The Lipomancer's Ruins [v1.4 out Now!]

Sounds to me like the Emperor got annoyed and gave up.

The Emperor Pudding is technically impossible to kill (As in bring it down to 0 HP). Instead, it usually gets frustrated and gives up. Undoing its hard work by drinking Potions may increase its frustration, making it give up sooner if you drink a potion while its HP is below a certain point.

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I have noticed that it feels like it’s significantly more difficult to leave the Ruins than it is to enter. At first, my attempt to remedy this issue was to make the Pastry People not show up on the way out, but it does feel like I may need to do a little more.

Perhaps in the next update (or in a patch) I’ll make it take half the time to leave the Ruins than it does to enter. Not including the time added from events that already exist that add to the exit time, as removing them would require some serious reworking.


Yeah I’d kinda gathered that, but I still struggle to understand if it’s possible. I find myself still taking enough damage to warrant needing to eat an apple or two every 3+ turns, and I swear the weight loss potion only takes away like 13 lbs or something

The grinding required to make the potions worth it is ridiculous. I propose treasure chests either with potions or potion ingredients or something.

Lemme write down the current loop:
Enter dungeon.
Disregard burgers.
Get money.
Exit dungeon.
Exercise. Excercise. Excercise. Excercise. Excercise. Excercise. Excercise. Excercise. Excercise. Excercise. Excercise. Excercise. Excercise. Excercise. Excercise. Excercise. Excercise. Excercise. Excercise.
Enter dungeon.
Disregard burgers.
Aquire money.
Exit dungeon…


Or making weight loss potions cheaper

The treasure chest containing potions is good though, although maybe add in a trapped element that cause you to gain weight on a 5% chance or so


You know, it’s funny you should mention that. I was considering making a treasure chest that contains various potions and/or coins.

Don’t worry, there’s a big update that should make the game at least a bit less painful to grind, and maybe make the encounters a bit less repetitive.

Among other things.


I found a text-glitch thingy. Sometimes, after eating an apple while in the Ruins, if it makes you gain weight, after the message that tells you that you feel heavier, there will be an extra “))” on the next line down.

Other than that, though, I also just want to thank you for making such an amazing game. You’re doing us all proud.


Oh boy, here’s that big update I mentioned.

We’ve got Chests now! Also, I’ve done some balancing stuff such as messing around with the various Monsters, and making it take half the time to reach the Exit (At least half, there are events that could potentially make it take a bit longer). I’ve also completely rewritten how the game calculates what Encounter you’ll get next. I’m not sure if the new system is better or worse, but it no longer physically hurts me to even look at it anymore.

Oh and also you can get to the center of the Ruins now.

Without furthoodle adoodle, here’s v0.5:

Lipomancers Ruins (123.4 KB)

Good luck and happy hunting!


Dangit, I forgot to change the Potion prices. Sorry about that folks.

That’ll be in the next patch or update, I promise.

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So, you just posted a v0.4 not that long ago, and you’ve already now posted a v0.5.

one quick question: WHEN DO YOU SLEEP!?

(I’m not trying to be rude or anything, considering it shows just how dedicated you are to this project, but it kinda does feel that way)


Every time i enter the ruins, the string keeps appearing, and in the case of the chest, it doesn’t properly display the number of potions obtained.


Also why do I get the feeling that there’s an ending related to the chests


Sleep is for the weak.

In all seriousness, I just have a lot of time due to the whole plague thing that’s going on.

Whoops. Well, there’s that excuse to make a patch with the corrected Potion price.

There isn’t. Yet. But that does remind me that I forgot to update the number of Endings on the Ending List. Whoops.

Another reason to push out another patch!

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The energy potions seem unusually rare, i have opened 6 chests now and got none.

And finally, getting to the courtyard, leaving and then resting confuses the game about your actual location, being able to shop but still being affected by the curse


Alrighty, most of the discovered issues should be fixed now.

Here’s a patch.

Lipomancers Ruins (123.5 KB)


Now the chest event has a string and opening it still displays the two strings from before, the stone slab event now has a string too and simply gaining weight causes another string to appear


Gaining weight when, specifically?

WAIT WHAT? I’ve literally gotten almost every ending and haven’t seen that event

Yeah, I just noticed that, during my most recent test, that event was incredibly hard to find. It will hopefully be a smidge more common in the patch that I should have out in the next few minutes.

Also it’s brand new as of 0.5, so it’d make sense if you didn’t see it before now.

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Ok, feeling a bit more confident about this patch. I didn’t come across any glitches when I test ran it, so that’s a good sign.

Also I actually tested it this time. I should do that more often.

Lipomancers Ruins (123.4 KB)