The Weighting Game - WIP

Hannah should reappear once Alice gains enough weight.

Not sure what part you might be on, but I also had a bit of difficulty with finding her when I first played. She may be at the gym if you haven’t checked there yet. Good luck searching (or gaining as @lardomos mentioned)!

I’ve really been enjoying this game, and I also became a patron, but I gotta admit I almost gave up in the beginning phases. For the most part that’s not the game’s fault, since it was about 75% because Alice spent so much time below the threshold I personally find attractive. But the other 25% was because things were honestly kinda confusing to me at first. It felt like I was fumbling around a lot,and not really sure of what I was doing. I knew it was about her “happiness”, but I was having trouble getting a read on how happy she was, or how much my choices were impacting her happiness.

I actually don’t want that feeling completely erased, because I think it does serve to make things feel more “organic”, and it feels rewarding once you’ve finally gotten her to begin eating more and responding positively to being teased. But perhaps there could be some method of seeing if you’re “doing it right” that’s a little more obvious without being completely transparent. Like adding more hints as an optional feature or something.

Still, once she hit about 180 and finally surpassed the minimum threshold of what I think is hot, I obviously had no more problems staying engaged with things.


I understand that one. I actually for fun play way too many days to make sure that I don’t miss anything. Most of the time it’s well over 300 days per update.

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All good! I reached the weight amount and I found Hannah at the gym. Is it linked to weight amount or does it really have to be two weeks after she stopped appearing? My initial confusion was that I associated the part about her dying her hair with a bar render scene that happens when you go get a drink, but turns out they’re completely not the same girl lmao. Thanks for the help!


Is there anyway to buy a year of support all at once on patreon rather than paying monthly? I think that’s an option I’ve seen on other user’s patreons but not on tiggertoos?

If Patreon had implemented this a few months ago, I’d probably give people that option. However, as things stand, the game will certainly be finished within another year, so it wouldn’t be fair to charge for a full years support.

Personally, I don’t think it’s a good feature. If people are going to pay for a year upfront then the creator is a lot less motivated to put in as much work if he/she already has the money.


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Hi there. Sorry for my english, it isn’t my native language. I want to express appreciation @tiggertoo for this game, it’s amazing! I spent a lot of hours for passing version 0.2 and after it I passed version 0.5 and again it was near 10 hours. And I want to ask. Could Alice or another characters participate in eating contest? Maybe between each other or in contest with other participants. It could be dispute between MC and Alice for example how many sausages she can eat. Maybe she will want to increase her stomach capacity. I don’t know, is it interesting for creator but for my it really interesting to watch for overeating and stuffing Alice and another characters. I followed you on Patreon, but I don’t want to write there because it will be with real name. I’m sorry for my English again, maybe some sentences looks strange. Thanks.

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Glad you’re enjoying it!

There aren’t any plans for actual eating contests, but in the next version of the game that continues the story (0.7), there will probably be some friendly eating rivalry between Alice and at least one other character.


Hey im trying to download 0.2 on pc but the link from patron says it requires a decryption key to access it (I don’t have a patron account so im making a comment here)

Edit: I am just stupid I clicked the link instead of copying the entire thing into the the url

It’s not you being stupid, it’s the daft way Patreon handles (or doesn’t handle) Mega links.

Glad you figured it out! I hope it was worth it :slight_smile:


New upload (0.55) is on the patreon page, but if you’ve already played 0.5, don’t get excited. I’ve had lots of requests to split the file into two to make it easier to download, so that’s what I’ve done. There are a few (very) minor tweaks to some of the variables, but nothing new in the way of content.


So, honest question, i’ve downloaded both files, but the second file doesn’t download as a zip file. I extract the first file and the game loads up, but I can’t get past the very first screen of the game, and I can’t do anything with the second file. I’m not really sure what to do here.

Okay so, this is a multipart zip, both files have to be next to each other somewhere, then you unzip the first one and it unzips both.

The 2nd one won’t unzip on it’s own it’s not a standalone part and when you unzip the first one you should get an error that the 2nd one is missing, although there will be a partial unzip of the first one yeah…

This is how all multipart zips and rars have worked for decades.

So, yeah, you must have downloaded part1, unzipped it, ignored any errors, deleted it, then downloaded part2, which is basically the only way to screw this up. If you just download both and then unzip the first one it’ll unzip all 4gb of data just fine. I just did it myself, and it worked fine.

edit: Oh or another way to mess it up is download part1, unzip part1, ignore the error, download part2, try to unzip part2, don’t bother retrying part1, then delete both.

Essentially all you need to do is have both parts next to each other in the same folder and unzip the first one and it works every time. But if you don’t do that, then yeah, it doesn’t work, because it can’t, because that’s how multi-part archives work. You need to keep in mind there’s a 4gb images file in the game installation folder, so neither the 2.5gb zip nor the 1.5gb zip contain that file, both COMBINED they do contain it, when they both exist.

Oh I’m using WinRAR, that might do it. I have both files still, but I assume there’s an additional step beyond the standard WinRAR download and extract lol.

Nope, there are no additional steps. You just have to download download extract instead of download extract download extract.

Okay, but that’s what I did. That’s the thing. I got no errors, because I downloaded one, downloaded the other, and then extracted the zip file into a folder I have for all my personal games.

Oh okay, so I just decided to make a test folder and do some moving, and when I had them in seperate folders outside of my download, I got the error you talked about when I tried to open up the WinRAR file. But I never got that the first time around, I just opened WinRAR no problems, and it extracted with no errors, and I couldn’t load the game.

well I use 7zip, and even when I did use winrar I didn’t open archives I right clicked on the file and used the context menu to extract… but…well… it works for me. I can’t say why it isn’t working for you…

I’m having some trouble imagining how it isn’t working. maybe something is wrong with your download and you don’t have 2.5gb first part and 1.5gb second part?