The Weighting Game - WIP

It was solo fetish project funded through patreon. If you want reliability and accountability, put your money where the Better Business Bureau might give a crap from here on. I don’t think tiggertoo defrauded anybody. You can argue he could have handled things better but he’s just one guy, he set his sights high and he expected better of people. Maybe that last bit was naive but that’s not a crime. And again, I think talking shit about people who are otherwise positive contributors to this community is bad form.


I think because many of us gave him money, our own hard-earned resources, and supported him for years with the expectation that a reasonable effort would be made to actually complete the product we were paying for. The fact that he dropped the project over the actions of people that do not care about him or his project, punishing people who did nothing but support him and who had no control over the piracy, was a slap in the face. I would say that people are rightfully frustrated and angered by it.

However, he did release the 0.7b version, and while I don’t really buy the piracy excuse, at least he has posted the work he has completed. I also completely understand getting burned out on a project like this. Even if the Daz resources and electricity weren’t consuming that much in the way of money, personal time is valuable. If he was still trying to hold down a job, then this would be like a whole second job, and that can really wear on a person.


So if someone who is a positive member of the community does something shitty and upsets hundreds of people we aren’t allowed to talk about it?

I never claimed he defrauded anyone, I was happy to support him, and thought he deserved to make a profit (up until recent events). The point of my previous posts is I don’t believe him when he said he didn’t make any profits.


For the record, I have given my money to this project as well for like a year and a half and also increased my contribution to help keep it going when talk of cancelation first began, and I absolutely can’t muster the hostility of some commentors at this development. I just don’t think it’s worth it and it isn’t good for anyone. But I won’t contribute to that by arguing about it further so that’s the last I’ll say.

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Honestly, sometimes it can just feel good to vent.

This was a GREAT project. Tiggertoo was doing a very, very good job with it. There was a reason it had so much support. The fact that it got canceled would have been disappointing under any circumstances. The suddenness and reasons and weirdness over everything just exasperated those feelings of disappointment, especially when it seemed like he was so close to releasing a final 0.7.

Personally, I feel better after having been able to deride Tiggertoo’s actions a little. But, I also can’t really muster any hostility towards him now, either. He posted 0.7b, and I 100% get burnout.

Also, it is worth noting that I definitely feel like I got my money’s worth with the material Tiggertoo has already posted.


I more upset about the extreme hostility throughout July about the content being available before the end of the month, forcing people to pay yet another month of subscription even though they would cancel it after the update. If it wasn’t release ready for july then suspend the payments until it’s delivered, waiting until the refund time period for August has run out just makes it look even scummier.


Ok i’ve managed to get to the end of 0.7 i think, the end is where Alice breaks the scales but for some reason she can go past 400 pounds but nothing else triggers after she breaks the scales so i guess thats the end Looked forward to this but this is the end of the road for The Weighting Game :disappointed:

I honestly believe this game could be finished without Tigger through the power of this site’s community. The staff of this website should look into organizing a group who can finish the work and find out how much it would cost to produce and have it be group funded by us.


Has anyone figured out how to fix the issue with the Call Alice box disappearing? I keep seeing it but I’m having trouble figuring out where in the files it determines whether this shows up or not.

While I have my own thoughts and opinions on how the end of this project was handled, I’d rather not wade into this debate as it is not really productive here (although I do respect others right to vent about it). I was waiting for a full release and to pick it up on itch or the like, but alas.

As to a more pressing matter: because tigger posted a Google Drive link, it’s already been downloaded too many times and Google has put a freeze on downloads - anyone got a mirror/re-upload?

I’m going to remind everyone here to keep your discussions void of ad hominem attacks when possible. Its fine to disagree with those upset with the situation, likewise its fine to be upset with the situation, but do not resort to non-productive, broad stroke attacks or your posts will be deleted.


Nope. You likely didn’t pursue becca and so encountered the bug that locks out the alice size 6 and size 7 stages of the game, which is like actually most of the new content in 0.7 that you didn’t see.

