The Weighting Game - WIP

I agree with others that some of the most enjoyable scenes are the ones that are one offs in normal events. IMO these add a ton to the replay-ability and both add to the realism/completeness of the game while also making me much less likely to want to skip quickly through scenes.

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Hey Tigger so glad you’re back! Good luck with the rest of the game, always down to donate and support it.

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finally tiggergod back at it :pray: :pray: :pray: expecting great things from you as i have always


Wow, that’s a lot of suggestions - and some bloody good ones too! No pressure on me then :stuck_out_tongue:

Although pressure isn’t something that I’ll be under this time round. I’m (probably!) not going to be working 100 hours plus a month on this again. Just going at my own pace :slight_smile: No idea how long it’s going to take, but what the heck, time to get started.

Anyway, I’ve noted down all the suggestions. Obviously, some are more workable than others and I’ll have to put some thought into if/how I can work them into the game. Some of them will definitely appear as they’re already planned, but I should be able to work some of the other stuff in too.


Please…anyone tell me how to make alice “happy” she’s always sad…

Glad there’s no pressure - keep it that way for your sanity! There’s a lot of us anticipating the result of course. Thank you for all you have done in the past and all you will be doing in the future.

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Really? You must be upsetting her! Compliment her in the movie theatre, feed her whenever possible, agree with her choices, cook her meals and tell her she’s the best thing since sliced bread! Don’t tease her, tell her she doesn’t need to diet - treat her like you would your favourite girl friend!


I’m trying…but she’s always sad…day 204 and nothing changes :frowning:

Thats great to hear! Or well, read! I was wondering since we can donate and get some bonuses and no game until its finished (which is fine) are you planning on updating us here or anywhere else? Like posts about what you added so far, which parts your working on, added weight stages and for who (without pictures, no spoilers ofcourse!) To keep us hyped or in the loop or anything? You don’t have to ofcourse! Just very excited!

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Will the player be able to gain weight with Alice for the Future? Like both become Feedies and feeders

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  1. More of Layne (Lane?) the coffee shop worker/drinking buddy. If Alice is getting a roommate, it should definitely be her.

  2. Alice and her coworker growing so fat that they are unable to take the elevator together because they would exceed the weight limit.

  3. I know Tigger has said they are not interested, but I’d still like to see Alice opting to use a scooter at the grocery or the mall. Not because she’s too fat to walk, but because in this instance she’s too lazy too.

  4. Alice bumping into her ex who dumped her for putting on a couple pounds. She instantly recognizes him, he certainly doesn’t recognize her. It’s pretty awkward and embarrassing once it dawns on him that this massive fatty is his ex girlfriend.


Tiggertoo has stated in the past that this won’t happen the main reason beyond anything else for or against it would be that it increases the amount of renders needed to be made by a huge margin. Those questions were normally asked about from the perspective of the beginning of the game onward, but in the case I think it’s still the same issue. You either give the player have a choice if the MC gains, which would double the amount of new renders or lock the player into having no choice about it. And that is something I think Tiggertoo is not going/willing to do.

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Lacy is who you were looking for :slightly_smiling_face:.

I think tigger is not looking to have Alice and the lot get as big as I would expect them to need to be for that to happen. Maybe same idea but with a few of the girls probably just tossing in one or two more depending on how the story plays out. Would be an interesting idea. I’m also a fan if not elevator max weight limit of just the MC being in an enclosed space like in elevator with a few of the girls. Tight spaces and a lot of flab I’m sure our MC wouldn’t mind the tight squeeze.

I could totally see this happening to Alice while the MC is around and the ex comes over to gloat, but Alice and the MC totally rub his face in how happy and confident Alice with her new weight. Leaving him dumbfounded and speechless similar to what I figured might happen with the lingerie store clerk.

Speaking of her @tiggertoo I guess it would be an idea/question at this point depending on your answer. But the lingerie clerk I always pictured her as the story progressed to put on weight as well. You know the mean girl who is critical of others weight gets what’s coming to her in the form of gaining some weight. There are a lot of ways to go about her from either being just a side character we see gain some weight like the hotdog and pretzel food vendor. Or even as someone that has more of an interaction with MC and Alice.

So I was wondering if she was ever planned down the line to have either more story or interactions with MC/Alice even possibly gain some weight. She is not a super developed character having few interactions with the two obviously but I always imagined that further down the line something might happen.


Odd. I’ve never managed to get her lower than Ok… perhaps Krodmandoon could come up with suggestions?

@xayero It’s definitely possible to get Alice sad, but as with just about anyone, if you’re nice to them, their mood will improve :slight_smile: The advice from @condenser above is good.

@Condenser Sanity…? What’s that?

@JustChris I’m in two minds about how much to update people on progress. Obviously, the more info I give, the more excited (hopefully) everyone will be to play the finished version, but on the other hand, I know that a lot of people hate any sort of spoilers at all, let alone images. Maybe I can find some sort of middle ground - perhaps post stuff but clearly state that it contains probable spoilers. Anything I do post will probably be fairly vague or as red herringish as some of the other stuff I’ve put up in the past. Yep, I’m still evil.

@bbwlover1 This has been asked a few times in the past and it won’t be happening to the MC, I’m afraid. I believe that to write a good story, you have to write from experience and/or about something you enjoy, and I’m not into male weight gain. Plus, as @Krodmandoon pointed out, it would be a massive amount of work :stuck_out_tongue:

@Krodmandoon No current plans on the lingerie clerk. But then at one stage, I never had any plans for Lacy either. Never say never…

Some more good suggestions made over the last couple of days! Thanks to everyone who’s put stuff forward. I’ve noted it all down and I’ll be starting work on the game again as of tomorrow :slight_smile:

The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that I’ve changed my avatar. I thought new start, new picture. Plus, if I ever do finish the game, I doubt the Disney lawyers would be too happy about a porn game written by one of their characters :stuck_out_tongue: So TTtwo games it is!


Yeah I totally understand! I did mean vague updates just like “Added another weight stage, polished some stuff up” updates like that you know, pretty vague but that we do know that progress has been made, I’m really hyped! especially now that you are taking your time, not overworking, not stressing, I bet that will improve the game alot in the long run!


Lacey is already roommates with alice.

Also @tiggertoo you can type [ then spoiler then ] then anything you want then [ then / then spoiler then ] and presto! No more complaints.

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Spoiler 1 It’s human nature to click on something that’s spoilered out. Especially if it’s an image that may, or may not, be part of the next stage of the game.

Spoiler 2

Spoiler 3 It’s not :stuck_out_tongue:

edit Okay, so I’ve forgotten how to spoiler a pic :stuck_out_tongue:



The same way you spoiler text @tiggertoo


Seeing those two like that does put a smile on my face :eyes:

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