The Queendom of Corpula: A Weight Gain Visual Novel v0.5.1

Maybe they got banned from dA for making porn? dA despite being a site for fetish art is weirdly anti-porn and bans people all the time at the drop of a hat?

Somewhere like would be more accepting, I hope the game comes back, especially because I never managed to play it! only recommended this thread to me today.

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I’m not familiar with da doing things like that but I can understand it. It only had like one topless scene and other than that the game was the normal amount of porn game that any other game on da is. I assumed it was likely intentional just with how hard game dev, expectations and the anxieties that can follow that. As well as the fact that Vrazz was putting out free content pretty quick and often since first posting with no financial support using daz assists.

It was definitely one of my favorite new projects and the characters and things to come that were teased were promising in my opinion. Either way no matter what happen if the project doesn’t continue @vrazz should be proud of what was accomplished.


Yeah i’m genuinelly bummed out. We were so close to seeing the next stage


I’m sad too. But lets hope that at some point project will come back. If not I fully agree with @Krodmandoon, this was promising story and @vrazz should be proud.


Does mega do this too? cause it’s down from there.

The mega link was from deviant art. A mega link will typically not be available anymore because it violated mega’s ToS, it’s an invalid URL, or the user that posted the link deleted it. At the very least the link was most likely removed, either when the DA account was deleted or straight from mega. I’m not sure if deleted accounts can retain URL links I would assume not. And unless vrazz re posts the link or gives their approval for it to be re uploaded it won’t be posted here.

The mega error message implies the link was taken down by someone other than the uploader, although that could be link tos violation or account ban. or I could just be wrong and the uploader did take it down themselves (but i thought that usually left a different message.)

Also is apparently not allowing users to upload porn, despite the fact that 99% of the content on is probably porn (they put out an announcement about it and no one cared, but hey, maybe?)

My links haven’t been taken down so I’m pretty sure Mega isn’t enforcing as broadly as is being perceived. Given that their DA is gone and they aren’t responding here I think it’s safe to assume they took it down themselves.


I think i’d be better if you keep your stuff out of deviantart, they’re pretty weird, they allow a lot of 18+ stuff but with limitations…

Yeah I think the main way it works is that they wait for reports. Then someone is petty and sees an artist or project they don’t like and reports it or spam reports it and it gets nuked despite being more SFW than like half the site.

Does anyone have the 0.3 version download and can share a link to it?

If the dev of the game did indeed remove the link. Then that means they don’t want it available to the public anymore and it would not be able to be hosted on this site. The only thing to be done about it is to wait to hear if the dev is okay with the game being put back on the site. And that may unfortunately not happen.

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Yeah, if the dev came here and posted, f it, mega and dA screwed me over and i’m mad at them. I’d mirror it in a heartbeat. But the current safe assumption is they quit on purpose and don’t want their work shared, so I’m going to respect that and not mirror it.

I think this stance is essentially also policy too, or whatever?


Yeah it would fall under post only your own stuff. So if you don’t have permission from the author or dev on the content you post it would be breaking that rule.

I do hope this project isn’t cancelled and that vrazz is just relocating to a different host other then Deviant-Art

Ten days since the links went down and the dev has been active on here since then, so I’d assume it’s deliberate.

Shame, because I thought this looked very promising too! Hopefully he’s just taking a break :slight_smile:


I’ve got my browser set to open as well as about a dozen other tabs when I open my browser, so even on days I ignore this website it lists me as active.

This is highly copium logic though :slight_smile:

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Fair point! (F**King 20 character thingy :stuck_out_tongue:)


Yeah, sadly there’s a chance the problem is not just on-line related. The way this all happened makes me think IRL issues might be involved.

I’m sure I don’t need to tell anyone here how this works, but sometimes people around you are not accepting at all in regards to your fetishes even if it’s just something strictly relegated to unrealistic fantasy happening in a virtual\imaginary world and is not damaging anybody. Sometimes those people will issue real ultimatums to you and force you to make a choice which results in drastic action (YES I’m speaking from personal experience LOL).

It’s only pure speculation of course and might not be like this at all, but if it is we should be prepared not to hear from Vrazz for a long time if at all. All we can do is send our best wishes.


A real shame. I really liked this game…