This seems unlikely given how tigger has consistently spoken about wanting to keep this game positive and not delve into some of the negative aspects of gaining weight. It wouldn’t really feel right to have doctor shaming in there.
True. That’s why I pictured it as a one off scene to get from point A to B and never has to be brought up again.
Yep, at this point, I have no plans to add any doctor shaming or delve too deeply into any negative stuff. This is supposed to be a fun game all about weight gain. There’s far too much fat shaming stuff out there as it is.
Closest I’ll come to anything along those lines is the ‘OMG, I’m soooo out of shape’ stuff
I could have sworn you made a doctor scene on your old Kofi, obviously the boyfriend would be in the room to support allice
There was - all the girls visited the doctor to be weighed, but I guess it was not meant to be a part of the game. Of course, if the doctor turned out to be a FA and cheered them on, things might be different…
it’s to give you time to get your strength up to pick her up off the couch
this is the best game in the world . I can’t wait to play v 0.8 when it comes out
@Condenser is correct. There were several images on Kofi (they’ve made it over to Patreon now that Kofi have banned me for being an evil porn pedlar) of various characters getting weighed at the doctors. They’re just one-offs, though. Won’t be appearing in the game itself.
Seeing as the first post says I’ve now had just over 35k downloads, here’s one of them to celebrate…
@Randomkid00 I like that answer!
@3437601 Dunno about the best game in the world, but it’s definitely the best game I’ve ever written. Of course, it’s also the only game I’ve ever written, which makes it the worst game I’ve ever written too
If you don’t mind me asking how do you manage to get these shots of tshirts looking a few sizes too small? I’ve got a dforce simulation setup that’s good for shrinking a shirt 1-2" but I don’t know of an easy way to shrink a shirt 7"-8" like in this scene.
Are you using a custom image for the cuttout opacity? That’s how I’d probably do it, but, that would remove the trim. And your render has a trim at the bottom of the shirt still.
Edit: I found a way to turbo charge shirt not fittingness using inherited height parameter hidden property, hooray. Still only gets me 4"-5" or so. But definitely enough for me to stop searching for a better method.
Unrelated to this thread entirely, but well, I asked a question and found an answer, so I felt obligated to share. Even if this is only useful to me in 2024 when I forget this stuff.
Uses a simulation with scale locked via setting modifier/pose to None
, on thin(and/or emaciated) short(high height slider) woman who turns into chubby normal height woman, the new tech though is this hidden property (higher height means shorter woman).
hopefully we can at least have the girls weigh in at some point so we can “assess” their progress
Probably imagination, but Becca looks fatter this time than last, when we saw it before? So does the doctor too…
Keep up the great work!
Just a question what do I do when the call button for Alice cause when I did a date for her it seems like its not there anymore it dissapeared for some reason and I dont know how to bring it back
@SexyFatGirlRenders there’s no real trick to it. Just LOTS of morph targets, a lot of trial and error renders to get something looking half decent and then tweaking in photoshop to try and hide the glitches
I very rarely use cutout opacity on clothes unless I’m simply trying to hide a complete part of an outfit. As for dforce, it’s rubbish more often than not. Especially on fat characters.
Glad you found a solution though!
@gamerca I may add more weighing at some point. I don’t tend to script stuff in too much detail until I’m actually working on the scenes, so you never know.
@Condenser Yep, it’s imagination. I haven’t changed that render since I originally posted it on Ko-fi. That said, it’s the old Becca model. Might be interesting to revisit it at some point with the new model and see how they compare
@LUCK have you looked at the walkthrough/FAQ that @Krodmandoon spent ages writing? It tells you what to do in that situation and what your options may be.
if you can catch it as soon as it happens you can use the power of renpy to rewind bring it back save and try to get past it
if you don’t catch it try going for a few days doing random things and waiting if a week goes by and it doesn’t come back rip.
Sometimes the solution is to simply start over when what has been suggested doesn’t work (which should be the last resort) but I can always provide a save that does work worst case. As long as your operating system is windows I can work with you to get you something that will allow you to progress.
I was wondering if you could add some more noticeable striae to the legs and belly of the characters, with that pinkish-purple hue, it would be more exciting if that weight gain was more noticeable with those details
Guessing you mean stretch marks?
I did do a few test renders ages ago to see what they looked like, but wasn’t too impressed with the results (the below is probably the best of a bad bunch).
I may do a bit more experimentation at some point in the near future
Maybe it doesn’t seem so important to you, but I reiterate that small details like this make it look more exciting, things besides the weight that make the fat noticeable, I write this message in the kindest way, it is not offensive xd,and personally i prefer to see those details,you made alicce so hot in that image
What asset pack are you using there? I recently experimented with skinbuilder’s stretchmarks and honestly they feel only useful for pregnant girls not fat girls.
I tried to edit them myself in gimp, and met with a total failure (my goal having been to say delete half of them, not left or right, but just half throughout evenly. My failure being that I ended up shmearing things like you would with a pencil and an eraser which just looked awful.)
The ones in this render don’t look quite like skinbuilder, maybe they’re another asset pack?
They look fine to me, hoping the experimentations give good results.