The Weighting Game - WIP

@entityman As far as I’m aware, there are no issues at all with Becca that early in the game.

@johnwall47 Yep! :wink:

@charfire2002 and @namad giving a choice of all three would mean having to write three separate stories… as well as produce a hell of a lot more images…

@Krodmandoon Thanks! Glad you liked it :slight_smile:

@Martin_Sedivy Glad you liked it too! There’s only one ending to 0.7.


Is there any other scene in 0.7 if we take the ending with Janet in 0.6 instead of the one with Becca ?
Thanks a lot, it’s an awesome work that you’ve done !

That’s a fair point. I guess I just meant, like, I’m not sure it would narratively make sense for Hannah and Becca to become friends (it might not even make sense for them to ever meet).

Maybe it doesn’t make sense for the player to choose, you could just choose. I’m just personally not sure the whole VN trope of having a harem would fit this game. In my own mind you could always do something like choose to work on becca for 0.8 and hannah for 0.9. Of course I have no idea how you want the future to proceed, and it probably unfair to speculate while you’re still quashing bugs in 0.7.

If fans really want to see a harem, you could just make one image for it as an easter egg (or dream sequence), rather than devoting an entire uh like 3 months of work on harem writing (which is kind of zany and unrealistic usually).

In case you’re not aware most sex themed visual novels have the game work so that if you pick the right options you will end the game having a giant harem including all possible romance options (usually the other alternate forked endings are each 1 girl endings by comparison to the harem ending).

This game doesn’t really play like a sex themed visual novel though, or at least it avoids most of the tropes (there isn’t a sex scene every 2 seconds either, which I actually like)


I’m going to make this comment having not played 0.7 yet (darn Mac!). So keeping that in mind that this comment may or may not make much sense with the happenings of 0.7…

I also don’t see any reason for Becca and Hannah to become friends. They are in two completely different parts of the Main Character’s life. They don’t interact at all and have very different personalities. And having a harem would feel pretty unrealistic, especially since the game so far has seemed extremely realistic.

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I may have misinterpreted charfire2002 's suggestion. Of course I’d love to see every character reappear in 0.8, that doesn’t instantly turn the game into a harem game, I guess I just have a paranoid fear of surprise harem mechanics in VNs because they’re so common, heh.

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I never intended to go the harem route. It makes no sense for all of them to meet and become friends, which is why I said each person would get a different day so there would be no interactions between them. By having the different days, they never have to meet and Alice gets the fun of having a third person involved without limiting it to just one person.


Hey. I’m not entirely sure if you are okay with me messaging you about a bug on this forum but i have ran into a error when i go to call alice after she becomes a feedee. It happens everytime i call her unless she has sent the MC a photo. I can always direct message you if it is easier or post it on the patreon but i noticed that it is somewhat unreliable for messages to creators.

This is on the latest download and seems to be soft locking the game from going any further.

What is the final weight where stuff is supposed to happen? Alice is 389 and the last event was Hannah coming over for pizza. Lacy also hasn’t show up at the pub in a long time. :T Been clicking aimlessly for a while now.

There is a known bug that if you turn becca down you cannot go from alice size 5 to alice size 6. The bug is known to tiggertoo and will be fixed for the next release he does.
The final scene is reached at weight 360+


It isn’t that bug. it’s that there is a syntax errror at line 36 of callalice5.

I’m working on fixing the bugs but it’s an extremely time consuming process. Several ‘bugs’ have been down to people not bothering to read the notes and using old save games.

A lot of the genuine bug reports are vague at best and not many people have responded when I’ve asked for more information, so it’s taken a lot of time to try and replicate them. There are tens of thousands of lines of code in the game and ‘Alice has stopped gaining’ doesn’t give me a lot to go on :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m fairly sure I’ve found most of them, but I’m still working on some. I’m then going to have to do several playthroughs to check everything’s working.

@Lordinquisitorchami That bug is listed on the bug thread on Patreon. It’s been fixed for the next version.


After checking the latest Patreon update:


For those of you who don’t know the test version of 0.7 was leaked by pirates and Tigger has pulled the plug on the project, including removing all Patreon download links. As a Patreon subscriber I’m really annoyed at both the pirates and Tigger, and am going to copy and paste what I posted on the Patreon thread:

“This sucks, and I understand how annoying it must be. However you are punishing your Patreons who have supported you. I’ve carried on paying in the months between 0.6 and 0.7 to support you and the game, and have held off playing 0.7 until you had chance to fix the bugs. Now I find out you won’t even be releasing the debugged version of 0.7??? I do not condone pirating games, but it always has and always will happen unfortunately, you can’t control it. You can however control how you react to it, and kicking all of your loyal supporters in the teeth like this is a real shitty reaction. I know you’ll tell me to blame the pirates, and I do partially, but you also share the blame for choosing to do this. I am now going to have to go and search for these pirated copies to even get a copy of 0.7, I guess this is what I deserve for being patient and being a Patreon supporter for months?”


It is sad to see this happening. As I wrote in the Patreon thread this doesnt surprise me. But I hope the game development can continue on different payment model, as Patreon is not good model for game development. And even thoug Tiggertoo promised those who paid on Patreon more than price he would be releasing finnished game for would get it for free. I dont care if its free or not, but would like to see it finished. And I guess lot of people who supported Tiggertoo so far would probably agree with that. But I can imagine that adding bunch of new scenes in v0.6 and v0.7 increased the workload too much to keep schedules etc. and could contribute to the decision to cancel the game probably more than the pirates.


He’s within his rights to cancel development of the game, but why take down the Patreon download links? I hadn’t downloaded a copy of 0.7 yet, as I was waiting for the bugs to be fixed. The only way I can play the game I have paid for and supported is by pirating it now. What a joke.


Same i waited the 0.7 final…it’s so sad…I waited so much to see the rest . :sob:

Damn pirate :rage:

Please tigger don’t punish all your community for that damn pirates…
for your decision to stop the project you warned and with your difficult year I understand and wish you to get better and have fun in your life and thanks for that game even if not have end ,is stay a good aventure.

PS:I just saw your last post on patreon, thanks for let your latest version of the game in the forum.
I am not a big contributor but I absolutely do not regret my contribution, Thanks for that game Tigger and I would always be ready to follow your future projects :blush:

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@tiggertoo you have everyone fair warning and it’s a shame pirates have let it come to this. This is my favourite WG game by far and it’s unfortunate to see it come to a close in an incomplete state. It’s your decision and I hope you make the right one for yourself.

If you do decide to continue on with the project, either by increasing the Patreon cost so you actually make an earning on the game in development, or decide to move the project somewhere else, just know you’ve still got a solid community ready to help out with development. Or, alternatively, a full game paid release to help make back some of the funds of development.

Much love and thanks for the great times my friend!


It was a move that was paradoxically both expected and unexpected.

A shame for those who had pledged extra in support an attempt to mollify the situation, sadly to no avail.


It’s been a stressful few months for Tigger and it must be extra-frustrating for it to be pirated mid-bugfixing (which in itself is a journey in fixing your own mistakes - speaking from experience, it can be demoralising as a process).

That said, the pirate doesn’t care. The only people who care are those people who have backed the project. The only people who lose out are the patrons. Taking a muchly earned break would have been understandable, full cancellation is not (imo).


At least do the right thing and refund your supporters for the last two months, look supershady that you choose to wait for the 10th to announce cancellation when it also happens to be the day that monthly refunds are no longer possible without the creator greenlighting it.