The Weighting Game - WIP

Oh behave, you tease XD


Yeah, this is what I’m leaning towards, but we’ll see how things are going once the dust from 0.5 clears. I still have a lot of writing left to do for this, and won’t know until I start testing whether 0.4 saves will work or not.

The problem with posting pre-made saves is that they won’t have the right player name in, and the player will have no idea how they’ve treated Alice up to that point. Different people play in different ways, and I won’t be able to please everyone.

I really don’t want people posting save files into this thread, please. (Or anywhere else for that matter, but that’s out of my control :stuck_out_tongue: ) We’ll have people trying to load 0.5 saves into the public version, trying to use pre 0.4 saves in 0.5, etc etc, and that’ll lead to a whole raft of reports of bugs that simply don’t exist :slight_smile:


I feel like playing the game all over again every time theres a new version out adds to the charm. Even the anticipation of not knowing how fat alice will end up in the finished game is part of the reason that i keep playing it lol. And every time i think alice has gotten huge, or that she cant possibly get bigger, the next version comes out and completely blows my mind. This game is amazing, keep up the good work, and i cant wait til v0.5 come out.


So now we know there is a potential focus for early game content, it begs the question: what things do people want to see with early Alice, Hannah or Rebecca - heck even MC? Any thoughts as to new events, situations or scenes?

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Not to recycle ideas already implemented, but I absolutely adored when Hannah came over to watch the sci fi movie and to see more player interaction with the characters out of the girl’s element.

For example, the early Rebecca gameplay is an occasional “stay for a few hours more” and not much else. Maybe they go for ice cream In the park, or a day trip to the beach? I would love to see more player interaction with Rebecca in the early game. Maybe seeing her outside of work on an off chance, like Hannah in the gym or Alice in the park? Regardless, whatever we get I’m sure we’ll enjoy!


There will be more stuff in a similar vein to the sci-fi scene in the next version. You’ll just have to wait and see who with :wink:

For those who don’t follow the patreon page (or simply can’t be bothered to read my rambling posts on there :stuck_out_tongue: ) there will also be a new replayable scene, as well as tweaks to some of the existing ones.

As for adding new early game content, this is something I’m still mulling over (meeting Rebecca in the gym (along with a few other bits and pieces) was actually exactly what I was going to add - well guessed @tacobitetoughguy! ) I’m not sure about adding a lot of extra stuff though. It’s already going to be a big game (0.5 is currently just over 3.5GB in size, and I still have a lot of images that I haven’t dropped in yet) and the more stuff I add, the bigger it’ll get. I do have a few ideas though that shouldn’t take up too much extra disk space, and if anyone has any suggestions, feel free to mention them :slight_smile:


Animation or short clip?

As I think I said ages ago, there won’t be any animation. For several reasons:-

Firstly, I’ve never done it. I’d have to learn how to animate and I simply don’t have the time. Every spare minute I have already goes on the game.

Secondly, a single image can take four hours or more to render. I’d imagine even a short animation would take a day or more to render.

Thirdly, moving images take up memory and the game is already huge.

Lastly, and most importantly, most of the assets in the game are purchased from the Daz store. They come with a basic licence which lets me produce static images. If I want to start producing any sort of animated images, then not only do I have to buy extended(and expensive) licences for every item used in the scene, but there are also lots of rules from the asset producers as to how their individual products can be used. It’d get way too complicated.

TL/DR… nope :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok, I understand. Thanks for the game you are giving us now, top


Have you ever think about make some short video of Alice weight gain separated from the game in free time?

not sure about how it would work if it could but what about using what happened in real life what with a quarantine so you have a couple of weeks were you have to work from home.

Im sure it has many flaws in the idea

I’m fine replaying the game if I can fatten up another character. I’m ok with either Hannah or Rebbeca even though I would prefer Hannah cause her fattening up with the curves she already has would look great. But I’m down with whatever can’t wait for next update.

What free time? I work full time and, at a conservative guess, I also put well over 100 hours a month into working on the game. I don’t have any free time.


I did consider putting some quarantine stuff in, but figured it would be a sore point with some, especially those who have lost relations or friends.


Proud belly fan here, so I’m really digging Alice and Becca’s growing potbellies.

I agree that animation is way way way way too much work for a VN. Why would I want 100 frames of animation when I could get 100 images instead? (Bad example but to illustrate just how much more work animation is).

Although I don’t think you should worry to much about filesize in general. Microsoft flight simulator is 90GB, modern games just take up a decent chunk of hdd space. Also the great thing about the VN game style is that it runs just GREAT on an hdd, aka a standard old fashioned platter hdd. Whereas modern triple a projects not only require 90gb but that space has to be on your SSD because loading times are insane. In a visual novel though load times are totally not an issue.


I’m painfully aware that this suggestion will be shot down, not only because it means revisiting and redoing old images, but also because it means making many iterations of the same scene, but…

…will there be a future option to change the look of the playable protagonist? Maybe from a bunch of presets, like, currently, he’s a fit, blond caucasian male, but picking another preset makes him into a tall latino male with a different outfit. Or even as a female preset. that can also gain alongside the other ladies…

…yeah, this is gonna be shot down, but it’s still nice to dream, maybe as a sort of “dlc” or expansion. I dunno.

You’ve pretty much answered your own question. Whilst a nice idea, it’s not going to happen. It would entail redoing virtually every image in the game and multiplying this by however many presets I added. There are currently around 1200 images, and there will be a lot more by the time I’m finished. The amount of time it would take just to add one alternative look, let alone several, would be ridiculous.


Yeah, in comparison to the average AAA title, my game is minute. But let’s face it, AAA it’s not, and for a game of this type, it’s pretty big.

At least you don’t have to install the thing. I recently tried to get back into RDR2 on the PS4. Over 30 minutes to install the thing (TWO blu-ray disks) and then a massive update to download on top of that. Zzzzzz 100GB of boredom :stuck_out_tongue:

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I wouldn’t complain about 100GB of Alice, jus’ saying :3