Thoughts on Health

I should first define myself. I am not a (intentional) gainer–I actually would not mind losing a few to get my family off my back. I am not a feeder. I am not even an active encourager/enabler. It may be shocking, but I do not even like the idea of deliberate gaining; it is a deal-breaker for me. I am and will always be a lurker, and this is because of the conflict between my distinct tastes and my moral compass. I will always endeavor keep my shameful fetish solely between me and my electronic devices.

With that out of the way, I now turn to the title of the thread. The bottom line is that many (but NOT ALL) of those health consequences are the core of my attraction. It is the reason I do not like “muscleguts,” nor the “healthier” obese people who carry their weight relatively well. I emphasize “not all” because there are some extreme effects that are turn-offs for me. These include things like heart attacks/failure, hygiene issues, dependence on oxygen, and immobility. The technical medical consequences such as diabetes and hypertension do not appeal, either.

So what is my ideal? Simply put, the climax of my masturbation is thinking about how someone is on the edge of experiencing the aforementioned “extreme effects.” Joint and muscle pain? I love fantasizing the burn. Limited stamina? I drool over the details. Sweating? Yes, as long as they clean themselves up afterwards. Rapid heartbeat from basic exertion so bad it starts to hurt? A real soft spot for me. And the labored wheezing to the point where an oxygen mask would be welcome for a minute or two? The holy grail.

If you are repulsed by my deepest urges, you are not alone. I am ashamed of my sadistic nature. Thus, I will never act upon my fantasies in reality. I understand the slippery slope. My ideal scenario for an obese subject is unsustainable, to say nothing of how selfish it is. To summarize, my dream boy would remain (much to his dismay) just on the brink of life-threatening consequences, with poor health that would never reach the dire levels of requiring outside assistance. His predicament would be exclusively self-inflicted, but also against his wishes to lose weight.