The event that happened early on almost ruined me. I felt it in my bones. I almost stopped, thinking I had messed something up fundamentally, which resonated with me on a personal scale. Luckily I pressed on and found the light on the other side. That is how you know it’s great storytelling.
Sometimes, there is nothing wrong with a bit of linear storytelling. Always good to remember though, side characters don’t have to have a complex path attached to them. They can just be there to assist the main events.
Also, going to drop a pun(?) relating to your message saying it got so SO much bigger by saying the only part I hope gets SO much bigger is Alice
Is Alice a natural redhead? She is seen with short blonde hair in one picture and I’m curious as to which one is her natural color. I’m assuming the blonde hair was a phase?
There isn’t a patreon anymore. And there will be no more updates available to the public until the full game is released.
As far as early access (bug testing versions) tiggertoo will be selecting individuals and again it will not be openly posted here for people to access.
I asked Alice and she’s confirmed that the blonde hair was indeed a (short-lived) phase. However, she won’t tell me what her natural colour is. Apparently that’s a secret between her and the MC.
So, I asked him He’s sworn me to secrecy, but apparently she’s brunette and fairly similar in colouring to Hannah. So don’t tell anyone I told you or he’s dead meat, but the answer is brunette.
@Morganism I’m assuming you mean Alice rather than Janet?
@PRO_MASTER360 you’ve been following this thread for a while, so you should know that there’s no patreon anymore (and that you’re not allowed to ask about game progress on these forums). @Krodmandoon is, as usual correct. There won’t be any more public versions of the game until it’s finished. There will be private test versions with around 6 people testing them. If only because I won’t be then getting hundreds of reports on the same bug
Note to everyone - please don’t PM me about being a tester. When the first test version is ready, I’ll be asking for volunteers then - probably in a new thread to avoid cluttering this one up any more
@tiggertoo No, I meant Janet, as Alices sister, has blonde-ish hair. Although, I honestly am having trouble remembering now, for some strange reason I can only remember Alice… I’m sure Janets hair was either dirty blonde or pale brown. Interesting about Alice being a brunette though, just another fact about her to add depth.
On another note, I’m playing through again, trying to find anythign I missed. This playthrough has had some differences, I don’t know how to do spoilers so I won’t mention them (although I would like to PM abou tthem as I’m worried I’ve broken something?)
Either way, TT2, I would like to offer some assistance if you would like it. I noticed a couple of placeholder sentences here and there, complaining about the writer coming up with more interesting things to say, plus I noticed a couple of things that might be cool to expand upon I am a dabbling writer, still new around here, not confident enough to do my own thing but am keen to help.
Alice and Janet are sisters, as you know, so I did try and give them a passing resemblance to each other. I think (it was a looooong time ago) that I actually used the same base model for them both to start with.
As for the hair, who knows, perhaps Janet colours hers as well?
Do you mean the placeholder sentences in the conversations at the cafe/pub etc? They’re deliberate as I add a few more of these conversational pieces with each new version. Once I have enough in place, the placeholder sentences will be removed
I think it was the cafe in particular. I mean I knew you wouldn’t leave it like that forever, but also know it’s sometimes tough to write, for lack of a batter word, filler text. Again, my offer to help is there, feel free to ask.
Also, I know it’s probably being worked on anyway but I did notice Alice doesn’t increase her serving size at the burger joint or the ice-creamery. She, might want to do that
@Krodmandoon Thank you. Can’t work out why on my second playthrough Alice didn’t break up with me and pretty much gave up dieting within days. I don’t know what I did different…it’s not like I treated her badly in the first run…
If you do a lot of the romance score increasing activities, given enough time playing (since you need, I believe something like 65+ romance score) you can obviously avoid the break up event entirely. So, it’s just going to be a combo of doing the increases without doing the things that give you negative score. It doesn’t take a ton of time to accomplish I’ve most commonly done it on like 1/4th of my playthroughs without trying to make it happen.
@PRO_MASTER360 I don’t mind people asking about stuff, but it is against forum rules and will inevitably get flagged.
@Morganism it’s actually relatively easy to avoid the breakup completely if you know what you’re doing.
