The Lipomancer's Ruins [v1.4 out Now!]

The energy potions seem unusually rare, i have opened 6 chests now and got none.

And finally, getting to the courtyard, leaving and then resting confuses the game about your actual location, being able to shop but still being affected by the curse


Alrighty, most of the discovered issues should be fixed now.

Here’s a patch.

Lipomancers Ruins (123.5 KB)


Now the chest event has a string and opening it still displays the two strings from before, the stone slab event now has a string too and simply gaining weight causes another string to appear


Gaining weight when, specifically?

WAIT WHAT? I’ve literally gotten almost every ending and haven’t seen that event

Yeah, I just noticed that, during my most recent test, that event was incredibly hard to find. It will hopefully be a smidge more common in the patch that I should have out in the next few minutes.

Also it’s brand new as of 0.5, so it’d make sense if you didn’t see it before now.

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Ok, feeling a bit more confident about this patch. I didn’t come across any glitches when I test ran it, so that’s a good sign.

Also I actually tested it this time. I should do that more often.

Lipomancers Ruins (123.4 KB)


Seriously do you only work on this? You really need a break.

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This week, yes. I have a tendency to fully focus on a project until I either finish, run out of steam, or otherwise just plain lose interest.

At this rate it looks like this is going to be a case of the first option, luckily.

Honestly, there just isn’t much else going on rn since I’m not getting that many hours at work these days and am currently low on hobbies aside from trying to learn to program games. Plus, there isn’t all that much to do around where I am in general.

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That sounds understandable.

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So, pretty big bug I’d say, once you get to the center and try to leave, it gives you a loop of the message and plops you back in the Courtyard. I managed to somehow leave via random event, but, not sure if it’s intentional or not.


Ok, so that was a massive screwup on my part, involving some lazy copy-pasting that I clearly forgot about.

Lipomancers Ruins (123.4 KB)


I’ve learned not to download a new version until I’ve finished reading to the bottom of the thread.


Probably a wise choice.

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I’m not going to be doing anymore updates or patches tonight (Unless there’s some glaring glitch). But I did do a rough sketch of everyone’s favorite servant of the Lipomancer. I’m not a big fan of how it turned out, but I figured I might as well share it.

Is it to scale? Maybe, maybe not. But probably.

A few touch ups and an actual background would’ve probably been a good idea.


The amount of updates this game gets is insane. If I blinked, I swear the game would be released on Steam with HD 4K 3D graphics and a 170 hour-long campaign, all while my eyes are closed.
No offense intended, I just think your strong work ethic is funny.


Don’t close your eyes for too long. Or else you might open them to see that I’ve turned all of reality into this game.


Fantastic, and, I must again stress, terrifyingly quick work. I’m impressed, and I fear for the safety of this reality should you choose to use your powers for evil rather than good.
Actually, use your powers for evil. A world ruled by Somchu is inevitably full of beautiful and pudgy women.


oh no how horrible


For some reason, i seem to be unable to leave the ruins after reaching the courtyard, i was only able to leave by escaping the emperor

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