The Weighting Game - WIP

I just played the januray version, and I want to ask if there is some way to see what parts of the story have you missed so far, I have been sitting here for a while now, and I have been going to cafe very often (because I read somewhere i should) and the only thing that happend was, that i saw Hannah for a second. If there was a way to tell if you triggered all the important events, the game would be even better. It wouldnt even have to be visible at all times, just some option in settings to see if everything that should have happend, happened.

Yep, at the moment, the ‘Work Hard’ option is merely a time-saver. No bonus apart from the chance of Alice appearing. Like everything else, this scene is work in progress and will be improved at some point.

Keeping Alice fed is definitely meant to be a challenge of course, but not an arduous one, so I’ve bumped up the hourly pay by 5.

That’s not at all a bad suggestion, especially as I’m a Brit anyway.

Unfortunately, pounds is already in the game as a weight measurement. Alice now specifically refers to her weight in pounds and it might get confusing for people who aren’t native English speakers. That said, I do like the idea a lot, and currently, this is the only place in the game where currency is mentioned, so I may get away with it :slight_smile:

Hard to tell what you’ve seen and missed. I’ve tried to make the game open-ended so that you can play as you like. Most (not all!) events for Alice in the Jan version should trigger automatically, but the Hannah sub-plot is completely optional at this point in the game.

The February version of the game lets you know when you’ve hit the end of the current storyline.

I only had one scene, when i went on a date with Alice, and Hannah looked at me, that is all. Is there something more to discover?

Doesn’t sound as though you’ve played very far in yet. A second cafe scene giving a bit more detail about Hannah should automatically trigger at some point.

After that… admittedly the version of the game that you’re on doesn’t make it particularly clear (which is why it hints at the start that you should visit the cafe a lot) what to do next r.e. Hannah. If you visit the cafe and have a coffee (which you should do anyway, cos it gives you a small energy boost), the next scene with Hannah will possibly trigger. After that, the Hannah stuff should become more obvious.

The version of the game that I’m working on currently has been tweaked to (hopefully!) make this bit a lot more intuitive :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if this was tweaked in the February demo but I remember having both Hannah events happen to me at the same time the first time I called to invite Alice to the cafe. I know I was atleast 20-30 days or even more into it before I started inviting her there.

50% more pay? Yes please!

(Now if only I could get that IRL.)

As noted by Tiggertoo himself, “Working Hard” provides the potential for Alice to visit you at work, which, if she isn’t feeling uncomfortably fat, means a free donut delivered to her tummy. (And possibly a cream cake or two, assuming that mention is accompanied by real off-screen eating.)


99% sure I fixed this in the Feb version, but I can’t remember for certain. I’d make a crap developer if this was my proper job. I never make notes of anything :stuck_out_tongue:

I have, however, made a note in my ideas file to check this on my next full playthrough :slight_smile:

Haha, I said an extra FIVE per hour, not FIFTY percent :stuck_out_tongue:

I will be adding to this scene at some stage. Haven’t worked out any particular ideas yet (apart from a one-off incident with Alice), but it’s currently pretty boring if Alice doesn’t appear.

Hmm. I’ve got it in my head that base hourly rate is/was only 10…

Ugh, you’re completely right, of course. That’s what sleep deprivation will do to you :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’d tell you to sleep more but I’d rather you produce more content = P

Haha, to be honest, it means I’m doing less work on the game. I have a damaged muscle in my neck and it’s keeping me awake at night with the pain, meaning I’m constantly tired and not able to do much.

Got some super duper new painkillers from the doc today, so am hoping to get more than an hour of sleep tonight! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Yeah… almost six hours sleep last night! Celebrated by writing a one-off scene that will make it into the next demo :slight_smile:


Just remember that your body is temporary,
but lewd games are eternal.

For real tho, hope you’re feeling better and not over doing it.


Haha, this game isn’t very lewd… although I may have added a few more sexy/nude sequences to the next demo :wink: Need to show off Alice’s growing body a bit more!

And thanks! I’m fine. It’s just a strained muscle. I’ve been given some exercises which should fix it :slight_smile:


I think Alice’s slimness may be very temporary,
it’s her belly that’s permanent.

(I’m loving how curvy she’s looking in some of the new size renders that I’ve been working on! :heart_eyes:)


When is a “beta” going to come out or has it?

I’m putting out regular updated demos