The Queendom of Corpula: A Weight Gain Visual Novel v0.5.1

v0.2.1 uploaded so that all current weight gain stages are accessible in this build.


Just played through the new update and it’s great. I love the new character and the few others that were hinted at, I’m looking forward to see how that all will unfold. I would of liked to see a new character introduced before princess Annora’s fourth stage (I was thinking of maybe a maid or handmaiden that picked up a few of Annora’s habits along the way), but the only draw back for me is the games great and I would like to see more(admittedly a good issue to have :wink:). More inbetween the stages of gain and outside of the feasting halls for Annora and company would be ideal for me personally. But I think you’re focused on six stages of gain and a more fast track focused story. Either way not a big issue for me I’m loving what you’re doing so far it’s been awesome.


I really appreciate your feedback! My long term vision for this VN is to get through the main sequence of Annora’s 6 stages and then hopefully go back to some earlier stages and add more characters, branching story options (your dialogue choices will affect outcomes), and maybe more weight stages.

I was starting to worry that this wasn’t the right community to post in because KoC isn’t much of a “game” in its current state as some users have pointed out. But I’m glad that people are getting enjoyment out of it so far. I’ve found it unexpectedly difficult to strike a good balance between, image quality, game complexity, and cost.

It’s probably obvious that my first priority in KoC is image quality. I try to give each image enough attention to detail that makes it worth the 30-40 minutes it takes to render each image.

Second priority is the writing/game complexity. I was considering adding the first branching dialogue choices with this release, but I quickly discovered that more choices and more story complexity = more rendered images, and more renders means much more time. As I mapped out in my head some different story paths, I was surprised to realize just how many extra renders just one branched story path would require.

From the standpoint of cost, damn those Daz assets are expensive, even when you get them on “sale.” In the spirit of keeping this project free, I’ve stuck with a limited number of assets so far (which is why we spend so much time in the feasting hall and the bedroom).

Please excuse my extended rant! But I wanted to express how humbling it has been to work on this VN and realize just how much effort, time, and money members of this community put into their games.


I’d disagree personally that “this isn’t a real game”, but to each thier own. There are games out there that don’t have enough story for me or a real objective so I know I personally feel the same way with some games and wouldn’t consider them “games” really. I wouldn’t worry about it too much I think you have/will find an audience with what you’re doing so far. Narriative based VN stuff is my personal fav.

Yeah I can respect wanting to keep things free but Daz is obsviously expensive for the assets themselves and I’m surprised you haven’t thought of or started a patreon for the game. If your scope is relatively small and you’re not expecting the project to take much longer for development I can maybe understand. In my opinion you could always make a patreon that has an exclusive most recent version of the game and either release other versions to the public for free at a later time or since your goal is a free release anyways, you could just wait until you’re done from releasing any free version. But that all kind of depends on what the scope of you’re project is and the timeline you are wanting to finish by in ideal circumstances.

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Will the gains in this game go to immobility?

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Visual novels are super fun haha. It’s a nice change up from rpg maker games


I don’t plan on immobility, no. That size is really hard to do in Daz.

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Maybe an artist could do like a immobility image at the end of the game?


Personally I don’t think the game needs any immobility, the pacing is fine as it is

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So wonderful idea and nice to play. Thank you for kind sharing.

I absolutely love your game,but I am kinda dissapointed because decision doesn’t actually change her weight gain you know. Will you there ever be something like different endings by your decisions?

Hey my dude, nice DAZ work! Looking at the figures I have the feeling you’re using the base DAZ sliders which are good but are a bitch when it comes to making them look distinct.

I suggest these two specific assets, it’ll make your life 3000 times easier.

They totally work on Gen 8.1 too if that’s what you’re using.

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@Martin_Sedivy my plan is to eventually go back and add branching plot lines that will be affected by dialogue choices. Some of the differing plot lines will involve differences in weight gain, which I hope will give the player more of a feeling that their actions are directly affecting the girls’ weight (something I think all of us in this community enjoy!)

@moonslashx thank you! That feedback means a lot coming from you (Surviving the End is one of my favorites!)

I’m actually using both of those assets on Annora’s model currently. She has the voluptuous body diversity base, and I use a the shape shift sliders to give her a “stacked everywhere” shape. Gen has very few sliders applied so far, but once she starts to gain, she’s going to get the curvy diversity base, which I think will lend itself nicely to her more belly-centric weight distribution :wink:


Thanks, I’m so glad you like my game! I always like giving out those two assets to newer DAZ artists since they are so useful. If you’re not already doing it at each WG stage do a once over of all the waist, hip, breast, and leg sliders to see if you can adjust it to give every ounce of shape to the figure possible. The weight/heavy slider has a way of just washing out the character’s features.

