The Nebutori's Tale

I had the same issue as well a few times. Let me do a bit of testing to see.

Also, It seems to play if offline you may need to download Quest, although other people have said if you unzip the file you should be able to play.

I can reliably trigger the smart car disappearance in a save on day 2 by travelling there from another location (the library).

Wait a minute… let me check something real quick.

I’m not sure if I’m missing something, but on the second day I don’t have enough to carry on to day 3, instead going to the Nightmarescape.

<hasbeenmoved /> is the only thing I can see that confuses me when looking at the Smart Car stuff. It looks like it’s non-functional code.

Argh, Quest is not working well with me right now, also I checked what I thought could be the issue but it wasn’t. What the heck did I do that pulls a Houdini on a car?

I suspect the problem is that there’s no code saving the new location of the car so that the game can remember where it wasn’t as opposed to where it isn’t.


It was my very first visit to the mall, I saw the scooter and chose the ride option to see what would happen, it gave me the skinny response and then immediately under it was the fat response, then the game starting acting like she had gone up weight levels

Well, I’m not sure since I tried already a couple of times by resetting and whenever I’m on the dreamscape room on the second day it is impossible to go out of there since I see no available option about anything at all, not sure what I’m doing wrong here

Okay weirdly taking the scooter, despite having just one if statement on it and the conditions being very far apart, is displaying two messages when you first interact with it. This shouldn’t even be happening, yet for some odd reason it is. I’m going to keep poking around on it, but that is very strange.

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I’m playing offline and online and have that same issue though…

Okay… for some odd reason despite already changing things around I’m still getting things I have already deleted. You may see the game update a few times for me to see if some solutions are working.
Edit: There will be apparent debug stuff also, which will break the game if interacted (don’t look at the Twin bed)

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What if I REALLY feel like looking at the Twin bed is part of the integral gameplay, and playing the game becomes meaningless if I’m not allowed to, HUH!?

Okay, there might be some issues, for some reason despite changing how the text looks the mobile scooter is still displaying text before being altered. Not sure why but trying other ideas.

Edit: Thank you for the laughs, helping to push back the panic of things that were meant to work but are completely bugged


Last update did fix the issue with the “result” error when talking to the sister. But trying to pass to day 3 still will get hanged up after filling up the green heart! And getting you to an empty room with nothing to do/interact with.

PS. in case it hasn’t been said enough. Damn, your quest games are at a different level…
PPS. Don’t worry my man. This is what being a gamedev is lol
Imagine a whole team of people that spends 5 years 8 hours a day working on a game, and then, have to release a day1 patch because shit like “The game is deleting my game files…” and such happens xD

Okay, I’m trying something else with the vehicles hopefully, it works this time. Now to figure out the issue with the nightmarescape.

Edit: The twin bed should be safe now.

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A) It still doesn’t work
B) I can’t talk to either woman with the red/scarlet shirt. image

Haven’t reached that yet, I will in due time. Currently, Yama is giving me a hard time.


Alright, so. First of all, I want to send some praise over bc this game is amazing. I’m loving the story and as someone who has made Quest games I know what a nightmare they can be to make.

Now I have found some bugs that I’ll blur in case they spoil anything. The obvious one is that the car is missing at the mall on day 2. However, there’s also a few others. Checking the bracelet before you talk to Manami in the morning of Day 2 breaks her interaction. Something about Result being missing, which you also see when you look at the bracelet. If you do manage to talk to her and eat with her, going to the bed doesn’t do anything and clicking on it twice teleports you to the Mall? Finally, to do with the reply just above by Parnash, you have to type “Talk to woman” to talk to them, the speak button doesn’t work.

Atm it may seem like there’s a million bugs and stuff never quite works right but don’t worry. Take your time and you’ll get there. This is a big game, there’s a lot of stuff that can go wrong. If you ever feel bad just look at Cyberpunk :wink:


Is the car still missing with the current update, or are you still on a prior one? I’ll check if I somehow messed up Manami (weirdly I have had it she didn’t work but other times she did, just another thing I’m going to have to keep poking).

Weirdly I don’t see anything wrong with the Woman in the red shirt, but most likely like the mobile scooter I may have to revamp her completely.