The Lipomancer's Ruins [v1.4 out Now!]

Well, I mean, you do follow a corpse strapped to a golden throne, so there is an obvious flaw right there.


Oh, you thought I meant that emperor.

I meant the Emperor Pudding… Who most decidedly doesn’t protect.


Ah, excellent. I should have known you’d be on the side of Slaanesh, what with the whole gluttony thing.

And really, when I said terrifying, it was more to do with the fact that, in the time you’ve released SIX updates, I haven’t continued a single piece of fiction I’ve been writing. I’m still putting together jotnotes.


If it makes you feel any better, I’ve been floundering on all the creative writing I’ve done aside from this game. Probably because I don’t need as much of a sense of creative direction with this project.

Also, bold of you to assume I’m not on the side of Tzeentch

Just kidding. Gork and Mork at the superior Chaos Gods.



And if I may nitpick, not really Chaos Gods.


When I mentioned the text shown while sleeping in the Ruins, I meant to point out the spelling and grammar error there. The word “alseep” should be spelled “asleep”, and the word “for” should probably be removed entirely.


Oh. Whoops.

Lipomancers Ruins (121.2 KB)


Whoa, that was fast. Thanks a bunch!


No problem, I had been working on some random stuff that wasn’t important enough to justify its own patch or update anyway.

Maybe one day I’ll actually be able to proofread stuff.


While I have you attention, I don’t think anyone has made you aware, but I think when you rest, your health gets set to max before the weight gain and max health change happen. So, you can end up waking up with max health minus one


That is something that I’ve noticed for quite a while.

That said, I’ve decided that it’s now a feature, not a glitch. Partly cuz it kinda makes sense for health reasons, and partly cuz I feel like it might be a massive pain to fix.


The health thing does give your character a “legitimate” reason to sit in town and avoid adventuring.


So, It’s pretty hard to read the raw html data, but I think you just need to set your maxhp to the correct value every time you change your lbs. It might be a bit tedious, but I think a simple Ctrl+F could get that sorted pretty quickly.

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And a new glitch is discovered (my bad):
Eating a bunch of food out of your inventory at once causes a handful of glitches. Namely: Sometimes, apples just kind of… don’t give you health if you eat them out of your inventory.
Sometimes, the inventory will display the character having a higher hp than their max hp.

Also, uh, this
Edit: I just noticed that it also says “tograb” instead of “to grab”

Hopefully, most of those bugs should be fixed me time tonight.

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I am to this thread as Socrates was to Athens: A gadfly
Now, I come bearing references:

This is, I believe, what you were referencing when you do that one action

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Might be related to the next glitch, cuz they won’t heal you if you’re at Max HP for sure.

Forgot to set the HP in your inventory to display as $hp/$maxhp instead of $hp/20. Fixed.

The mess that is going on in that picture

Fixed. Literally just stopped writing mid code and forgot about it, apparently. Whoops.

Also, the typo is fixed. Here’s the patch for all that.

Lipomancers Ruins (121.2 KB)


One of the things I really like about this game is the statues. When Taco peep got that first statue, I had hopes of being immortalized myself and I have seen the sights of such a feat. I feel honored and have but one gripe with the statues. I kinda wish you could take them back to the inn with you to remove them from the rng pool cause they can get annoying after like fifteen times of seeing the monkey paw.

On a side note, I am trying to perform a crusade on the emperor and I am worried about my life…
Edit: I seem to have found a bug, but I’m not fully sure what had happened. . . So I was fighting the emperor, losing of course, but I had come to the fight with a total of 75 weight loss potions. During the fight, my health started to drop so I ate some of the emperor in order to try to regain any health and as my weight skyrocketed up to the 750 area, I drank a potion. This potion was no ordinary potion was what I didn’t realize, for when I shed the 47 pounds, the emperor had a heart attack and died. That’s what I was getting at, I drank a potion and the mate just rolled over dead.
I thought it was kinda funny
Edit 2: I also took a screen cap the turn that this bug happened if there’s anyway that could help.


I honestly don’t like the new ruins mechanic, if I dive in deep unprepared (basically at the start of the run) I have to deal with potentially being walled off by a monster and being knocked out before the run even begins, it feels unfair earlygame and frustrating lategame if you need to head back for any particular reason.