Also for stretch marks this asset is top notch: Skin Builder 8 for Genesis 8 Female(s) | Daz 3D


So I’m looking for ideas… I’m at a point where I feel as though I’ve already covered a lot of weight gain fetish scenarios with the first 4 weight stages like belly stuffing, ripping clothes, broken furniture, reduced mobility, slob eating, etc . What are some weight gain scenarios that I haven’t covered yet that you’d like to see in KoC?

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Mmh… more weight gain? :laughing:

No, jokes aside, apart from extreme\blob weight gain and immobility, which if I understood correctly are out of the picture, I’d say you have pretty much covered it all.

The only scenario that comes to mind is competitive weight gain where the girls fatten themselves as much as possible trying to outdo each other, but that kinda seems already in the works judging from the direction the plot is taking :wink:

Well done BTW


I just played it, I really love the novel! I really love the idea of her being in charge, she basically orders you to make her fat, even when she doesn’t realize it. I really like it. I like a strong woman that knows what she wants and she totally does. The time setting is really great too! And that ending! Shows alot potential! I can’t wait to see what this game will be once its done, its a fun experience.

I think you did cover all weight gain scenarios I can think of, the only thing left to do is add more of it right? I’m following this project closely now!

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I’m really enjoying this game. Since you are looking for ideas, I have one.

Have the next chapter start the day after the end of chapter 4. Gen, who is reflecting on her own gluttony from the previous day as well as her conversation with the MC, is starting to think that Annora could be onto something.

At this point have another new sister (I’ll call her Sue for purposes of this post) return to the castle and be shocked by Annora’s weight. Sue goes to Gen about it and starts making fun of Annora. Gen decides to tells Sue that Annora may be on to something and explains what happened to her the previous day. Sue is in disbelief but Gen convinces Sue to stuff herself just one time and see how it feels. Sue gives it a try and actually liked how it felt to be stuffed. The two of them decide to gain 10-15 pounds just to see how they feel about gaining weight. Both of them end up enjoying it and decide to compete to see who can catch up to Annora’s weight first.

As Gen and Sue gain weight, they could also compete at trying to seduce the MC, since he is the one guy that they know likes seeing them gain weight, Annora realizing what’s going on, decides she is okay with MC being with all 3 of them. Gen and Sue won’t know this so they are essentially competing for MC’s affection for no reason, much to Annora’s and MC’s amusement (a little pay back from Anorra for them making fun of her weight in the beginning).


I know this is directed at Vrazz but even though I like some of the stuff in there, I don’t know what Vrazz is planning for pacing, but personally for me it would seem odd that a character that got introduced in Chapter 4, being very anti-fat will just flip to liking it just like that. And will convince another character who as far as I’ve read in your idea also isn’t a fan of being/getting fat, (Since she needs to be convinced) to just flip a switch to liking it just like that.

I feel like having Gen just be into it just like that isn’t doing the character justice. Having Gen be anti-fat and Annora planning to fatten her up secretly opens up great story potential, And more fat shaming scene’s where Gen could fat shame Annora to make her feel better about her own small gain that we saw in Chapter 4. We could have great scene’s where Gen will struggle eventually as her weight piles on. Because she is anti-fat and will probably end up fat anyways, she can be at odds with herself. Liking how it feels to be fat, and be stuffed, but also not liking it as she was brought up in a world where fat isn’t beautiful anymore and her wanting to be better looking, and better then her sister.

Then when the arc is finished there could be competitive gaining as we know Gen wants to be better then Annora always, so when she eventually comes to terms with liking to gain weight. She would obviously want to be bigger and better then Annora. And as far as I’ve read here, some people would like to see competitve gaining!

But again I don’t know what Vrazz has planned for gaining, I don’t know if they want the game to be sweet and short, maybe they don’t even want to do any arc at all and just have everyone get fat and loving it asap.

But yeah personally I feel like there’s alot of story potential that would go wasted if Gen would love being fat just like that.

I do like the idea of adding another sister, however it wouldn’t make sense if they would just flip to wanting to be fat just like that either, in a visual novel like that its always fun to add new characters with new personalities, but adding a character in a chapter that gets convinced to stuff themselves and think they are onto something right away would just make it feel pointless, Since Gen is very competitve and anti-fat the other sister (if added) would work best if she would be really different too.

But still its Vrazz’s game and I trust their vision! whatever they do, I bet it will be great!

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Bruh this is literally the problem I run into every time I sit down to write now. My advice, there’s nothing wrong with variations on the same scenes and a lot can be said for just adding in daily life sequences.

You’re lucky in that you have a VN so the direction and scope of what you add is completely wide open and not dependent on a bunch of other factors so go nuts!