The Weighting Game - WIP

tigertoo has said that he will be putting out a version 0.7 on here for people to play. At the end of the day, as someone with a Mac who hasn’t gotten to play 0.7 yet, that’s all I can ask for. The situation just sucks all around for him. Making a game that is being pirated sucks, especially if that cuts into any potential money you can make. And paying for a game that then gets cancelled sucks. While people call it shady, I don’t believe that for a second. I believe that now is when he discovered the game was pirated and this is how he took action, something he has warned for months would happen.

Ultimately, I’m hoping that once Tigger has time to process the emotions that come with this there can be a good end result for everyone. I do hope the game will continue and of course will continue to support it monetarily if so, but if this is the end of the road it was a hell of a ride and to my money is absolutely the best game on Weight Gaming.


I’m sorry, I don’t think asking Tigger for a refund for the last months makes sense and I don’t think he should feel bad about it.
He has said many times he was going to stop developement if piracy had continued, those who supported him in the last period have done so with the full knowledge of this fact.
Now some might argue that it’s not the best attitude to have (more piracy was a foregone conclusion) and might say this is a bad decision and I fully agree, but ultimately he is the creator and this is a legitimate choice for him to make.


I would have more respect for Tiggertoo if they just wanted to cancel the game. Blaming it on pirates is like blaming a puppy you kicked for ruining your carpet. Its going to happen and trying to stop it ultimately makes you come out as a petulant child in the end.


Thanks for the excellent game, @Tiggertoo ! I really enjoyed it, and although obviously it’s sad that it’s now come to any end I understand your decision.

Please let us know here if you ever start a new project or decide to continue the Weighting Game for whatever reason, I’d be happy to support you in whatever project that is.

So… guess I’ll never be able to buy and play the full release.
Damn shame. Maybe a hiatus from making the game is the best choice for now, or looking for an alternative to Patreon, I dunno.

I just hope Tiggertoo has a change of heart in the future, and would revisit the game to wrap it up. If not, well, best of luck on your future projects.


No te vayas tigger :c, solo pude probar la version 2, me agrado muchisimo. Posiblemente sea el mejor juego de weigth gain de todo internet. Pero si te vas a despedir te deseo lo mejor :). Es muy injusto que piratas roben tu juego, pero bueno, ánimo tigger. Decidas lo que decidas, quiero decirte que tienes mi apoyo.

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The saddest part is that the pirate who leaked the game may have not even done so intentionally :frowning:

Looking into it the site which I’m guessing the leak appeared on, the pirates on it they don’t actually post pirated content of their choice, they give the piracy website their login details and the piracy site entirely rips their patreon feed. So, it’s possible the pirate was a fan of tigger’s who intentionally was leaking another artists work, without even realizing he was also leaking tigger’s game. This might be way this particular unnamed site has so very many leaks, so many more than other sites. For every intentional leak a pirate makes it’s possible they’re unintentionally making several more. At least if I understand correctly.

Then again maybe I’m naive, given the timing, it almost definitely seems malicious and intentional :frowning:

Allow me to provide a different comment to the sea of positive affirmation as a result of the recent debacle.

Personally I believe this move was completely childish, say what you want but I see it as nothing other than a temper tantrum akin to the target audience of Tigger’s namesake. We don’t live in a perfect world where nobody is poor and can’t afford things or where people who frankly aren’t invested enough to spend hard-earned cash on a porn game don’t exist. People will pirate games, and people will pirate your game especially. Why? It’s one of the biggest games of this entire fetish, frankly I’m baffled you thought a couple of lines would deter them somehow.

Pride is one hell of a bitch eh? Considering you’ve spent so long developing the game you’ve earned it all the way, and yet you forget the people who brought you to this in the first place. Be it not for the boundless support of the board, or the generous donations of your patreons I struggle to believe your game would be where it is right now. Cutting all that off simply because you decided to have a feud with half of the internet’s oldest traditions is well in your right and yet downright hilarious.

I’ll end off on a point that will instantly turn the board against me, I pirated the game. Woe is me. I wasn’t about to spend my cash on a fetish game I had no clue of and realistically speaking demos are always inferior products that don’t reflect where your money is going. Surprise surprise, your game was excellent and compelled me to back your patreon with a generous donation for over a year. What a spit in the face it is then to have said backing thrown right out due to the actual nature in which you came by the product.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavors Tigger, but your head is way up in the sky if you thought this move to be any less than that of a narcissistic ass.


This feels like an extremely unnecessary comment. For one, you created a 1 hour old account just to make this comment. So you are either someone who hasn’t been a regular on this board or you are too afraid to make this comment with your actual account, neither of which give you much credibility here.

Beyond that, the actual nature of the comment is entirely unproductive and seems just designed to be spiteful. If you thing “Pride is one hell of a bitch” and “narcissistic ass” are ways to get a point across, that says a lot about you and not much about Tigger.

