The Weighting Game - WIP

so far the game is a clean 9/10 i love it ! the only problem what makes me a bit mad was the game over break up scene i ran into this 2 times :smiley: after that i played it 3 times :smiley:
Great job iam waiting with joy for updates

Continue playing the game? No, but seriously I assume your question might be in relation to the fact that it’s likely most players experience the non game over break up. Which leaves you to keep playing for a week without seeing Alice. You should go to work and work out often during those periods in my opinion, but you can just skip time( by waiting and hour) until 22:00+ hours and then go to bed and keep passing time that way. After about a week of in game time the story will continue.

wow nice to see some progress with game, waiting for the full release, loved the game

Figured it out earlier and forgot to edit my comment lol. Thank you for the help!


Hi there, first of all I have to congratulate you on such an amazing project. It’s probably one of, if not the best game in this genre. And it’s absolutely astonishing how present you are here too always answering people’s questions.

I have just a couple of them.

  1. When you reach the end of the game, is it possible for more scenes with side characters to still be waiting to be unlocked?
  2. I’ve seen this in some other games, will there be any way to rewatch old special scenes? Some are quite memorable but sadly only happen once and that’s all.
  3. Have you been taking time to rest and relax? Don’t forget about yourself too.

Once again, congratulations on this amazing work. Also Becca gang is best gang.


Master of a good many, I’d say!

got Hanna’s 8th picture text, the hints are telling me to go to the cafe and nothing happens when I get there. Did I mess up or should I keep at it till something happens

Hello @piteka and welcome to the site.

As for as side characters go, everything is tied to the main story you will have seen mostly what the game has to offer once the to be continued screen comes up. I say “mostly” because the game has been designed with the expectation that the player will not be able to see every scene on one play through. This might be related to a choice, like rejecting Becca enough to miss her story scenes which puts you on a path to start seeing some janet scenes that are locked to that path choice. Or how there are variations to scenes sometimes about rng some based on other factors like Alice’s greed, weight, or choices made by the players. It is of course possible to miss some of these repeatable variations depending on different factors. But If you have played through the to be continued screen that’s it you won’t encounter other stuff that is new to you.

A photo gallery has been discussed as a possibility so taking that and having it replay a scene wouldn’t be crazy but that’s a lot of extra work for both. Tiggertoo does a ton of work and extra stuff for the game. However the amount of extra work that would be I would assume would probably only happen if it ever did after the games was done and fully released.

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@piteka glad you like the game!

1 - no, there’s absolutely nothing after the TBC screen. Apart from potential bugs as the game hasn’t been tested at all beyond that point. But, as @Krodmandoon rightly points out, you won’t see all the content on a single playthrough.

2 - there may be a gallery in the finished version. I haven’t looked into this yet though.

3 - lots of time to myself. I used to work 100+ hours a month on this. It’s more like 20-25 now.

@fantaslurpee I’m not aware of any bugs around that stage of the game, but to be honest, it’s been so long since I played that part of it, I can’t remember for sure.


I don’t recall the exact one you’re referring to but some of those require you to sit down and have a coffee or leave the cafe at times to trigger if I’m not mistaken.

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Good point! Really is a long time since i played that part! Yes, you have to actually order rather than just go there

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For the part where she breaks up because of the feeding is that the last weight stage she can achieve or did something get done wrong

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If you got a game over screen. Yes. If there is no game over screen keep playing for about a week of in game time. I just post about this 4 days ago

The game is no where near done by the break up scene. If you check out my post you will see specifics. If you need any help just let us know.

Also welcome to the site @Aeiou_An.


Ah I see, so that break up scene after the entire sister visit is basically because the game was played wrong but the romance score was still high.

Btw thnx, but this is actually an alt cuz I forgot my main’s password

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That’s not quite right the game over screen happens because romance score is too low to pass the minimum to not trigger the game over screen. This normally happens most commonly from teasing Alice too early and having her pay for things. And some combination of not doing enough romance raising activities and choices.

It’s entirely possible to skip the non game over break up but the normal result for most players is still a break up scene just not one that leads to a game over.

Normally a break up occurs and you keep playing and the game advances after a week of game time after the break up. However as I said If the romance score is too low the break up is permanent (game over screen).

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@Krodmandoon is right so often, I’m amazed there aren’t conspiracy theories sweeping the Weightgaming forums about us both being the same person :stuck_out_tongue:

As usual, he’s correct. @Aeiou_An, if you haven’t seen the game over screen, then it’s not game over. If you have seen it, then it is.

(As I’ve previously mentioned, I’m not happy with the lack of warning about the potential game over here. Alice will warn you much more clearly in future versions that she’s discontented with how things are going).


Haha the best way of bug fix is updating😝(you should implement a system where each game are automaticly updated to play 0.9 version. And if you refuse updating, you cannot use your phone so you cannot call alice or see the galery…)
Joke aside, i already had these conspirations theory that whole hog, thicker treat all these games are made by you during the time you said you won’t work on TW anymorr.
you figured out the true potential of This kind of game about fat girl…and your 0.7 you just said you stoped working on this game… Maybe because you wanted to create 5 more…

Actually if you search for fat girl content, you have hard porn, stock photos, some rare movies, some documentary and your game… So of course its a good concept… Adding that you certainly have an incredible art making skills.
And actually doing so will help you reduce cost of clothes and assets

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Hehe I’m working on updating the game… just it’s a much slower process now that I’m going at my own pace and not trying to hit ridiculously optimistic deadlines :stuck_out_tongue:

Things are also being slowed down a lot by my attempting to restructure the code. Long term, it should make things much easier for me, but short term, it’s seriously bloody messy and causing hundreds of bugs/glitches. In hindsight, I probably wouldn’t have bothered with all the restructing, but it’s too late to change my mind now!


Yeah i know (just teasing you)
(guess from where i learned from)
I have another new way to speed up your render time…
Yeah😂 you find a alice like fat girl, to pose, then you can buy a lot of assets, and a new house…
And of course your scene will be photorealistic…

Curious, if someone were to send you a tenner or a twenty over paypal with a proper email listed could they get a wip update? (Asking out of curiosity more than anything as I’m curious how the game is after the shutout thanks to the pirates. That way you’d at least have a list of who paid.)