I checked his code in the post in OP of this thread, what we should probably refer to as 0.7b. The bug is fixed. So, yeah, a lot of things people have said about the code is just not true currently. If you load a save from before alice was supposed to hit size 6, and play, the size 6 event will trigger properly now.

Also to everyone saying tiggertoo ripped you off because he didn’t deliver on his promises. Are you saying 0.7 is not a complete game? Because it 100% is. It’s a more complete game than many games out there people recognize as complete.

IMO nothing about 0.7b makes it an incomplete game, except for the fact we all thought there’d be more updates in the future. None of the features are incomplete, and none of the functionality is broken. (There were some major bugs in 0.7 and 0.7a but I’ve yet to see anyone mention a new major bug in 0.7b)

Yes it sucks he quit, but people gave him money, and he delivered to them a game. That was the deal. He didn’t defraud or steal from anyone. (Leaving his patreon open for several more months would’ve been fraud, but he doesn’t appear to be planning to allow that to happen. Plenty of game devs on patreon will abandon a project entirely and just leave the patreon open FOREVER to defraud people out of a few extra bucks, and that is NOT what has happened here, but to read some of these posts, it sounds like that’s how people see it?)


Yeah I think so but i did pursue becca because last encounter I had with becca when Alice was 300+ weight because that’s when lacy’s next size triggers too. And I did do a new game because loading from a 0.5 save caused bugs. I also got the yep another interpret ending which I think is where the bug occurred even though I pursued becca’s story but I also had hannah’s story too. Plus I also got the scene where Janet had a bigger pregnant belly and did the running scene. Also I think the link is just 0.7 not 0.7b

Well that’s a Bugger…

Every single thing you said in this post is incorrect :slight_smile:

Starting at the bottom and working the way up.

The link in the OP is titled 0.7. However, I went through the code, it is akin to 0.7b. It includes many bugfixes tiggertoo made after the release of 0.7a. I am personally going to call it 0.7b to avoid confusing people. This matters if anyone plans to fix any remaining bugs in the current final release from tiggertoo (although I’m not currently aware of any such bugs existing).

The extra janet scene is the one you get by turning becca down and it’s the one with a typo in both 0.7 and 0.7a and that typo means alice would never go from size 5 to size 6 (which would mean you never saw the alice size 6 or size 7 content).

Becca and Hannah are not related at all. This game doesn’t ask you to choose between becca and hannah. I know that other VNs have given you the impression that that would be a choice, but it isn’t. The choices are to turn becca down and see janet one extra time. Then with hannah you can remove hannah from your game or not remove hannah from your game. At a particular point in which the choice specifically makes mention of this fact (in essence breaking the 4th wall to be clear to the player).

Loading from 0.5 or 0.6 wouldn’t work, and given the nature of this bug, depending on which save you loaded in 0.7 you might not be able to get past the bug even if you had a version where the bug was patched.

TL;DR The bug you are encountering cannot be fixed because I’m pretty sure it’s already fixed.

edit: To be clear, in order to solve your problem. You will need to download the version of the game in the OP of this thread. Then run that game. Then load a save that you created in 0.7 or 0.7a that was saved BEFORE the extra janet scene. Then play normally. Encounter the extra janet scene. Then since the typo is now fixed alice will go to size 6.

I didn’t write here often, but when I saw the news about the closure of the project, I could not stand aside. I am very ashamed of the many people who reacted to the closure in such a toxical manner, although they had been warned for a long time about such a possibility. I am sorry that I could not support the last time, as I was waiting for the 0.7 version to be released from the test. I admire your work and still don’t believe this is the end. The hope still smolders in me that this is just an outburst of emotions and you will return to the development of the project) (Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my language :sweat_smile:)


This may be a long one…

I’m afraid I haven’t read all the comments/messages on here and elsewhere. I stopped paying much attention after a message on Patreon saying I deserved to die when I had pneumonia. Nice…

I have read enough to feel I need to say a few things though.

To the large majority who’ve been polite/supportive, thank you. It means a lot that even though you’re rightly disappointed, you still care enough to wish me well.

To those who’ve been… let’s say ‘angry’… I don’t blame you. I’d imagine the only people who aren’t angry to some extent are the pirates who can now rub their hands with glee and get back to complaining about how few indie games get finished.

