The Queendom of Corpula: A Weight Gain Visual Novel v0.5.1

I think the strong points for me are since you have a linear game and a smaller scope than a more sandbox style vn. You are able to do multiple size and a really good amount of renders per stuff/weight level. The concept is good and I like the characters to be honest I would like to totally be able to do more within your world you’re creating. I would totally just want to hang out more with the princess within same weight levels. Going places or other activities told through a linear story would be great to me. Obviously if you choose to include other girls or things to do you can toss those things in between each stuffing scene/weight level.

it’s off to a decent start nothing too special yet, i would say now on adding new characters to the earlier stages and how they respond over time to their princess growing while perhaps one or two of them piling it on also

easily the greatest visuals I’ve ever seen in a renpy game EVER.

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i really enjoy the simplicity of this game tho. very much re playable.

Keep up the great work

I’m trying to get a gauge on opinions about Annora’s size/rate of weight gain. I’m interested to see the results, since we all have unique tastes when it comes to these two topics. I will try to consider the results of this poll when adding new characters to the VN.

As you’re answering this, please consider that the last image in the current version is her 4th weight stage of 6 planned stages.

  • Not fat enough
  • Good fat size
  • Too fat
  • Weight gain too slow
  • Weight gain good pace
  • Weight gain too fast

0 voters


I would say that she definitely isn’t as big as I want her to get, but she seems at a reasonable size for 4th weight stage of 6. It is hard to say whether she is not fat enough until we see the last ones, but I like where it is.

Pacing wise, I think game wise it feels fine (I like the idea of one main scene at each weight stage for the game you are doing), but narratively it feels fast. Having her gain like 40 pounds in a month feels pretty extreme. Maybe the narration could be altered a little bit to make the pacing feel a little more realistic there.

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That’s a really good point. I’ll definitely adjust the narrative timeframe to make it a little more believable for next release. Thanks for the suggestion!


I’d love to see more scenes from your time with her in between the months and maybe multiple ending based on what you feed her and how much she eats. Both affecting her weight in different ways. A healthier meal but with huge portions will make her gain less than a more fattening meal even at normal portion sizes. Maybe even allowing the player to affect her gain based on his actions towards her like carrying her after a meal or making her walk.

I really enjoy what you have done with the story so far, while i hate the “dOh nO nEeD tO sTaY sKiNnY” trope like how they are in this game, the renders were nice enough and the reason believable enough that it doesn’t get in the way of the story (It helps that this is dealt with by the end of .1, which if you are going to restructure it, I would personally say to keep that moment of “Fuck it, i do me” like at the end of .1)

This was really great. While the story is linear, having the format be played through a VN really helps sell the PoV. Looking forward to the next installment!

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The presentation of the concept through the demo is very encouraging. The choice of a very linear story is interesting, but having a little more interaction with the princess and the future characters feel passive. Since it doesn’t seem to be possible to influence the speed of weight gain, it would be interesting to be able to influence the relationship between the princess and the MC (and maybe give the latter a bit more personality and background).
I would have expected at first sight a sandbox management game where you have to manage the banquets and the relationships between characters: for example, you have to manage the resources allocated to the banquets, the satisfaction of the princess and also of her parents who don’t like her weight gain that you have to manage in a clever way, etc.
The linear aspect is interesting if the emphasis is put on the writing of the universe and the characters. In this case the choices will only influence the relationships between the protagonists and will determine one of the different possible ends as in a classic VN. The princess is endearing but as she is already greedy and not very embarrassed by her weight gain from the beginning our character seems to be a simple spectator. Also the fact that she is immediately so friendly and intimate with us seems a bit premature.
The renderings are actually quite good, except maybe the torn dress scene but I know how hard it is to deal with clothes that purposefully don’t fit on this kind of software.
I am curious to see the evolution of this project which is promising.

The core conceit of the game is a great idea and it looks really nice. I also liked the general vibe of the princess, but think the situation could be a little more nuanced. I also voted that the WG was perhaps a bit fast. Time skips were cool, it just seemed pretty quick.

Something others haven’t mentioned as much, is whilst being hired to stop the princess over indulging is a great idea, I didn’t really feel any conflict in just enabling her eating, and her motives felt hard to pin down. I think as is, it’d make more sense if you were hired by either the King or Queen, to keep an eye on her eating. My preference is the Queen, because it opens up an avenue for a plot where the mother also fattens up a little and slowly becomes more sympathetic to the princess. It also has the benefit of the princess seeming to enjoy gaining whilst maintaining a reason not to force the issue too hard, if the Queen is going to be angry/threaten your job. So things could start a little slower as the repoire and sexual tension with the player and princess ramp up. Ultimately it was a cool demo and Iook forward to seeing where it goes.

I would agree here that while narratively I love the interactions between the princess and the MC, some of the context here falls apart a little bit if you think much about it. It is weird that you are hired to stop her overindulging and yet even though you don’t do anything about it, nothing bad seems to happen. It definitely feels like there is a little bit of conflict missing somewhere, especially since you don’t see anyone else’s reactions to the princess’s gain.

Version 0.2 out now for anyone interested! This release contains Annora’s 4th weight gain stage content and introduces a new female character.


I’m not sure if you’re supposed to be able to play from the begining in this version but picking anything but weight 3 at the start gives an error.

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Version 0.2 was great! Really liked the new additions to size, cast, and lore, can’t wait for the next release!

amazing potential here! great update!

Oh whoops. I will fix that. Thanks for the catch.


more than any that aren’t weight 4 it does that screen

Edit:I see weight 3 works now but other two dont work