The Queendom of Corpula: A Weight Gain Visual Novel v0.5.1

@charfire2002 thanks for the idea! I will be sticking with just two sisters, but I do like your idea for competitive gaining… there’s now a distinct possibility that element is down the road! I think competitive gaining is going to fit into the story rather nicely.

@JustChris you are right on the money with story potential from Gen being anti-fat. It’s actually one of the dynamics that I’m most excited to start writing. Annora’s like that girl who’s always known she’s a feedee, but she has been resisting her desires for various reasons. It just took the right situation to really let her “come out” as a feedee. Gen is going to be MUCH less adoptive of feedee tendencies, because she’s enamored with the “old way” of skinniness. Unlike Nora, Gen is not going to be okay with gaining weight, which I’m very excited to incorporate into the story to change things up.


One common scenario we haven’t seen is getting stuck in something.

Really like the game, looking forward to the next update!


Not fitting in doors, knocking stuff over?


v0.3 released on Deviantart:


Both links need some kind of code or something like that to be able to download it

Hmm. I’m not sure what that would be. I have it set that the decryption key comes with the download link. Is anyone else having this issue?

Download worked just fine for me, I haven’t finished playing thru it yet, but it’s been great so far. Loving the new stuff.

EDIT: Just finished playing thru and really digging what you are doing I can’t wait to see what happens next keep up the great work.


Oh my, this was nice time to play, see great pictures and read… Thank you, it improved my Friday.


Great update! The plot thickens, literally haha


This was a great update.


I love where its heading :heart_eyes::ok_hand:

Keep up the good work


Should I assume that because you’ve provided the option to begin from practically any point in the story you haven’t added anything to earlier chapters? Do you have any intention of going back to add content in earlier parts of the game? Either way, having that choice is really great so people don’t burn out on the beginning when new versions are released. Overall, really fun stuff.


the weight gain is too fast for my liking i prefer a more realistic gain

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That’s correct. Any updates so far have been adding new content to continue the main story. I do plan to go back and expand the older content eventually, as well as add additional weight gain stages, but it will probably be a while before I get around to that. I get bored easily when making the visuals/writing for the early weight stages, so I’ve been pushing on with new content at later weight stages.


the thing is taht graphically and visual novel look of this game is simial as what yulia kovach has does on her games i guess most parts come of belly than on weight/fat gain as belly part is mostly hot for me

yes glad i saw it i hope except of her sister there will be more characters to added in stuff things

It looks like the game and the DA account have been taken down?

Yeah it seems the accounts been deactivated and the pc and mac mega links removed.

Ah man if this project gets scrapped it will be a real pity; it was coming along so nicely

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You hate to see it but these things do happen.