Whatever your feelings may be, I apologise to you all for pulling the plug.

My reason for doing so has nothing to do with pride/money/petulance/anger, etc. etc. etc. It’s simply down to energy and enthusiasm. And I have none left. I warned the people leaking the game time and time again that they were sapping my motivation for continuing. I even popped up on a couple of piracy forums saying I fully expected the finished game would be pirated, but that if this carried on, there would be no finished game for them to steal. With the latest version, I made it crystal clear that I wouldn’t be able to carry on if this continued. Sadly, the pirates chose to ignore that and couldn’t even wait for me to fully debug the new version before stealing it. So here we are.

For one person to work on a project of this size takes a hell of a lot of effort. Almost two years and well over 2,000 hours of work to get this far. On top of a full-time job. And to make that amount of effort, you need bucketloads of enthusiasm and passion. Which, thanks to a few selfish individuals, I no longer have. If I continued to work on this now, I would be forcing myself to do so, rather than doing it for enjoyment. That would show in the game, and it wouldn’t be the game that I wanted to make, or that you deserved to see. I’d rather stop now than force myself to carry on, take money for doing so, and either admit defeat a few months from now or produce something I wasn’t happy with.

I’ve been honest for a long time about what the piracy was doing to my motivation. It is fucking soul destroying to see something you’ve worked your balls off on constantly stolen before it’s even finished. So, I’m sorry, but I can’t continue. Nobody would benefit, apart from me financially and I don’t want to do that. Whether you believe me or not, this isn’t about money.

Was I looking for an excuse to quit? Absolutely not. Yes, I got stressed (okay very stressed) at times, but I did not want to quit. I was well into debugging the latest version when this kicked off, I had a very clear idea of where the next version would have gone and inbetween bug fixing, I’d already started test renders for some of the new scenes. The timing of this had nothing whatsoever to do with me. As those who have checked the piracy site in question will know, the game was leaked overnight on the ninth (UK time). I woke up on the tenth to a message informing me of this and after a couple of hours thinking it through, I knew that I couldn’t continue. If the game hadn’t been leaked, I would be working on it right now.

So, there you go. I guess I’m not cut out to be a game developer. I’m happy to apologise for letting you down, but I’m not going to apologise for being truthful. If you feel this makes me a bad guy then so be it.

It was a stupid reaction to pull the game links so quickly, so there are now links to the latest version (both Mac and PC) in the first post of the thread. Not all of the bugs are fixed as I hadn’t finished working on it, but it’s the best I can offer. At least anyone who wants to play it can do so without having to trawl piracy sites. And sorry, yeah, I should have named it 0.7b or something to avoid confusion.

So, what happens next? Who knows, but I think I’m going to do what a few people have suggested and put the game on indefinite hiatus rather than say it’s definitely cancelled for good. I used to love working on this and hopefully I’ll be able to rediscover that enthusiasm one day. It may never happen, but I’d like to think it will.

And if I do restart, then work at my own pace and not put out any more versions until the game is finished. No pressure on me to hit deadlines and no more piracy to destroy my enthusiasm, at least until the game is finished. After that, they can pirate away as much as they like.

I still have all the game files/assets etc., but they’re backed up so I won’t be tempted to touch them again until/unless I’m ready. And they’re on an external drive, not online, so whoever’s been attempting to hack my google account these past few months, stop trying, okay?

For now… I’m going to take a bit of a break.

Thanks for reading, and apologies again that things have ended this way.


Thank you for writing this. I think it goes a long way to have this explanation, and it is much appreciated. While I absolutely hope the game comes back some day, even if it never does it will to my mind go down as the best game this site has ever seen. Thank you for all of your work, and I hope you are able to enjoy your well-earned free time.


you’ll have to show me which scene where you turn rebecca down because i think i skipped it since i have skip unseen text on, its so that i don’t skip it again

if the game does come back somehow, this community would love to help you complete it because working on it solo is very hard work and i bet there are some talented people here that would love to help you pick the game back up especially with the renpy engine.