on something. They are not clean looking yet and need polish but they are there.
  • The Tablet: a new device in the bedroom that allows you to order food, and not much else. More to be implemented here including grades, and browsing the internet.

Quick List Updates: Meant for smaller additions

  • Updated Study Space and cleaned up unneeded variables
  • Re-Evaluate body image will work to increase your goal size so you aren’t discouraged after passing the initial one.
  • Cooking and Baking elective has a scene.
  • Biology has a scene in place
  • Updated professors descriptions in the opening days of non-elective classes.
  • 33,627 words in this version!

Overall: This is meant to be a test version for people here to get a stronger feel for how the framework/game will play in the long run. Looking explicitly for feedback on writing/design, bug reports, and any other thoughts and feelings. I didn’t mention everything that has changed in this version. Will be working on some written documentation and a written out roadmap for how I want the final demo to look in the coming days. Hope you enjoy what’s here and I look forward to reading everyone’s thoughts and feelings.



can i change my mealplan after the intro btw?


Great update!

It seems that no matter what, the afternoon class cannot be passed at the end of the week (calculus in my case). Even though the study descriptor describes me as knowing the material like the back of my hand, it always fails every week

Thats the only thing ive found so far not mentioned on your list.

I love the character creation & outfit designing, as well as the new walking & between class events

Great work!! Cant wait for more


I think I had the same Prof when I was in college.


@knerf999 Not yet implemented at this time. Will be sure to bump it up on the priority list.

@abcdemoobunny932 Thanks for playing and the feedback. I will look into this issue and get a fix out there. Since school has no consequences yet it shouldn’t affect anything though.


I’ve really been enjoying the game so far! Lots of really good potential here. I’m not sure if its just me, but I think there is a bug during the meal plan choice as choosing the heavy meal plan seems to set you up with the light meal plan.


On playing further with a different start (starting chubby rather than very thin), I’ve noticed the same thing. Having to order ‘seconds’ four times (when it lets me) to fill up. Feel like the cafeteria is trying to hint something about my character’s diet with all the meals being salads or fruit bowls :thinking:


@Jross116 Thanks for the kind words and your time playing the game. I’ll check on that bug for the heavy meal plan.

@abcdemoobunny932 Very strange. That is working as intended technically, the only issue is the misattribution of the meal plan. I’ll be sure to get it fixed.


Great game so far, surprisingly engaging to play despite being so early in production. I think you’ll have a great game on your hands just by adding more events and descriptions. For bugs, I don’t think I noticed anything too glaring that hasn’t been mentioned in the thread already. Main thing that stuck out was that if you look in the mirror before getting dressed the description is the same as if you were wearing clothes but with placeholder text. Not a huge issue though, and again I’d like to say I enjoyed the game. The gameplay loop is very fun.


Thank you for playing and the kind words. I’ll take a look at that mirror bug. I appreciate it, and more to come in terms of filling in the game. Looking forward to launching more content. Recently wrapped up a road map to what i want the final free demo to look like. Good things to come!


Loving this game. One question: any plans to include men/love interests in the future?


You then attempt to pull the Black Jeans over your
thick legs though it takes an immense amount of effort. You then attempt to pull up the Jeans over your thick ass and around your thick waist but it seems to catch and drag at the ass part. With multiple tugs and an incredible amount of effort, you are able to zip and button them, though they do feel like they could bust at any minute. Enough to dig into your waist hard and produce a major muffin top. Due to their high waisted nature you find them covering up your thick midriff, though the waistband is digging painfully and tightly into your stomach, which allows a lot of chub from the top of your belly to spill out over the high waisted Jeans obscuring the button and zipper holding on for dear life. Overall you find that they hug your lower body extremely tightly with a large amount of discomfort allowing every curve and bulge to be seen, especially drawing attention to your thick thighs and ass which could bust out of these Jeans at any moment.

is this as far as the clothing descriptions go or is there another tier where they stop fitting? (in 0.2.0)