As for the filler text, I have quite a few more ideas for that, but if you’ve got any suggestions, feel free to make them.
In hindsight, the serving sizes at the burger/ice cream venues should increase, but I only thought of doing those after I’d done the pizza restaurant images (where the portion size does increase). I’d have to rerender all those images to add larger servings and the ice cream parlour in particular takes an eternity to render, so it’s unlikely, although not impossible, that I’ll redo those images.
I actually thought the re-rendering might have been the issue. The pain of 3D modelling.
Just going to check if it’s ok to PM ideas, I really don’t like sending someone a PM unless they are ok with it. Like some kind of vampire I guess
I guess I’ll suggest a bad joke for now, I’ve got plenty (and even learned a couple from the MC). Anyway, here it goes:
What’s the best thing about Switzerland?
I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus
@KrodmandoonOk, I just finished a second play through (got to the to be continued screen). I’m pretty sure I got all the Hannah scenes, but couldn’t get the Becca scene to trigger. I assume there is a scene where Alice and Becca meet and you feed them both (from what I gathered at the end). I didn’t turn Becca down at any point that I’m aware of, she just seemed to get locked in a loop of saying she was going to try using a plus sized dating site next time. Any help?
The turning down becca versus not turning down becca variable had a typo in it in the test version that was released, but it is/was/ithinkwasprettycertainly fixed in the version of the game from the OP of this thread.
Other than that becca gives you like 3or so different chances to turn her down, and every single one of them from a roleplay sense is common sense boyfriend behavior. You essentially have to sneakily cross the line with becca roughly three times to get locked into the becca route.
So, uh, yeah, a) you’re playing 0.7a instead of 0.7 from OP which I personally on my machine named 0.7b or b) you didn’t flirt with becca, and you didn’t visit her at her house to flirt with her, and there’s also a chance to condemn her flirting at some point as well in conversation.
So yeah, always flirt with becca, always do anything becca asks, always visit becca when possible, and always accept the flirting between the two of you without proclaiming it inappropriate. If you avoid these three chances to condemn becca you’ll be locked into the becca path instead of the non-becca path which is what grants a bonus scene involving janet that is there is an extra visit from janet on the non-becca path I think the canon path though is the becca path based on rave reviews from virtually all the players (although personally I quite liked the other path equally as much.)
I’m definetly playing the latest version. I went and visited her, we kissed, I told her that flirting is fine just as long as she knows it can never be more than that. Most likely it was that I suppose. I didn’t get a warning saying it would end the path. Oh well, will just have to wait until I play through again, when it’s finished, or I feel like playing through again
Hannah is on/off the becca “path” merely alternates a single scene. It’s just many people’s favorite scene. In other words, in theory, in future releases there will be more chances for becca. Spurning becca doesn’t according to tiggertoo as well as the game itself remove becca from the game, it just removes everyone’s favorite scene involving becca.
Apparently hannah was so reviled by the fanbase fans actually demanded there be an option to remove her from the game entirely and tiggertoo provided it. (Hannah is personally one of my favorite characters.)
edit: So, yeah, from your description you accepted becca’s advances two of the three times required to get the scene in question.
Of course tiggertoo could always change his mind in the future, who knows.
Yeah definitely as I think I originally said, don’t reject either of them. For sure if you tell Becca you will never be more than friends your rejecting her .
I’m not sure the specific reason tiggertoo has the warning for Hannah I would assume it’s meant to let the player know that Hannah will no longer show up in game. I’m not sure the reason compared to Becca not having a warning.
@namad Ah, sounds like I just missed out. Next time I guess. It’s always going to be hard for me though, as I don’t want to be unfaithful in the slightest to Alice
Personally, not a fan of Hannah myself. She just comes on a little too strong. I do like the others though.
But I think thats just one of the reasons I have enjoyed this so much, TT2 has done such an amazing job making all the characters feel, well, real. The little quirks and differences just all work together to make them feel ‘alive’. The ups and downs that they go through and how they come out the other side, all are just so satisfying and believable.
I am so eager for more. Maybe not as eager as Alice is for more food, but still