Tribal Hunter game is released!

Tribal Hunter 1st official release! buy game on link below and redeem on steam, or just directly buy on steam.

soundtrack and art book:


Bookmarking it for a later purchase!

It will be interesting to see how well this plays :smiley:

Ps: Seems like my friends just got me the steam version moments before i could wishlist it XD


Might be a good excuse to get my alternate steam account setup lol.

Oh excellent! I had been excited about your game but had no idea it was coming out so soon, so this is a really pleasant surprise! Definitely gonna give it a buy and check it out, really like the weight gain mechanics I’ve seen so far and platformers are my favorite.

awww that soundtrack art looks so cute

thank you! hope you like it :smiley:

it’s took more than I assumed, but I’m glad it’s out now :slight_smile:

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It’s really nice! I like it so much too

I just bought it today and can’t wait to see the other bosses if the game keeps my save data but so far my save file is doing just fine. Anyways I’m really excited this game came out earlier this month I’ve waited about a year for this game to come out and I’ll finally get to have the full experience of this amazing game

Major congrats on the release! I still remember when it was just a little demo some years back that only had the pig forest, so makes me super glad to see it become a full game after all this time! Likewise, I’ve been enjoying my experience of the game quite a bit so far, although I probably died more times to overeating than anything else uwu.

I look forward to any future updates to the game though if more stuff is still planned for it post-release, or if there’s any other games the team plans to release in the future! Of course, if this is more of a one-off thing, then thanks a bunch for leaving us with this absolute gem of a game!

thank you, hope you like it!

thanks a lot. we still got things to do such as bug fix and multiple language supports. :slight_smile:

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Played it, beat it, enjoyed it. One question. How can I got back and get the other mushrooms I missed? My file has me locked right before the final boss and I have no idea how to go back.

Loving it so far, and I’m happy my reputation for pendulum luck is already preceding me! Got a crash from possession, and I have no clue where to put it, so imma plop it here. I’m so happy to see a project with so much affection come to fruition.

action number 1
of Step Event0
for object parent_entity:

Unable to find instance for object index 1221
at gml_Script_swallow_complete
gml_Script_swallow_complete (line -1)
gml_Object_parent_Enemy_Step_0 (line -1)
gml_Object_obj_ectoplasm_Step_0 (line -1)

From what I can tell, this crash is caused by a ghost trying to possess you while already possessed and inhaling. Conflicting animations, I assume.

It seems to also apply at a specific size too… How odd…

Oh, and don’t die inside the ghost doll. It crashes.

Don’t stand behind Killsha when she inhales. It’ll throw you out of bounds… Luckily, the game will plop you back in the arena’s center… Eventually…

Hey, I bought the game and finished it, and I just want to say it was fantastic! I’d like to know, though, are there any plans for additional characters as DLC in the future?

Other metroidvanias often have extra playable characters who were bosses or side characters in the main character’s story, usually with slightly different mechanics. I think this could do wonders to extend the lifespan of the game.

The fox especially seems like he would be a great fit for a new playthrough, and I think his abilities would translate to Munch’s moveset pretty well. It would also be interesting to see if he would fight Munch as a boss if you play as him.


Wound up playing through the game in one sitting - it was quite a bit longer than I expected it to be, though that might be because I went for collecting all the mushrooms. I really enjoyed it! Enemy design was fantastic, especially the true final boss wow her dragon form was amazingly cute!

If you plan to make more updates to this, I would ask for a way to go back and explore after you beat the final boss. Being locked into such a small portion of the game at the end feels bad.

And echoing the extra playable characters suggestion - I’d love to see the final boss be playable, but that’s just me having fallen in love with her design and wanting to see more of her.

Can you also put it up for sale on

I think i got some more info about that one, posted it on the steam forums but it might be better to check for stuff here.

On my end, i find out that inhaling the ectoplams cause crashes. like, the 2 times it happened to me, in 2 different situations, different part of the code cried for help.

Vacuuming ectoplasm while possessed

action number 1
of Step Event0
for object parent_entity:

Unable to find instance for object index 1221
at gml_Script_swallow_complete
gml_Script_swallow_complete (line -1)
gml_Object_parent_Enemy_Step_0 (line -1)
gml_Object_obj_ectoplasm_Step_0 (line -1)

vacuuming ectoplasm* normally

action number 1
of Other Event: Animation End
for object obj_Player:

Creating instance for non-existing object: -4
at gml_Object_obj_Player_Other_7
gml_Object_obj_Player_Other_7 (line -1)

@skyox also tagging you in hopes that this sudo- bug report helps narrow-down the issue! (best case, its already fixed.)

Anyone knows where is the second boss in Shadowland (besides the wizard)? It shows up on my map but I don’t know where to access it. I am at the end of the game (DD’s castle) and I want to know if it is accessible yet, and how?

I am not sure if it happened to anyone else, but during the true ending after defeating The Holy Spirit, after the scene with DD, the game loads a black, silent screen, and after pressing enter, it showed the loading icon, and the game crashed. Sadly I forgot to save the error log, so I can’t know if it was a one-off crash or a serious glitch.

Edit: After reloading the game, the ending played properly, with no scenes skipped or looped, and did not crash, so it was a one-off.