The Im-Sim Stealth Game About the Fox Thief ( tISSGAtFT / fox game)

Greetings to all of you, fellow degenerates and the ocassional sane person who found this by accident (leave now for your own sake).

This is a project I started a while ago. I first thought about it while stealing cheese in skyrim, while realizing that it’s stealth gameplay is even worse than it’s physics engine. In that moment, I thought: “Why not make a game about stealing (and eating) cheese?”. Then I started thinking about Thief(the good one AND the bad one), Splinter Cell, and the great CreatureUnknown's Coinpurse Kobold. So, now I have what could be considered a stealth-focused immersive sim, which I think is almost complete. The “almost” is because the only thing worse than my long-term planning is my map making skills, which happen to be the most important element in both stealth games and immersive sims. So I couldn’t go on on making it, and even though I didn’t want to show it until it was finished, I’m now here asking for help. Please help me.


Captura de pantalla 2024-07-16 212005

Captura de pantalla 2024-07-16 212320

You play as a fox that, as suggested, steals cheese, baked goods, and other food types while sneaking. It has light-based and sound detection, as well as state-machine AI that searches in the last spot it saw you, which I think is pretty cool and took it from Sniper Elite.

Now that I’m writing this, I feel I’m understating the influence of Coinpurse Kobold. It is huge (///). Really good game, everyone should play it. Makes this one looks like a ripoff, even being free.

Needless to say it includes weight gain.

Thanks y’all for listening (reading) and hope someone with even a pinch of an imsim mapper in their soul can help me.

It is hard to end a post.


UPDATE: I decided to post a demo.


This looks like an amazing project- I’m not a mapper so I regrettably am unable to help, but I just want to express my excitement. As a massive fan of imsims and coinpurse kobold, this seems super up my alley!

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this looks really interesting and i do hope this will come out (not soon of course im not expecting a game within 3 days)

You styles and concepts intrigue me. I look forwards to a demo, and if my polygons can be of assistance I’d love to help out.

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Yeah, that looks like something that would be fun to play. Not enough stealth-based games based on stealing (and eating) food in my opinion. But by all means, take your time.

heyhey, can i help u with the project if is in unity? after u post i played Coinpurse Kobold. Now im iterestet if i can rebuild this game and make it even better.

I’m sorry, I work with godot. Btw, if you’re working in unity, I really recommend switching to godot. I did it and, personally, I can’t recommend it enough.

If u want to make it with godot i can understand, becase it a total free engine. if its ok with u i woud like to gife it a try?

I hadn’t really seen many people here make stealth games, not any that i could remember of right now, but you could throw down whatever you could and then work off feedback.

just uploaded a demo

From what i can say, the demo is quite good. Not really a map expert, but i didn’t have trouble playing through and had a bit of challenge out of it, the window crawling is a nice touch. AI nav is janky, they can get stuck on corners when chasing. Also there’s a couple holes in the building, hope you’re aware of that. On my first playthrough the two residents on the second floor both got stuck in the doorframe, replaying fixed the issue. Good job so far!

Added disguises just like in good ol’ Castle Wolfenstein (and hitman I guess).