Could this have been handled much better? Absolutely. I think the most reasonable solution if this truly influenced Tigger’s enjoyment of making the game enough to want to stop would have been for him to put out 0.7 on Patreon and then just shut down development of the game. He would give the Patreon’s what they were paying for, but he would be able to avoid a lot of the things that caused him clear struggles. I think it is obvious from Tigger’s initial move and then backtrack that he made a decision/action in the heat of the moment full of emotion and then realized he screwed up. That doesn’t make it right, but let’s be honest we have all done it before in our lives.

But your comment adds absolutely nothing productive to this conversation.


I agree with you. None of what I said or presented give me any credibility whatsoever and neither does it add to the general positive response the board has taken. Take my word however you want. Just as you are showing support and appreciation for the product I am in turn showing my disdain for how it was ultimately handled alongside my money. I simply aimed to vent my frustration which I can see has also resonated with others.


I admit that I came to support the game the same way. In my opinion if game is not worth pirating, its in most cases not worth supporting/buying. ( I know quite unpopular opinion in current times )

In my opinion though the pirates and so on are just just something to shift blame to. The game just got too large and out of hand. If any support dropped from the game it was most likely not caused by supporters finding pirated links, but by long periods of wait time for v0.6 and v0.7.

I can can understand unexpected events like illness that gets you in a hospital for few weeks, but also its not my problem. What I need to resolve when someone I`m paying for something, suddenly stops delivering on set schedule, is do I keep paying and get possibly nothing for it? I kept paying. But can imagine bunch of people did not. This is a bit strained time for many people in respect to their finances. So no one can blame them for dropping support of game that went from set schedule to uncertain. And author can not give any insurance that any schedule will be kept even without unexpected events like illness. So making connection of “supporters dropping” = “F***** Pirates fault” is quite short sighted. Specially when the problems begun after v0.5 that was last version released on previously set schedule


I was really looking forward to this and after looking at the latest patreon post even though i wasn’t subbed, i was keeping up with the progress and its a shame now thats its come to an end, luckily there will be links to the 0.7 version of the game but it will contain bugs (this is on his latest post) so now mac users will be able to enjoy the game but not the full thing unfortunately

Hi i’ve just payed 4.5$ +patreon fees and i can’t download the game, is there a way you can send private (1 uses) link to only people who can comment in patreon(they for sure have paid the game).
i have for a long time checked illegal way to download the game… once i did but i deleted it imediately after because of the hard work you put in it… so i waited 0.5,0.6,0.7 and now you said you will cancel the project… i felt alerted and despite of the alert you put on patreon i bought 1month subs…
so now i paid for the game but i had to download 0.5 illegaly from a strange website(8h of download time)… please send me patreon mp with a “one use” link to download the game… thanks!

I’m a little disappointed, but it was just predictable.

What i don’t understand
why didn’t you just finish the game within a year or two and the people who wanted to support the game would have paid $ 10 a month until it was finished. (I could even have given you more, for example) Then you would have covered the costs and even earned something from it. Or you would have started a project on kickstarter.

It is a shame that the project has not come to a satisfactory end. It was sone of the best weight gain game I’ve ever played.

Good luck man


Is the pirated version on a big site? I’m no internet whizz but for the life of me I have no clue where this leak is, unlike the V0.5 leak a while ago. If it’s a massive site I can completely understand Tiggers reaction given his clear intent if the game was pirated again, but if its a small scale leak it just feels like an overreaction to me. If I couldn’t find it after I’d read the patreon post I imagine a lot of the other subscribers wouldn’t have even been aware of this either


the only site i remember where The Weighting Game was pirated to was

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I’m not going to give the pirate site in question increased notoriety by telling this thread it’s name. It is IMO a pretty big site. It’s also a site which has leaked the game… I dunno… a freaking like half dozen times already without tiggertoo drawing attention to it because it was between releases or whatever his reasons were.

So it doesn’t really surprise me that it upset him, it’s noteworthy enough, although as I mentioned, it’s somewhat sad, because there may not have been anyway to prevent this (as the pirate responsible for the leak might not even be aware he did it… although the timing does at least partially suggest it was intentional, although intentional or merely careless the damage is the same…)

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Yeah literally no idea, I tried looking out of curiosity and my dumb ass can’t even find it. Ultimately he can stop for whatever reason he wants, I’ve supported from the beginning and have got more game than I ever really expected but can’t say it isn’t sad that it won’t conclude.


Well the Patreon page has been pulled and the links in the first post here have been updated. I guess that is that.

Whilst I did enjoy my time with the game and with supporting tiggertoo in its development, there is no denying that this is an ignoble end for it.


Sigh really enjoyed the game and all and it’s super sad it ended up this way. Really wish there was some ending now not the cliffhanger at the end of 0.7.

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