The Nebutori's Tale

The last version I downloaded was about an hour ago, and the car was still missing at that time.

This is getting weird, I think what may be happening is that some of the code is behaving oddly. For those who were wondering this took roughly a year to make and Quest has had a few issues during that time. Hopefully, I’m wrong, but there may be certain things that will not acknowledge updates despite having been so (like the mobile scooter).

It also doesn’t help that Quest is loading slowly for some reason, so trying to fix these things is taking time.

Edit: Okay I may have a solution but it will take time since I don’t know what else is being affected. Sadly I think certain things are bugged so I have to create them from the ground up to have them function. Still not sure what to do about the vehicles, but I will tackle that much more once I’ve checked every person you have to talk to.


that’s not all i can’t progress to the third day once my stomach is full & once filled up the green heart and pogress towards the door to wake up

Well, this looks like something I want to keep my eye on.

I’m a bit confused, so after I go to the Library and read the book I head over to the mall, except once I get there I don’t know what to do. Any ideas?

Got to the the end of the second day and after giving the green heat and bring your stomach to 0 you cannot leave the area.

All in all I’m super excited to play more of this I love quest games and long ones as well

i fixed the cloudy door by making it visible whenever i moved from the deepscape to the nightmarescape

another bug i found is on day 21 feeding the heart gives a empty result, stomach was at 205 before i entered the dreamscape, and weight was at 405

How did you make it past day 2 lol I get stuck after feeding the heart

if its fine with the dev, later i’ll upload a empty save file with the door bug fixed

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Is that the issue that’s stopping me to go on? If so that would be great.

i can’t seem to accept Manami’s offer of food how weird…

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yeah this game seems great but it barely functions whenever you go to the mall or forest it’s basically impossible to progress or do anything sadly

For me that broke when I checked the ring before talking to her

I found the vehicle bug. It’s the overstuffed script, it moves the vehicles to the garage before checking fullness so it moves them whenever it’s called. I think it just needs to be moved to after the fullness threshold has been crossed. The optionals I’ve checked so far seem to have been fixed. Also there seems to be an issue with the “Becky’s clue” variable, it seems quest doesn’t like variables with single quotes in them or something, removing the single quote worked. Also, one of the “Languages” variables has a typo.

*Edit After Completing the ritual the vehicles need to be moved to the garage, also There’s no trigger for Manami to move to the bar


So as of now, in order to make it past day 2 you have to look into debug/developer tools stuff? I’ve been trying to see myself what I can do to continue, but my lack of knowledge leads to nowhere

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Sorry for the delay, had real-life interruptions, I’ll try and get an update soon before I head to bed.

Okay this Cindy thing is driving me nuts, it works without any code but then it breaks when I add anything else other than text. I will not give up!

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Car is still missing, but I think it’s not too hard to kludge together a temp fix until something more streamlined can be put together. Basically, make every event that moves the car set smart car.hasbeenmoved to ‘true’ and setup each parking area to display the smart car whenever hasbeenmoved is set to that value since there’s theoretically no other way to travel to that location.

Of course, since the smart car is no longer usable at higher weights, you’d need a workaround for that as well so it isn’t efficient, but it should be robust.

That could work, I’ll set that up once I figure out why Cindy doesn’t want to talk to me.

Edit: Currently any iteration of Cindy is refusing to work at all, even any I make to take her place. The one I created earlier worked fine, but then it became broken, but I refuse to give up!

Edit: Update, apparently Cindy doesn’t like being called a Woman with a scarlet Shirt. For some reason, the alias is breaking her however, if I tried to have just the Alias as the name it won’t work either. I’m baffled…
Also, anything else related to a shirt or alias also isn’t working, nearly have a solution.

Edit 2: Okay Cindy no longer has a name, still will have Cindy in the text for spite. Now to look at the other girls and hopefully, that process goes smoother

Awesome! Good job!
Do you think you will be able to fix tonight the door not appearing to progress to Day 3?
Or should we wait till later for that?