The Weighting Game - WIP

So ive been playing for a while now im almost at day 50 any good tips anyone has for me? Lmao should i stop playing?

If you’re playing the current public version then by day 50, you’ve probably seen most of what’s in so far. Can’t say you’ve seen everything as some of the stuff in there isn’t linear.

The February demo has a lot more content, but that’s currently early access on Patreon. That won’t be going public until the version I’m presently working on (lots more content again :p) is ready to release which’ll be around the middle of March.

whats the newest version called? and btw i am a member of your patreon (;

Newest version was uploaded on Jan 31st. Called ‘Feb’ demo.

For those who don’t check out the Patreon page, I’m tentatively hoping to have the test version of the new demo ready next weekend. Lots of new stuff added!

And, seeing as the new version is almost ready, I’ll be making the Feb demo available to everyone soon.


Is it the Feb version that has had the cap removed? Or the new version coming out? Either way sick that both are nearly here. Especially as I was expecting it to be mid March before we heard anything in terms of updates.

Feb version has the cap, but nobody (including me) liked it, so it’s gone in the new version :slight_smile:

Feb demo now available for everyone :slight_smile:


Where is the windows version?

Should be there now. I pasted the wrong link :stuck_out_tongue:

Jesus, am I really that lonely that I actually just became a Patreon just for this game?
Sadly, yes.

I never saved, and then was given a game over screen because of my finances I think. FML.

At present the game will only warn you that you’re running out of money. It won’t finish because of this.

Oh, then what prompted a game over screen?

I would imagine that you hit the hard cap on the current content. I added this to stop the complaints about glitches far further into the game than I’ve tested up to, but I’m not keen on it (and not many others were either!) so future versions will let you keep playing after giving you a warning that you’ve hit the end of the content.

Well considering I’ve already spent a couple of hours solidly on the new public release tells me I’m pretty pot-committed to this game… You sonuva bitch, I’m in. hops onto Patreon

I’d consider patronage, but alas no Mac version.

I did make a Mac version for Patrons. But had no way of testing it as I don’t own a Mac, and those who downloaded it gave no feedback so I assumed it didn’t work.

Ren’Py is pretty good cross platform, so I’d imagine it did work. I tested A Piece of Cake (which is built on Windows) on my Mac and it’s just fine. I imagine you got no feedback because it just worked.

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Very possibly, but I specifically asked to be informed if it worked or not.

I’ll maybe put out a Mac version of the finished game :slight_smile: