The Weighting Game - WIP

Big thanks to @dingotush for offering to test the Mac version.

He’s confirmed that it works, so I’ll be uploading the Mac version of the Feb demo to Patreon when I get home from work.

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: in the new demo, an image fails to show up during the scene where Alice orders a ton of food.

Not an issue as such… that image didn’t exist in the current (I’m assuming by ‘new’, you mean the Feb demo?) version. Mostly because it didn’t need to. The hard cap on the Feb version of the game should have kicked in long before this part of the scene triggers.

The image is in place for the version that I’ll be releasing this month, but I’m intruiged as to how you were seeing this. It really shouldn’t appear this early in. Have you modded the game files at all? This version of the game has been out for over a month and nobody else has reported this happening.

Hey! I was thinking of become a patreon when the new demo comes out, do you have a date for that yet or is it just sometime this month?

If all the testing goes okay then it should be some time over the weekend. Looks like I may have another bug to fix though (see my previous post) before it’s ready.

Mac version of the current demo is now on the Patreon site :slight_smile:

Hey I just played your game yesterday, it’s really good, has been a while since I played a graphic novel and now I’m hooked on it, just a question, I go trough the day 50 or so and the game just ends, it’s that the end at the time or I just fail on something? I have almost 200 of gold but haven’t that much interaction with Hannah, she just keep comming to the cafe and then I saw her at the gym in a loop

Yeah, sounds as though you hit the hard cap which marks the end of the content in that version. As you say, the game just ends. Really wish I’d never bothered with that - nobody seems to like it!

There isn’t a great deal of Hannah content as yet. Cafe and gym are pretty much it in this version. The version I’m working on at the moment has a bit more Hannah stuff as well as more storyline in general.

Future versions of the game won’t have the hard cap. You’ll get a message saying you’ve hit the end of the content, but you’ll be able to carry on playing regardless.

Glad you’re enjoying the game! :slight_smile:

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If you’re curious, I had the same blank image show up in a couple of runs.


Actually, you can get it if you go to your place with Alice, cuddle, and don’t feed her much. As hinted, that DOES seem to make her happier. And perhaps hungrier?

I’m going to sound stupid, but how do you access the game? I mean I go to the Patreon to at least see the demo and yet I don’t see a link anywhere for it other than that cloud storage thing, am I missing something or am I going to the wrong place?

The link is what you want to click on.

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Just click on the mega link and it should give you the download.

Yeah, I’ve looked into it now, and it’s a glitch in the way she ‘chooses’ food. In theory, that scene shouldn’t kick in until later in the game (the image is really only there for completeness - you ‘shouldn’t’ see it at that size level). The food choice algorithm has been in place pretty much since I started work on the game and it really needs updating to take all the new factors and variables that I’ve added into consideration.

I’ll leave it as it is for now - don’t want to make any more changes to the next demo as I’ll have to do loads of retesting, but I’ll put it on the to do list for the version afterwards:)

Sounds like a fun little unintentional easter egg. A cafe binge certainly sounds like good times are in store!

Ah thank you both, I knew I was being stupid.

I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s not the most intuitive of download links :slight_smile:

New version of the game now on the early access patreon page :slight_smile:


I played it, I enjoyed it. Good work and your evil :rofl:

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I am indeed! Although you’ve gotta admit it’s a better ending for this demo than the last one? :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad you enjoyed it! And thanks to the others who have messaged me to say the same thing :slight_smile:


That new weight gain scene was great, man! I’ll keep things as vague as possible, but what you did with the clothes was so delightfully unexpected. You’ve truly outdone yourself in this update.

One quick question, though: Is sending Hannah that text the last part of her current storyline?