Maybe consider making easy/normal/hard modes. I’m still more in the “she gains too fast” camp myself. Wouldn’t mind a hard mode where it’s a much greater challenge for her to gain and she goes to the gym literally every day like earlier builds, maybe refuses to eat or be taken out to eat more often, requiring you to learn her favorite recipes and buy ingredients from the grocery.
I’m the impatient type, and vote for an easy-mode.
Could I suggest that stretchmarks, being an asset problem, could be approached as a one-off scene? Triggered at a higher weight/relationship and approached as a problem she brings to you? Application of creme to the belly (plus relationship/less cash, gratuitous image for your patreons and highlight gallery), say it looks fine (plus relationship), or say it looks bad (less accepting of WG). Whatever you pick she goes to a dermatologist or whatnot so you don’t have to add them to all the following assets.
Ah man, saying that it effectively becomes the new norm for her at some point, to eat so much to maintain status quo - almost to where she would be unhappy if you don’t feed her? That’s pretty hot, not gonna lie!
@eman006 & @madone I have no plans to add different game modes. If I’d thought of this from the start then it would probably have been fairly straightforward to implement, but if I were to do it now, it would involve rewriting/amending a lot of the existing scenes, as well as adding yet more images. I may, when the game is finished, look into doing this, but I wouldn’t hold your breath as I’m likely to be totally sick of it by then
@Mitsuho I did look into adding stretchmarks a while back. I actually posted a test image (see below) in this thread ages ago, but the general opinion seemed to be that most didn’t like stretchmarks so I didn’t experiment any further. That’s not to say they won’t be making an appearance in the future, though.
@AlexKay You’ll just have to wait and see on that one
hey is alice’s fourth size on 3.0?
Ugh, tried three times to reply to this. No idea why, but this site absolutely CRAWLS when I’m rendering. As in 5 minutes plus to open a page
Anyway, I’m guessing you mean 0.3? This version contains the next size up from 0.2, and the scene at the end shows the size she’ll be be at the start of 0.4
Just a heads-up to people pestering the dev for additional work to be done: He’s a one-man team. Let him focus. Anything done after the main project is complete is at his discretion. Don’t ask someone to break their back working on something and do nothing to support them, either. If you have something more than constructive criticism to offer, I’d advise you to do so.
I really don’t mind people contacting me to make suggestions. I’m always happy to listen to ideas, whether viable or not
So… does this work for Android too?
At the moment it’s PC and Mac only. The game is currently almost 3GB in size and growing, so a little too big for most mobile users. Once I’ve finished it, I’ll probably look into mobile versions, but not before then.
Will this game cost any money when the full game is out?
I was originally going to make it free, but that was when I thought it was just going to be a few weeks work. As it is, 8 months, a lot of money and about a thousand hours later and I’m still nowhere near finished.
I haven’t decided how much I’m going to charge for the final version, or how I’m going to release it (probably not on Patreon, because it’s absolute garbage), but anyone on Patreon who has donated an equivalent amount will get the finished game for free.
edit Think it might be a nice idea to give a couple of copies away on here once it’s finished. Something along the lines of the giveaway for SFOAS, where the mods raffle the copies off? After all, if it wasn’t for all the encouragement I had on here when I was starting out, I’d probably never have got beyond that initial tiny demo!
Just let us know, and we’ll be happy to set something up like that for you (assuming you wanted us to handle the raffle).
Definitely! I’ll be in touch once the game is actually finished (so, around 5 years from now :p).
I can only imagine what the game would be like after 5 years of work on it.
At the rate its progressing now it would be a master piece! haha
I’m hoping to be finished around the end of the year. Another 5 years would drive me insane
Damn, that much more huh? So we’re at what some where around half way through? Looking forward to the new version
Yeah, about half way through.
Still working away on the new version trying to shoehorn everythtng in. The last version had 710 images. This one has 903 so far and I still have quite a bit left to do