The Lipomancer's Ruins [v1.4 out Now!]

I think, you make just way too less updates XD

Good Game :smiley:

My dear goodness, I’ve hardly started the new update and I run into that new thing and holy heck my mate. Gotta say, I was not expecting to see a world killer when I wanted to do one thing of exercise in the ruins. It kinda scared me when it appeared.


I just cannot find the crevice event, unless that’s the money pouch event, in which case disregard this mesage.

I’m pretty certain that the crevice event is the money pouch event

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there’s a random extra ] after super secret dev button

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So the daily action choices and “too tired” shouldn’t appear after resting and getting this ending right? Also I got it by literally just resting, ignore the ruins

Also are you supposed to be unable to visit the ruins day 1? My first new game after getting the exercise ending, I couldn’t visit the ruins until I rested. Then after getting the “you got your ass kicked” ending, I could visit it day 1. Weird

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This probably isn’t supposed to happen right?
The result of eating apples against the pudding emperor. I was trying to see if I could either beat him, or have an easier time getting knocked out to get the apple ending

Also on a related note


Gonna get right to work on fixing all these glitches. As for the Emperor…

The trick about the Emperor Pudding is that it is a low-damage, highly fattening monster (that I designed mostly to keep the player from exercising themselves to death in the Ruins). The best way to go about beating (or at least mildly inconveniencing) the Emperor is to focus on avoiding immobility by using Weight Loss Potions. If you do not have enough potions, the second best option for dealing with the Emperor is running for dear life.

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Here, have a patch.

Lipomancers Ruins (119.6 KB)

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I’m enjoying this so far. I feel like it’d be great with some illustrations to go along with certain scenes, although I understand if that’s not on your list of priorities. I’ve also noticed that during one of the Lipomancer scenes, it says “It has been a few weeks since the Lipomancer had rescued her from your ruins”, which I’m assuming is suposed to say It has been a few weeks since the Lipomancer had rescued you from her ruins

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Also, I did some other stuff in this patch.

Lipomancers Ruins (119.9 KB)

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I’m so impressed, and a bit scared, by your ability to produce updates.

The stats page doesn’t keep a count of how many coins you’ve eaten, and always displays 0.
Edit: And resting while in the Ruins at a very high weight tells you that you’ve “fallen alseep for feeling very hungry”

I tested the coin counter and didn’t come across that problem.

Also, that is correct. It becomes a bit less rewarding to rest in Camp at higher weights, since you aren’t able to be fed by the villagers.

One thing I’d love is a save feature, because I keep on closing it down, only to lose all of my endings


While I’m here, I’d like to express that it’s a bit annoying to have to wait for a combat encounter to be able to leave the Ruins. As it is it’s possible to get forced into a game over because our beloved adventurer decided to park her fat bum down on the magic weight gain stone and exceed her weight limit.
Which, come to think of it, would make for a pretty decent ending…

Still, being able to return to town at any point would be nice.



Unfortunately, the lack of a Saving option is a limitation of the Twine format that this game is written in (Harlowe).

Perhaps in the future I’ll port the game over to Sugarcube. But until then, it’ll be impossible to save.


Ok, so I may or may not have implemented a big enough change to finally bring us into v0.4. You can now choose to turn back at most events…

…But this feature comes at a cost.

You now have to try and retrace your steps through the Ruins! And don’t expect the pathway to be the same as you left it…

So without fiflle adiffle, I present to you v0.4!

Lipomancers Ruins (121.1 KB)

Good luck, and may the Emperor have mercy on you.


You are an absolute (and somewhat terrifying) machine, you know that?


Correct. I need more hobbies.

On the bright side, I’m at least spending time doing something constructive.

Unless you meant terrifying for other reasons. In which case, correct…?