Thoughts on cheats?

Play the game. I might be an outlier, but still. Play the game. All the way.

Cheats are fine. If the game’s being a pain in the ass to the point that it’s not fun to play, do whatever you want to make it fun again.


Interesting perspectives, and I definitely enjoy seeing the reasonings behind the answers given, especially those given from more of a game developer stance!

I’m generally fine with cheats, although if a game reaches an annoying level of difficulty that requires cheating to beat it (as opposed to simply cheating to speed things up) then there’s a good chance I won’t even be playing the game anymore at that point. I don’t come across fetish games too often that have this particular problem, it’s usually more of a matter of me still needing to really learn the game mechanics, but I’m sure they’re still out there all the same, especially based on some of the other posts here.

I do feel like there are times where fetish-based artwork/content in a game usually has some context with it though, so I personally prefer to play up to the point where it actually appears as opposed to skipping to it. Of course, I don’t plan to knock anybody who skips to it themselves, just do whatever you find to be the most fun either way – no harm done at the end of the day!


Really depends on the game, but IMO most lewd games shouldn’t be designed with the concept of having the player play for huge amounts of time to get to the lewd content, since lewd content requires us to be solitary IRL, which I’d assume most of us have a problem with, especially now with everyone at home due to COVID.
I gladly cheat on lewd games like that.

For real, IMO, lewd games should not be designed like regular, non-lewd games, they need to be designed with the fact that we can’t play it on our Jumbotron TV sets in our living rooms, it has to be played on our computers in a room with the door locked, or played while the kids are at school, etc.

I like difficult games. I LOVE games where they’re designed to keep you at the screen for hours at a time.
I dislike lewd games that are too difficult or require you to play/grind for hours to get to the content you want.

EDIT: Honorable mention to Hungry Girls, the game where you fatten/expand girls, where everything works on shitty Chinese mobile game mechanics, like literal 8 hour timers IRL between sex scenes, and special events that run on/around holidays.


Bonuses to living alone.


The Big Fat Vore RPG, now playing at 4K resolution in your living room!

Similar to what others have mentioned, I don’t like to spend much time on playing games, as I am a bit of a workaholic. So I cheat or extract to appreciate the work. Though I approach most games this way as I’m an explorer gamer. I mainly get enjoyment from finding all of the stuff not being challenged. That’s just how I learnt to play games due to the Lego games probably.

Also cheating/extracting can be rewarding. Learning different software/engines , looking for the best way to view compressed data, recreating assets the game usually makes. I learnt JavaScript/ActionScritp and wrote a python script just to get into one game.

I typically like to start with a “vanilla” playthrough on most games with no cheats or mods. Depending on the time investment and how much I like the gameplay loop, I may cheat on subsequent runs to speed things along.

This goes double for games that are works in progress where saves get broken with each new build. As new builds are released, it can be daunting to start a new playthrough from scratch to see a few new end game pieces of content.

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For me it depends I normally play without Cheats if the game is fun and fair but if the game is hard and i have to unlock sometime or the Game is a mess and it keep freezing and crashing them I may cheat.

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There are times where cheating was the only way for me to enjoy the game, whether it be too hard for me, or the combat is wonky and makes it harder than it needs to be, but I really want to experience the story. An example for me would be the Witcher 3; it took me 3 attempts to actually play the game. On the last one I said “Fuck it, I’m shit at the combat, I’m going to install a command line mod, and make myself an absurd level.” I was then able to play the game and figure out what an idiot I was for waiting 5 years to play that damn game.

In lewd games, you bet your ass I’m gonna cheat the second things get too hard for me to use only one hand. I’m a degenerate that wants to see the weight gain.

jesus christ i nearly wrote out an entire essay on “why i cheat in lewd games” when that last sentence sums it up nicely.


It depends on the game and the person playing it. Personally, I prefer a lighter challenge when playing fetish games, as the challenge isn’t what I’m there for. Developers can treat cheats as a tool for players who are less interested in the challenge or grind than the kink stuff, perhaps like an easy mode.


Personally, I think it’d depend on the game. Like, I don’t wanna cheat on a first playthrough, but future playthroughs I think I wouldn’t mind cheating more on. Once I’ve gotten through what a game has to offer, I don’t wanna go through the grind again to get to any specific point I want, since I’ve already gotten there the first time.


Cheating in a game, for me, is dependent on multiple factors, including difficulty and if the cheat is in game or not. If the game is notorious for it’s difficulty, then I’m going to have to take every edge I can get, at least for the first playthrough, though if the cheats for it are in game then it doesn’t feel as wrong using them. Though if the game is easy, then I’m not gonna bother with cheats until my 2nd playthrough, even if the cheats are part of the game.

I’ve said it earlier in the thread, but I’ll say it again; if a lewd game requires me to grind for hours, or relies on tiny % RNG chances, I’ll cheat the hell out of it. It’s padding, and I don’t want to play some okayish game for 5-10 hours just to get to the second or third lewd scene, no matter how good the lewd bits are.

Grinding, low % chance stuff, and difficulty, I guess. Seems like there’s quite a few lewd RPG Maker games where the devs decided to make their game hard (coughcough enemies have huge amounts of HP and take forever to kill cough) and it makes the game take 5x as long to get anywhere. It’s usually made worse by people using stock, nonlewd assets for the filler, too, so it’s not like you’re getting to look at fun things in the process.
I’ll gladly cheat on a game like this, honestly I cheat on 99% of lewd RPG Maker games, the only exceptions I can think of off the top of my head are Some Bullshit, that Seeds of game here (why the hell are there, like, 5 recent lewd RPG Maker games with “Seeds of” in the name, holy shit), and that Unnamed Stuffing RPG game.


I cheat a lot, and it’s really just a matter of whether I feel like the gameplay is engaging/satisfying, or whether it’s a chore to get to something else. I’m bad at all kinds of video games, so I’ve been cheating for a long time to get the experience I want.

I can get art anywhere, but games are fun because they’re interactive, and they create a different kind of experience. Cheating might help me tweak that experience, but I’m not going to go to the trouble of cheating in a game I don’t want to play. After all, that’s extra work.


Oh wait, I just thought of this. What constitutes as cheating? If it’s a mechanic ingame that instantly gives you X amount of something, that could definitely be exploited as an obvious cheat. But would save scumming or repeatedly loading up a save file to try and get a different result count as cheating?

Eh that is a bit more on personal preference, everyone has their own idea what cheating is. Personally if a game suddenly gives me tons of money or easy access to abilities that should take a long time to reach (despite numerous attempts to debug) I argued it is perfectly for the game, a more perfectly balanced game in general. However save scumming or repeating the same action to get a particular result to me feels like cheating as your using something akin to god powers by shutting off and turning on the game.

Then again in speedrunning SM64 depending on which run you’re doing can determine whether you can use the bunny skip or that you have to BLJ on the stairs (as using the bunny skip would render the run illegitimate).

i cheaten on FTA and honestly messing with values was good fun and despite no images the imagination made it worth it. i have tried playing with no cheats but i used knowledge from my cheat streaks

Things like debug modes in some WG games are great. Also, one time, I came across a modded version of the Flash game Angry Chubby (obviously based on Rovio’s Angry Birds) that allowed the player to not only have everything unlocked but also have the player cause all characters’ unified weight to max out without having to repeatedly play through the game.

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I personally allow QOL cheats if their single player games like starbound

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