Tribal Hunter game is released!

Hello! I bought your game this week and I’m just blown away by the love, work, and attention put into Tribal Hunter. It’s a fully-fledged indie game with backtracking and difficulty, and of course, fun! It’s definitely worth the price of admission, and I hope others get to experience this incredible game!!

I just have one question: after getting the true ending, is there a postgame? I get sent back to the checkpoint before the final battle, where the rest of the map is closed off.
Anyone else who’s played the full game, I’d really appreciate it if you have an answer!

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so i dont know what happened but while playing everything reset
i was in the snowy area had got the max size cap i think and then next thing i know i have 600 fullness max all abilities are gone then my save is gone any idea or way to help?