Well, testing of the first iteration of 0.8 is almost over. Just waiting for a couple of renders to finish off and that’ll hopefully be more or less it.
It all went a lot more smoothly than I was expecting, and I’d like to say a huge thankyou to everyone who’s helped out.
To celebrate, here’s a small teaser pic of Alice doing what Alice does best and pigging out on chocolate. With someone. (spoilered as it is an image from the game, even if you can’t tell who the other person is!)
Hey there, this is good stuff. I know you’re keen to eventually get this out the proverbial door but i was wondering as to whether you had any plans to (pardon the pun) “expand” upon it in the future.
As in over the 400lb range and whatnot.
No plans to change any of the heights, I’m afraid. As you can see in the pic below, all the characters are already different heights, and this is a game of horizontal growth, not vertical
Is there another reason to go to the gym other than for Sarah and Alice and that one other chick (I forgot her name but the smoker lady). I thought it would be cool if the MC could physically get stronger so he could potentially carry Alice at later stages.
That’s exactly what happens. There’s gym walk-in scenes with Alice, Sarah, and Hannah. You can also work out yourself at the gym and there will be some dialogue differences in different scenes with Alice about your fitness level. And you can pick Alice up off the couch for longer as she gets heavier.
Oh really? I only played through the game once so I guess I have never seen different dialogue. It’s good that tigertoo pays attention to small details like that
The text in a scene will vary depending on certain criteria, and there are also small branches in the current 0.7 version of the game. It’s totally impossible to see all the game on one playthrough.