One of the (many) things which has always bugged me about The Sims 4 is how my Sims seem to be completely oblivious to their weight changing. I have a Sim in my current save that has put on nearly 80 points of weight due to the stresses of university - and yet they seem to have no opinion whatsoever on this, good or bad. Whether you’re coming at it from a storytelling perspective or a kink perspective, it’s underwhelming!
I’ve spent some time playing around with Mod Constructor this week, and I think I’ve found a pretty neat way to improve this
The mod tracks changes to Sims’ weight over time, and can trigger off a variety of events/buffs in response to them gaining or losing weight (as well as just existing at a certain size).
Technical Details For Nerds
The way this works under the hood is via a trait action that checks the Sim’s weight every 10 minutes. Based on what size band they’re in (skinny, chubby, overweight, very overweight), a hidden buff is added to the Sim that lasts for 24 hours (e.g. ‘Was Recently Skinny’). Then, the idle actions for the trait can use these to figure out if the Sim has crossed over into another band (e.g. if the Sim is chubby but has the ‘Was Recently Skinny’ buff, we know they’ve gained weight).
I’ve tried various approaches for tracking weight changes over time, but this is the first one I’ve found that seems to work consistently without slowing the game down
The only problem now is: thinking up a load of different interactions/buffs to add! If anyone has any suggestions, I would very much appreciate the help
Currently, I’m focusing on ‘realistic’ reactions (i.e. most people in the real world feel positively about being skinny and negatively about being fat, as much as I wish that weren’t the case) - that being said, I think this could easily be extended to allow for body-positive (or even feedist) Sims in the future.