The Weighting Game - WIP

@HellaGunz Thanks for that! I’d been testing for the best part of 12 straight hours and was so tired by the time I’d finished that I forgot the debug stuff. I’ll have new version up soon :slight_smile:


My post wasn’t about getting the latest version for free, it was that he stopped because other users complained about a free game and that it was too slow of progress.
I understand offering money to a patreon for a game that’s in development is fine, if its meant to be an early access and beta but I’m personally not interesting in shelling out $5 usd[that’s $7 Canadian for me] a month for possibly an update once every other month at the latest? Fenoxo’s team with TITS and CoC2 both have their own patreon’s and still have public updates that get updated every month or so while the patron’s get every new patch update and help test them.[granted they each have a team working on both projects and tiggertoo is just by himself] An option Tiggertoo could go with is the method Princes Conquest did, release a one time buy public version on and stagger updates after the patron’s have tested the new updates instead of just waiting until the end to release it for a price.

@tiggertoo do keep up the good work, and from what your patrons are posting here this update was a good one, I am looking forward to this when a public version is released at some point in the future hopefully sooner rather then later.

A remarkably enticing game, finished the 0.2 version but unfortunately cannot buy the latest update. Only complaints I have would be about the missing texts in the end, but from reading a few game update notes it has already been addressed. Can’t wait to try the next version once it becomes available to more than the patreon supporters.

@tiggertoo Hello, tigger. Congrats for your game, it’s great. I played just v0.2 unfortunately. Will v0.4 sometime be available to download for free? I’d be happy to pay 5 $ for it (even 50), but I don’t want to give personal infos, and I’m dying to see the rest. I can wait even an year, but please, tell me there’ll be one day you’ll make it free.

i am happy i caught on to the sister’s situation though :grin:

Hi Tiggertoo, I’m having several crashes using the latest version of the game, like when work i can’t gain money

Did you start a new game or did you load a previous save? All new updates require a fresh start.

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Hi, I solved restarting the game. Thanks

Hi, someone have some hints to stimulate Alice to eat junk food and gain weight? For me she gose to much in gym and eat to much salad. I’d like to see her more chubby

Try this: at the early part of the game go to run with her about 2 times a week. It will improve her mood, and she won’t go to the gym that often.

Hi, does it work even if about 20 days have already passed?

It will. The number of the days doesn’t matter in this case. If she is on the 1st or early 2nd weight segment, this will work

Hey there! Just completed 0.4 and see a lot of potential here. I do have a few comments regarding the use of Patreon for releases. I understand that this is a one man project and full support allowing people to back you. However, might I suggest doing something different for those who simply want to purchase the game at a set price? I know at least one developer who promises access to those who have been patrons after a set amount of months even if they cancel their donations. Either that or I would host the game on something like for a set price where you can then update the game for those who purchased it.


Hi, there isn’t other hints?

To be honest you can improve her mood by going in the restaurant at the weekends, and be as diplomatic with her as it’s possible. And invite her every day to your home, and cook dinner to her (you can do it, if you invite her after 17:00)!!! That’s all. Her appetite will improve as you playing it, and you can go on with the story. That’s the way what I could find as the easiest to make her gain weight pretty fast.

Thank you very much. I don’t have urgency to make her quickly fat, I’m searching only the right way.

I also met some problems when paying on Patreon, if another platform is used, may be I can sucessfully pay for it.

Hey, I haven’t done much in the game, but for some reason I got rid of it a while back, and for the mega download to get it back I need a decryption code. Can I get some help?

Someone knows how to fatten up the boss’s office Becca?

It seems like she gains weight with no special encouragement. I just kept helping her with extra work when she asked and she ate donuts and cake the whole time. The process is just very gradual, like the other side-characters’ gains. Interesting things will start to happen with her eventually, at least in the most recent version.